Report: Ferentz offered UM job...


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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Say Hello To My Little Ferentz

<STYLE>#fullpost {display:none;}</STYLE>Woo! Rumors, these. Not facts. The first and foremost is really close to a fact type thing, as close as these things can be, but if the most likely outcome... er... comes out, no one will ever know if this was true or not. So take the following FWIW, which is not to say I lack confidence in the voracity of the following... it's just that much of it is, by its very nature, un-confirmable. Thus the "rumormongering" label and not the "actual news" label. End justifications.

I've sat on this a couple days waiting for some third-party corroboration and now I have it: Kirk Ferentz has been offered the Michigan job. The general feeling is he will turn it down out of fidelity to Iowa, in case you were thinking of making a late-night run to Ann Arbor (or Iowa City) Torch & Pitchfork. I do realize that this -- unlike the Lloyd thing -- is unlikely to ever be publicly acknowledged if Ferentz turns it down, but this comes from someone in a position to know, and how. The third-party corroboration comes from a couple Iowa insiders reporting things afoot that, unfortunately, I am not at liberty to disclose.

Suffice it to say that Wednesday's post on Ferentz not making sense and this being a weird rumor is withdrawn: there's a real chance he's the next coach. It's not probable given Ferentz's deep ties to Iowa, but it's not Kevin Stallings as I suggested earlier.

BONUS item that I don't have multiple sources on, so consider this not 100% reliable, but logical: Grand Valley's athletic director has been contacted by a Michigan representative doing due diligence on Brian Kelly. That representative? Lloyd Carr. That might explain the prominence in Ferentz in the search. The Horror, evidently, was not enough to shake Carr's influence despite the claims made in his outgoing press conference.

BONUS BONUS item: Grand Valley's AD has been contacted by another athletic director doing background checks on Kelly. His name? Kevin White. His school? Notre Dame.
The rumor right now is Ferentz then Kelly then Miles.

Which makes no sense. I would reverse those names.

Then again, they may be going after 2 coaches secure in their jobs in order to buy some time to buy out Miles' contract and work out the details while Miles is coaching LSU through the year.
I never understood the love with this guy. Never really impressed me. Give me Les Miles by a mile over Ferentz.
The rumor right now is Ferentz then Kelly then Miles.

Which makes no sense. I would reverse those names.

Then again, they may be going after 2 coaches secure in their jobs in order to buy some time to buy out Miles' contract and work out the details while Miles is coaching LSU through the year.

Kelly would be far and away my top choice of those three. Miles is a moron and Ferentz hasn't done shit recently. The whole Buckeye nation would welcome Miles with open arms. I would love to see all the dumb decisions he makes over the next 5-10 years.
I would go Kelly-Ferentz-Miles. Miles has some of the worst game management I've ever seen, although since it has worked he gets a lot of credit...still, some moronic decisions. If they get Miles they can pretty much assure themselves of continuing the lovable loser label that they are starting to get...
Kelly would be far and away my top choice of those three. Miles is a moron and Ferentz hasn't done shit recently. The whole Buckeye nation would welcome Miles with open arms. I would love to see all the dumb decisions he makes over the next 5-10 years.

The Buckeye Nation prays that Miles is their Michigan Man
Iowa is paying Ferentz a shitload of money, like 3 mil/year which works out to around half a mil per win. Ferentz had a few good years, but once Brad Banks left, his teams have completely shit the bed. I think Mich can and should do better.
Ferentz Update

I have no idea how to judge the truthiness of this post from helpfully linked in the comments of the last post, but it looks like we might get resolution on this Ferentz thing soon:
I have a decent source connected to the Michigan athletic department. He stated to me in an in e-mail this evening that Ferentz had been offered the job and this evening he accepted. The final details and announcement will come in 24-48 hours.​
Disclaimers follow...
MH check your PM and I'll explain this one to you. I'm not convinced on this, but this source has credibility. I hope he's not playing me. I'll take the heat if this is wrong.​
...but after the standard "this means nothing... nothing!" response, a couple posters vouch for this guy; the forthright admission of doubt makes me place a bit more faith in the information, ironically. (Obviously, this is nothing close to solid.)

Another point of confirmation (about the offer, not a potential acceptance) comes from the RCMB. One of the posters there is an editor at an Iowa newspaper; he claims that two separate media sources are telling him Ferentz has an offer.
brian isn usually wrong but i think he is wrong on this one...oh, and OSU fans, be careful for what u wish for.