RG3 and The Skins- For Better of Worse


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<header style="width: 640px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;">[h=1]Report: RG3 asked coaches to stop showing negative plays on film[/h]By Will Brinson | NFL Writer

<time class="storyDate" pubdate="" datetime="2013-11-24T16:09:03Z" style="display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 10px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style: italic; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);">November 24, 2013 11:09 am ET</time>
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</header><figure style="display: table; position: relative; float: left; margin: 0px 10px 20px 0px; padding: 0px;">
<figcaption style="display: table-caption; caption-side: bottom; font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: 700; line-height: 1.4em;">RG3 and the Skins have lost four out of five to fall into last place in the NFC East. (USATSI)</figcaption></figure>No team attracts drama like the Washington Redskins. And the latest bit of rumored drama is a doozy, with Robert Griffin III reportedly asking coaches not to show his negative plays during film sessions.
That's the report from Mike Silver of NFL Network, who stirred up the pot Sunday by reporting that "at Baylor they didn't put RG3's bad plays up on the board in the meeting rooms. Sources familiar with the situation say they've asked the Redskins to do the same but they've refused to this point."
Mike Shanahan was asked about the report and, not surprisingly, wasn't happy about it. He called the claim from Silver "absolutely untrue," "completely false" and referred to it as "character assassination."
But wait! There's more!
Silver also reported that "inside the building when you talk to people familiar with this situation they perceive RG3 as kind of insecure especially about Kirk Cousins."
Silver said it's possible that Cousins' presence on the roster -- and RG3's reported insecurity with him -- could be why the Redskins quarterback rushed back from his ACL injury this past offseason.
But it's not all (reportedly) bad. Ian Rapoport said in the same segment that Shanahan and Griffin met "to clear the air" and that they are "working together and there is an air of positivity."
That doesn't exactly fit with the second piece of the narrative that Silver pushed, however, as he said that "RG3 has expressed to teammates his dissatisfaction with Mike Shanahan."
If RG3's unhappy with his coach it would explain why he was taking not-so-veiled shots at him during the postgame press conference after losing to the Eagles last Sunday.
The bottom line is this: Washington appears to be like a soap opera at this point. There's no telling what we might hear in advance of Monday night's matchup against the 49ers with the problems building around the Redskins.
If this is true, oh boy. Been a rocky stay in DC. Someone will go, and it likely will be the coach not the QB.

By the way Jim Rome(like him or not) had an absolute hilarious RG3 skit today about the gamefilm deal

Anyway. Maybe silky and whatever other skins fans we have here can have a take....really interesting timeline/situation
if this is true -- and given RGMe's personality and actions on and off the field, I certainly believe it -- this is the most LOLable nugget of the entire NFL season. think about it

what the FUCK is the point of watching film, if you don't want to watch adversity/your negative plays? film room STUDY is meant to help players fix issues, and get BETTER

RG3's whole complex he has going for him, it's why (that and his injury history) he'll never be a successful, long-term franchise QB in the NFL. what a self-absorbed drama queen
if this is true -- and given RGMe's personality and actions on and off the field, I certainly believe it -- this is the most LOLable nugget of the entire NFL season. think about it

what the FUCK is the point of watching film, if you don't want to watch adversity/your negative plays? film room STUDY is meant to help players fix issues, and get BETTER

RG3's whole complex he has going for him, it's why (that and his injury history) he'll never be a successful, long-term franchise QB in the NFL. what a self-absorbed drama queen

The so-called report is not that he doesn't want to watch film with his bad plays...it's that he doesn't want to do so with other guys in the film session. Not a big difference, I know, but a difference nonetheless.

