Reminder: Houston Feb 1st through February 6th


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We get the altitude b2b to start a trip here

February 1st @ Denver
February 2nd @ Utah
February 4th @ Phoenix
February 6th @ Sacramento

This doesn't set up like 2 weeks ago did, but we still have a b2b in altitude. That cannot be taken lightly. Even if we do not make any plays here, it would be wise to remember this if you wanted to invest in Houston this next week.

Now, during the red-hot middle of the season they had last year they did this game b2b and won by 5 and 11 points.

The interesting game to me here will be the 4th one at Sacramento, a team that likes to play quicker than any team in the league.

Again, just noting... the altitude angle.
Interesting The first game they will not want speed but may not be able to avoid it Utah could blast
Have not looked at all the games but over refs seem scarce
under very possible at Hornets
Not ref based but Atlanta and Utah could blast and probably will
Denver loves overs. Poor refs may not stop it
OKC may be looking ahead to Boston at Miami but Miami after their last game may be violent
Boston is a Big over team especially on 1 day but only 1 over ref
Still may go over
Utah Denver chief suspects but still poor refs
Got run out of the building last night...

Jazz cruised over the Hawks it looks like....

Maybe a good game to wait a half and get a feel tonight.