Richmond - stltk


Pretty much a regular
Races won from starting pos 1: 23 [of 119 races]
Races won from starting pos 2: 13
Races won from starting pos 3: 17
Races won from starting pos 4: 9
Races won from starting pos 5: 5
Races won from starting pos 6: 7
Races won from starting pos 7: 11
Races won from starting pos 8: 2
Races won from starting pos 9: 2
Races won from starting pos 10: 3
Races won from starting pos 11: 1
Races won from starting pos 12: 2
Races won from starting pos 13: 2
Races won from starting pos 14: 3
Races won from starting pos 16: 3
Races won from starting pos 17: 2
Races won from starting pos 19: 1
Races won from starting pos 20: 2
Races won from starting pos 21: 1
Races won from starting pos 22: 2
Races won from starting pos 23: 1
Races won from starting pos 24: 1
Races won from starting pos 25: 1
Races won from starting pos 26: 2
Races won from starting pos 28: 1
Races won from starting pos 31: 1
Races won from the top 5: 67 of 119
Races won from the top 10: 92 of 119
X race
jr .05 = .225
Austin .05 = .3

not much value out there today. don't like any of the matchups.
To w
Jr. .05 = .9
Hamlin .05 = .425
Kurt B. .05 = .9
Kenseth .05 = .45
Edwards .05 = .425
Probably think Harvick, JJ or Kyle come out on top, put numbers aren't really good enough to make sense on play if you pick all 3. Thought I would take a chance on these 5.
menard over biffle .145 = .1
newman over mcmurray .15 = .1
Jr over chase .145 = .1
Jr over truex .105 = .1
kurt over truex .11 = .1
Hamlin over logano .1 = .1
thanks capt and wise.
cole - im hoping jr learned something yesterday that works for him today
an ideal mind is a dangerous think. Just went all in on Gibbs cars
Hamlin .05 = .475
kyle .05 = .2875
kenseth .05 = .475
Edwards .05 = .6

Hamlin .1 = .275
kyle .1 = .17
kenseth .1 = .275
Edwards .1 = .25

Hamlin .1 = .1
kyle .13 = .1
kenseth .1 = .12
Edwards .1 = .115
To w
Jr. .05 = .9
Hamlin .1 = .9
Kurt B. .05 = .9
Kenseth .1 = .925
Edwards .1 = 1.025
kyle .05 = .2875
1-5 + .625

Hamlin .1 = .275
kyle .1 = .17
kenseth .1 = .275
Edwards .1 = .25
2-2 +.22

Hamlin .1 = .1
kyle .13 = .1
kenseth .1 = .12
Edwards .1 = .115
2-2 +.015

menard over biffle .145 = .1
newman over mcmurray .15 = .1
Jr over chase .145 = .1
Jr over truex .105 = .1
kurt over truex .11 = .1
Hamlin over logano .1 = .1
1-5 -.55
total for the day +.36
grand total +2.1125
Last edited:
ended up positive for the day. gave a lot back in the match ups. need to get better on those or stop playing!
late adds with the gibbs cars paid off. probably not smart move, but sometimes you get lucky.