And the report has been flat-out denied. Guys like Silver are nothing more than pot stirrers, TMZ-style reporters who do nothing but start controversy. It's really sad what our sports media, in general, has become.
Trent Williams would rather be cursed out by the ref or let Alden Williams get in his ass again all night?
so case closed, Luck was the best QB in that draft

that was always the case. he was always the most NFL-ready, looking at his skillset and watching the tape

as far as VALUE goes, though, from that class -- gotta look no further than Russell Wilson. such a smart, high-football-IQ having player. doesnt turn the ball over. lets his defense go to work without worrying about short fields, and he makes plays with his arms and legs
that was always the case. he was always the most NFL-ready, looking at his skillset and watching the tape

as far as VALUE goes, though, from that class -- gotta look no further than Russell Wilson. such a smart, high-football-IQ having player. doesnt turn the ball over. lets his defense go to work without worrying about short fields, and he makes plays with his arms and legs

We shall see about Russel Wilson in the years to come, I'm not sure that's an open and shut case. As you mentioned, he has a defense (a great one), and he also has a very good running game. I'm not saying he isn't what you've said he is, but he does look so good because of the rest of the team he has around him. Let's see how he does with a sub-par defense and mediocre running game...it may never happen, but a lot of QBs would look good in his situation.
We shall see about Russel Wilson in the years to come, I'm not sure that's an open and shut case. As you mentioned, he has a defense (a great one), and he also has a very good running game. I'm not saying he isn't what you've said he is, but he does look so good because of the rest of the team he has around him. Let's see how he does with a sub-par defense and mediocre running game...it may never happen, but a lot of QBs would look good in his situation.

agree with what you're saying, the verdict is definitely not in on RW yet.

Mark Sanchez, too, hid behind an excellent defense and running game in his first two seasons -- "led" team to AFC Championship in B2B seasons.
agree with what you're saying, the verdict is definitely not in on RW yet.

Mark Sanchez, too, hid behind an excellent defense and running game in his first two seasons -- "led" team to AFC Championship in B2B seasons.

comparing Sanchez to Wilson is blasphemy.. Sanchez was never good, even in college. Even after those playoff wins did you ever think he was a good QB? I never did.. Wilson on the other hand was the whole team for NCST and was great with Wisconsin, he really impressed me in college and I made a ton of money with him. Sanchez got beat by oregon st and was never that good.

Wilson is totally legit, Sanchez was a fraud.
comparing Sanchez to Wilson is blasphemy.. Sanchez was never good, even in college. Even after those playoff wins did you ever think he was a good QB? I never did.. Wilson on the other hand was the whole team for NCST and was great with Wisconsin, he really impressed me in college and I made a ton of money with him. Sanchez got beat by oregon st and was never that good.

Wilson is totally legit, Sanchez was a fraud.

Why is Wilson "totally legit" now, as an NFL QB? It hasn't even been 2 full seasons, and he's on the team with arguably the best defense, and one of the premier running games.
If only people would have just listened to me.....

Well, in a way, "people" did listen to you, he went 1st in the draft. And they even let Manning leave town so Luck could be the man.

What would be different if people on a message board listened to you? :p
If only people would have just listened to me.....

ugh, do i want to start again????

seriously though, we both are big football fans hwo know our stuff who have great disagreements on teh QB position. we could make it a pretty good running thread if you were interested instead of going at it on twitter about it.

fwiw, galty and i have been at it on twitter for years about qbs....mostly rg3 and foles. since day 1 i embraced both and galty hated both. our convos have gotten pretty solid imo, from analyzing individual qbs to discussing what actually makes a good qb in general.

my take: shut rg3 down now. hes done for 2013. get him a new coach over the offseason and some blocking. then come into 2014 with him. as an eagles fan, im more afraid of that than romo or eli.

i am not at all convinced he is 100% now
Well, in a way, "people" did listen to you, he went 1st in the draft. And they even let Manning leave town so Luck could be the man.

