Rick Jeanneret

And this series is going back to where Jimmy Hoffa is!!

What a call.

Top shelf, where Momma hides the cookies is another legendary one...wasn't in that video though...and he used it a bunch.
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The night of the May Day call/game, a bunch of us were at my buddy's and I got through to the Hockey Hotline with Jim Lorentz and Mike Robitaille after the game...they essentially hung up on my 17 year old ass after listening to half of my question. I was trying to ask who they thought Buffalo would fare better against in the next round, but someone had just asked who they thought the Sabres would be playing and they thought I was asking the same question.

I'm pretty sure it's still on a VHS tape somewhere.
Back when Ted Darling was the Sabres TV guy, you could only hear Rick on AM radio. Countless nights falling asleep as a young child listening to Rick on WGR550...he almost painted a picture which could make you think you could actually see what was happening.

Amazing memories I'm sure every hockey fan my age (or close to it) in WNY has to this day. I remember getting to college as a freshman and dudes from Rochester, Syracuse, Rockaway, and all over New York knowing who he was and talking about how great he made a game.
Sabres will make the playoffs this year. They should’ve last year.