Rhonda Rousey


Pretty much a regular
I mentioned this in a post a couple days ago. Rhonda Rousey was so crushed by her loss that became obsessed with this fight. In many ways she reminded me of Jeff Fisher. Lots of window dressing to play the part and almost act if she's won already but when the onion gets peeled back, there's nothing there. 40 second KO and Fishers firing have a lot in common. Well before results would show their identity, they both took the approach of champion just in case it didn't work. The manner that both were taken out to me is very similar. Amanda Nunez is fun to root for. Now there's a champion
Rousey = Fisher? That's the ultimate insult coming from you, wise. Any Rousey-Bradford similarities?
I think her stand up just hasn't gotten better and she is finally fighting people who understand that if you don't let her get you to the ground, you can beat her up. I still think she kicks Mayweathers ass but these girls she is fighting now are hard to take down and her ability to take a punch appears questionable.

I lost a bet on Rousey last night. Just thought the $ value of her winning was too much to ignore. UFC makes so much more money if she wins that fight over Nunes.

Friend has a screensaver
She's mentally weak. The writing was on the wall after the Holly Holm fight. Was the most dominant fighter in her prime but when faced with a little adversity, she crumbled.
lol I just saw the video of the fight
wow hunny maybe attempt to move your head, she was a sitting duck, she was like a human heavy bag
all the months to prepared lol now go away please rousey.
She's mentally weak. The writing was on the wall after the Holly Holm fight. Was the most dominant fighter in her prime but when faced with a little adversity, she crumbled.


I had Rousey thinking I was on the right side of the fix but deep down wanted her to get ktfo.

Mental is everything with two individuals in a ring. She doesn't have it anymore.

She might be the in the psych ward after this.

Nunes height and reach, combined with her punching power and ground game is lethal. She seems to be very driven too.

Want to see her and cyborg next.

Ronda can go make another movie. She's done..
I completely ignored the mental aspect of this. Live and learn. This shit is so psychological. Prime example is Conor.. He's won before the fight starts 95% of the time. Diaz is a great match up for Conor because Diaz doesn't give af. Alvarez and Aldo were dressed down before the bell even rang.
I was right on this one, wrong on Cruz. Nunes completely wrecked Tate. Hard to take like 13 months off then come back and beat a world champ. No idea what her strategy was in that fight. She is not a boxer, yet she tried to stand and exchange (although she landed zero).

She needs to get some humility, join a real fight camp, that has real fighters who compete on a daily. Working by yourself and not competing and training with others is limiting her abilities.
I was right on this one, wrong on Cruz. Nunes completely wrecked Tate. Hard to take like 13 months off then come back and beat a world champ. No idea what her strategy was in that fight. She is not a boxer, yet she tried to stand and exchange (although she landed zero).

She needs to get some humility, join a real fight camp, that has real fighters who compete on a daily. Working by yourself and not competing and training with others is limiting her abilities.
Sweet head movement lol:hang:
Moved a lot ....just after contact.
Actually she didn't move at all.
was a heavy bag sitting still
was hilarious to see...
anyone who trained her needs to be canned for life
i mean really that was so bad
the target(her ugly face) didn't move.