What would be different if people on a message board listened to you? :p

galty loves white pro style qbs who compare to john elway only. any other college qb he thinks sucks balls
Shut him down and give Cousins a chance to start a qb controversy? RG3 already has a complex in regards to Kirk.
Dan Patrick talked about all the criticism Cam was getting his second season, and how it is similar to RG...made a good point. we might be jumping to conclusions here
so as it stands, 6th and 39th overall in 2012, 22nd overall in 2013, and right now 3rd overall in 2014 for RG3

the Rams traded the picks around in 2012 and 2013 (moved back and picked up some 2nd/3rds) but that's essentially it

looking at the other teams in that area (Hous, ATL, Minny, Jax, TB) I think it could end up at as high as 2nd
so as it stands, 6th and 39th overall in 2012, 22nd overall in 2013, and right now 3rd overall in 2014 for RG3

the Rams traded the picks around in 2012 and 2013 (moved back and picked up some 2nd/3rds) but that's essentially it

looking at the other teams in that area (Hous, ATL, Minny, Jax, TB) I think it could end up at as high as 2nd
so you obv say it wasnt worth it?

my thing is, he seems to be somewhat of a fraud. I just cant believe all this shit leaks out when it is clear the skins are 100% on him and Shanny is gone

Is Shanny and his team leaking all this> Maybe, but he cant treat RG-me like a puppet and give the interviews

Just very weird.....

Off topic but Sam Bradford is the luckiest man alive
so you obv say it wasnt worth it?

my thing is, he seems to be somewhat of a fraud. I just cant believe all this shit leaks out when it is clear the skins are 100% on him and Shanny is gone

Is Shanny and his team leaking all this> Maybe, but he cant treat RG-me like a puppet and give the interviews

Just very weird.....

Off topic but Sam Bradford is the luckiest man alive

Its tough to say

Right now its obviously looking bad, from a value point the rams wouldnt deal Washington's pick this year alone back to them for rg3

But before he got hurt last year most people probly wouod have guessed the pick this year ends up in the 15-24 range and not 2-4 and said Washington got the better end

I have been critical of Robert and he needs to be coached up a bit this offseason, but he hasn't been the skins only issue

Get rid of shanahan and get him some more talent and lets see what he has next Sept 100% healthy
so as it stands, 6th and 39th overall in 2012, 22nd overall in 2013, and right now 3rd overall in 2014 for RG3

the Rams traded the picks around in 2012 and 2013 (moved back and picked up some 2nd/3rds) but that's essentially it

looking at the other teams in that area (Hous, ATL, Minny, Jax, TB) I think it could end up at as high as 2nd

Rams got Brockers, Jenkins, Pead, Watkins, Ogletree, Bailey, Stacy, & WAS’s 2014 1st, right now it sits as number 2. Crazyness.
Disgusting. He looks flat out awful out there right now. He isn't the same qb as last year. He doesn't have the quickness on the run at all. He got run down bad by Tuck last night. You wouldn't have seen that before the injury. He also is making awful reads, and just doesn't look good back there at all. Kid is night and day from what he was last season....
It's not even the fact his mechanics are off abd that he's not as quick, he can't read a defense, if the first option isnt there he takes off, even with no pressure, he doesn't even scan the field. Horrible!!!
Disgusting. He looks flat out awful out there right now. He isn't the same qb as last year. He doesn't have the quickness on the run at all. He got run down bad by Tuck last night. You wouldn't have seen that before the injury. He also is making awful reads, and just doesn't look good back there at all. Kid is night and day from what he was last season....

I came away thinking this was one of his top 3 performances of the year. Clearly he doesn't have the same quickness as last year and I'm hoping taking the brace off next year will help. He'll also have a full offseason including working on his mechanics.

But, as for last night, I thought he played well. 3 throws that didnt hit the target and 2 of those were well downfield, the third was a bad route run by Garcon. The other incompletions were all drops, most in the last 2 drives. He has a tendency to try and hold on to the ball and hit the big play and bypassing open guys underneath, I thought he did much better at that last night. (rarely see 7 throws to RBs for him). Last night and Minny were the best he's looked at getting off his first read and hitting a secondary receiver.

