Rexy's Week 9 Niffel...


CTG Regular
Fresh off an unbeaten week, let's try one tonight.

Carolina +3 +105 medium 2u.

How can the Saints of all teams lay points outside?

There has been one road favorite get the keesh on TNF this year and that team was up 24-0 after one quarter and ended up life and death to win the game outright.

Home teams have such a big edge in these spots, and it's a division game. No way in hell Saints can lay this tariff, and in fact shouldn't be laying period. My number here is PICK; it's an easy take in this spot for the home puppy, which always plays NO tough to begin with.


no sides today :(

I am on Minnesota UNDER 44 today against the Redskins. Griffin first game back from another long injury so would expect some conservative calls today. Minny offense better at home under their rookie QB but would expect him to game manage so long as the Viking defense can do their job. Think this is the best play on the board. Call it medium 2u.

Also looking at Denver/NE OVER after the overadjustment for weather that won't be near as bad as these TV idiots are driving the masses to lead it to believe. I'll wait it out, maybe I get 48 but it will be a bet. Wind will subside, snow will turn to rain if anything, and you're giving me the best player ever, guaranteed to get to 31 minimum regardless of the weather with NE missing their best DE and LB... and a top-15 QB that's almost certain to find a way to 20 himself at least. I would love Denver also but my number doesn't support laying 3; maybe i'll buck it a little if the side comes down at all... but OVER is the play I like after seeing it rammed down through four key numbers so far....

Back in a bit, 1 play for now, GL...

no sides today :(

I am on Minnesota UNDER 44 today against the Redskins. Griffin first game back from another long injury so would expect some conservative calls today. Minny offense better at home under their rookie QB but would expect him to game manage so long as the Viking defense can do their job. Think this is the best play on the board. Call it medium 2u.

Also looking at Denver/NE OVER after the overadjustment for weather that won't be near as bad as these TV idiots are driving the masses to lead it to believe. I'll wait it out, maybe I get 48 but it will be a bet. Wind will subside, snow will turn to rain if anything, and you're giving me the best player ever, guaranteed to get to 31 minimum regardless of the weather with NE missing their best DE and LB... and a top-15 QB that's almost certain to find a way to 20 himself at least. I would love Denver also but my number doesn't support laying 3; maybe i'll buck it a little if the side comes down at all... but OVER is the play I like after seeing it rammed down through four key numbers so far....


Agree completely. Played o49-127 and o56+192... line drop perception based when both teams have offenses that are clicking and if anything Denver's d has overachieved. Was going to try and wait out for a 48, but (hopefully) I don't think it matters
from what I see, the wind is only subsiding from about 25-30 to 20-22 mph around game time…w some big gusts. but I have the under at 54.5 and if it drops to 48 i will probably try to middle it

gl today rex
thanks for the comments; wind not a big factor at Gillette as much as people perceive it to be. And it should let up and I don't worry about the gusts
Vikings been awful whole game, only down 10-7, i gonna bail out of my total for 2/3rds or so...

try Wash/Minny OVER 21.5 small-ish 1.3 units.
2H Rammer +6 i looking for medium to big 2.5 u... Rammers causing all sorts of havoc up front, should be competitive for 60 full mins
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nice hit on Rams and 2H over in Foxboro.

Would love your thoughts on tonight's game especially with the line steaming up to PIT -2 in some spots. I grabbed PIT at PK earlier today. I think they roll. Ravens been beating up on bad teams and PIT looking for revenge.
got 0 opinion in this spot. Every time Pitt comes off a big win in the past and with Ravens on deck, they lay a turd.

I would only have Balty ML at this price based on that, and me making the game PICK.
