Rex Ryan's awesome tattoo


One of trus baby mommas
1. It's not a foot so I can't give it more than an 8 on a scale from 1-10. But it does have feet in it which accounts for the 8.

2. Grump is right. I mean, really really right.

3. Hahahaha, she's wearing a Suckchize jersey.
Let this be a lesson to you youngsters with the tats. That's how they look on an old guy at the beach. Looks like he did that thing on himself in the mirror.
Id bet money that its fake. No fucking way would he have his wife wearing a Sanchez jersey while Tebowing. He knew there would be photographers around.
jets are the gift that keeps on giving, seriously...when you think it can't get any better, they just step it up to the next level