Regarding Alex Rodriguez's future...


Pretty much a regular
Here's a quote from his insane agent Scott Boras who thinks A-Rod can be worth anywhere in between HALF Billion - ONE Billion over 10 years for a team's "TV network value":

"The thing about Alex is he has a chance to play 12 more years and break the all-time hit record. It is a record that he could break. You only have to go and map out that if Alex Rodriguez were to play until he is 45 and he averaged 35 home runs he would have over 1,000 homers. It is a unique platform where he is at at such a young age."

Lets see...he's 32 right that means he can play another 13 years of baseball...35 home runs a year would mean 455 more home runs. He's currently sitting at what, 518? 455+518...oh wait, that's only 973. Guess Boras can't do math that involves any number under 100 million!!!
most overpaid athletes.

hockey players should be making more money than these fucks but considering it is "America's Past Time" obvious this will get the nod first.
Lets see...he's 32 right that means he can play another 13 years of baseball...35 home runs a year would mean 455 more home runs. He's currently sitting at what, 518? 455+518...oh wait, that's only 973. Guess Boras can't do math that involves any number under 100 million!!!

hockey players should be making more money than these fucks but considering it is "America's Past Time" obvious this will get the nod first.

Baseball is such a farce the only reason hockey players aren't making the money, that their sport isn't valued as much if not more, is because Gary Bettman is a complete moron and the owners aren't a whole lot better.
Not saying the players don't deserve the money they get but 25 million a year and not produce in the playoffs is a joke and I am a Yankee backer. I blame owners for the inflated price tags. Don't blame the players for accepting the assinine amount of money. I follow baseball closely but I agree that from a payroll standpoint it is by far a joke.
Payroll has increased in every sport.

But in baseball we are seeing medicore pitchers such as Lilly and Meche get 10mil a year???? Well i can't say much cause Retarrdi went apeshit on AJ Burnett lol
Or the Phillies spending 9 mill for Eaton, who they left off there playoff roster for a kid who came up as an injury replacement mid season
Introducing the Phillies' third baseman...........................

It's the best fit out there when finances aren't considered. Hitting in a lineup with Rollins, Utley and Howard at CBP? Wow that would be amazing. Plus it's a National League team and he'd have an easier time making it to the World Series. I have no idea if the Phillies are going to make a move but they have a lot to sell A-Rod.

I hope it happens.
It's the best fit out there when finances aren't considered. Hitting in a lineup with Rollins, Utley and Howard at CBP? Wow that would be amazing. Plus it's a National League team and he'd have an easier time making it to the World Series. I have no idea if the Phillies are going to make a move but they have a lot to sell A-Rod.

I hope it happens.

itd be great. but i dont see it
who has the $ to afford arod? thats where this discussion to start, with a list of teams that would actually pay him
Mets, Angels, Red Sox, maybe Braves but they have Chipper and Renteria

I can't imagine the Braves being part of this, they no longer have Ted Turner spending the money. They are going to have to spend a lot to keep Teixeira around and I know they are focused on that.

I think the Giants have to be considered a strong possibility because with Barry Bonds out of the picture they are going to have to find ways to fill seats and reenergize the franchise. They've made a ton of money in recent years and Barry Zito is proof that they are willing to pay top dollar.

I would see the realistic contenders being Yanks, Cubs, Angels, Dodgers, Giants and the Red Sox. I would see the fringe possibilities being the White Sox, Phillies, and the Mets.
Payroll has increased in every sport.

But in baseball we are seeing medicore pitchers such as Lilly and Meche get 10mil a year???? Well i can't say much cause Retarrdi went apeshit on AJ Burnett lol

Let alone Lilly and Meche, who are actually solid in some terms, but Vicente Padilla is getting 9 mil per season!?
Well, we all know A-Rod can have no part of ownership while playing so that seems a bit far-fetched but i have heard the rumors. Anaheim, dodgers or Cubbies would be the only destinations for A-Rod. Philly, no way!!! He thought NY fans and media are tough, he would be in a halfway house after they bury him when he doesn't produce. If he knows what's best and if Boras knows what's best, he will continue being a Yankee. If he opts out which it looks like he will, Yanks are donw with him and his dollars will be right where they are now. My gut says he stays but the 3 previously mentioned are the only destinations
what will the cubs do with ramirez? or would arod go back to short?

braves are not on the list, they're going to need a high dollar SP soon, along with paying Tex
Are we kidding me with the Mets????

David Wright was an MVP Candidate and Jose Reyes is arguably the best SS in the majors, and were talking the METS??????????? Give me a break.

Please after this post nobody ever mention the Mets and A-Rod Again, or I might be ill
Are we kidding me with the Mets????

David Wright was an MVP Candidate and Jose Reyes is arguably the best SS in the majors, and were talking the METS??????????? Give me a break.

Please after this post nobody ever mention the Mets and A-Rod Again, or I might be ill

Very true. My bad. Forgot about the Mets two studs.
Nothing personal, just had to vent that

You can def make the argument about the BoSox and Angels though.....BoSox simply because its taking from the Yanks (kinda like the Damon deal) and Angels just cause I believe that A-Rod would put them over the hump and they should have enough money to spend on the guy, althought putting him on the west coast im sure baseball would not be thrilled about