He clearly hasn't been the same this year and some of that has to be injury related. He needs to step up, but they also have to get him some weapons. Jordan Reed will help, but they need to get some help at WR and Garcon is clearly just a good number 2 type possession guy. Robinson, Moss, Hankerson are all terrible.
Yeah Dollaz - Drops hurt him last night. My statement was more about him this season, and not just directed at his game last night.

But he looks painfully slow, and is not making good reads. Your point that he doesn't have any weapons is certainly valid. How the Skins were penalized for going over the cap in an uncapped season still makes zero sense to me.

I honestly think they should keep Shanny. While I get irritated with him at times, scrapping his system and starting over AGAIN just isn't in the cards.
IM in the minority as well. Keep Shanny, let RG3 and Cousins work with Kyle and company for the 3rd straight year...the offense is far less of a problem than the defense and special teams. Start over on defense and special teams including new coaches. They get 18 million back to work with and have picks at the top of each round other than the first.
Then you want to give Shanny an extension, cuz I surely don't want a dead man walking/lame duck spending team money/making org moves & coaching franchise player. Ever see how a husband/wife act when they know it's over but still have to live together for a year? See war of the roses? If Shanny stays you have to extend him & he's done nothing to earn an extension
Yeah, Im in favor of an extension. Results this year arent there, but won division last year. Personnel wise they've added a lot in the past couple years with him there. Garcon, Reed, RG3/Cousins, Morris, Kerrigan, Amerson, etc. Last 2 years had to work with an 18 million dollar handicap.

I agree record wise, he doesn't deserve and extension. But, I also believe he's worked with 1 arm tied behind back with the cap penalty and RG3 injury. I would extend him 3 years knowing that he has 1 year to prove himself. Who else are we going to get that's as good of a coach? I have a ton of respect for Mike Shanahan. For the people that blame his success on Elway, I don't buy it.
Yeah, Im in favor of an extension. Results this year arent there, but won division last year. Personnel wise they've added a lot in the past couple years with him there. Garcon, Reed, RG3/Cousins, Morris, Kerrigan, Amerson, etc. Last 2 years had to work with an 18 million dollar handicap.

I agree record wise, he doesn't deserve and extension. But, I also believe he's worked with 1 arm tied behind back with the cap penalty and RG3 injury. I would extend him 3 years knowing that he has 1 year to prove himself. Who else are we going to get that's as good of a coach? I have a ton of respect for Mike Shanahan. For the people that blame his success on Elway, I don't buy it.

u don't buy it? after Elway retired lobster face went to tha playoffs 4 out of 10 years in denver. 40% in 10 seasons wit all tha talent there doesn't show great coaching. he won 2 superbowls in tha 4 seasons him an Elway were together there.

8-12 as tha raiders head coach 40%
91-69 after Elway retired 56.875%
24-35 as foreskins head coach 40.67%

123-116 51.46% as a head coach witout john Elway. not hatin since god does hate tha skins, but look at last season after he gave up on tha team after startin 3-6 then go on to win 7 straight, win tha division an make tha playoffs. that was a very fuckin lucky run, shit like that u don't see an wont see normally. tha NFL defenses have gotten better that tha gimmick O styles tha read option san fran an wash ran last year haven't been as good because this is tha big times. same shit wit tha wildcat, Miami an other teams ran it well then teams can stop it. lobster face is an average head coach, nothing more nothing less.
so you obv say it wasnt worth it?

my thing is, he seems to be somewhat of a fraud. I just cant believe all this shit leaks out when it is clear the skins are 100% on him and Shanny is gone

Is Shanny and his team leaking all this> Maybe, but he cant treat RG-me like a puppet and give the interviews

Just very weird.....

Off topic but Sam Bradford is the luckiest man alive

someone here posted about tha trade a few days after tha draft. a statistician broke down tha trade for rg3-13 an basically said for it to be an even trade rg would have to have tom bradys career. this deal will never be even, ever. rams stole from Washington value wise.