Refs blow OSU chances at national title


Brian Windhorst
Illinois out played Ohio State, I get that....congrats...

What pisses me off is this is another example where refs blew a game. How bad are these refs, in all sports....AT EVERY LEVEL!!1

How could that fumble on Illinois first possession not even be looked at??!?!?!? That gave them the ball on the 2/3 and they scored the next play. It was so obvious that it was a fumble, and IT WAS NOT EVEN FUCKING LOOKED AT? It took Illinois 20 to 30 seconds to snap the

Then on their 3rd TD there was an illegal picked on third down that was not called that was so obvious.

My thing is not necessarly the OSU game but just the fact that refs are so bad. Yes, OSU got outplayed and Beockman looked like shit BUT it still should not have mattered.

And more annoying that all that is that they refuse to show it on any highlight real or talk about it during the game.
tOSU could have challenged that call and didn't...that's on us...

also, the Timeout when Illy was punting w/ four mins left was inexcusable...

The loss is on us...lets' be real ..
tOSU could have challenged that call and didn't...that's on us...

also, the Timeout when Illy was punting w/ four mins left was inexcusable...

The loss is on us...lets' be real ..

The timeout when Illinois was about to punt was a total mixup with the players and coaches. had this to say:

After his third pick midway through the fourth quarter, Illinois faced a fourth-and-1 at its own 33. The Illini kept their offense on the field for a moment, then sent the punt team in late.
Ohio State got caught running around. Two safeties began to run off and two return men run on. Though it appeared they had time to pull it off, coach Jim Tressel felt like the Buckeyes would get called for too many men on the field, so he called timeout with 6:53 left.
No excuses, please. OSU got out played, that's all. They didn't play anyone this year and were bound to lose. Even your boy Herby was beating them up PRIOR to the game talking about their soft schedule, how LSU AND Oregon were better teams, etc.
Lets not forget that those "bad refs" handed OSU their title over Miami in 2001 with the phantom pass interference call in OT when the game was over!
Those same "bad" refs where calling the game for Illinois too. But i understand what you are saying, the crew calling the UK/Vandy was absolutely terrible. After half time, the officials gave UK a challenge back because they admitted a bad call. Coach Brooks stated after the game, that he had never had that happen before.. Another play, they called a UK defensive back for a late hit, and the Vandy player was a good yard still in bounds.. Luckily we held on for the win, but it could have cost them the game...
Figured a thread like this would open after that loss on sat. Its easy to blame the refs, bottom line is OSU had their chances and a ticket to the bcs championship game and let it slip away.

Quite frankly I would not have been suprised to see OSU not make the title game even if they did finish undefeated with the strength of their schedule.
The refs can't "hand" anyone the game in the first fuckin quarter, you had the rest of the game to make up that one "gift" touchdown and couldn't do it, that's not a championship caliber team
The officials need to review questionable calls, like they review questionable plays/spots...maybe fieldgoals too. Some of the calls are just as significant as the plays. If it's pass interference, throw the flag, if not, wave it off. I can stand an extra few minutes per game, more than a bad call. Sunday night's NFL game had some shady calls; can we get some more camera angles? I didn't watch your OSU game, but I can believe it. This season has had it's share of bad calls, and it's not over...

At his press conference which is going on now, JT said that the replay system at Saturday's game was inoperative during the first part of the game and not available to review the apparent Illinois fumble in the first quarter.
Maybe if you lose to Mich. You can try out Florida again..YES..They will spread you out and have a LITTLE team speed.
At his press conference which is going on now, JT said that the replay system at Saturday's game was inoperative during the first part of the game and not available to review the apparent Illinois fumble in the first quarter.

That sucks Jump

Refs this yr overall have been terrible, I know damn well I can be a better ref than 80% of them.
For's the officials the week before...I will say it's pretty unreal a crew that's up for suspension worked the next week and a big game to boot...Big Ten is under a lot of heat this week..

Source: Purdue-PSU refs face suspension
November 8, 2007
Tom Dienhart

A suspension and possible firings are coming for a Big Ten officiating crew that worked Saturday's game between Purdue and Penn State.

A source told me Big Ten coordinator of officials David Parry told Purdue coach Joe Tiller that the crew missed several calls during the game in State College, Pa.

"We sent in our usual (report), but there were more than normal this particular game," Tiller said at his weekly press conference. "I have talked with the Big Ten office. They agreed with us on numerous instances. I'm convinced they'll take the proper action."

The crew is working a game this weekend but will be suspended for games on November 17, according to my source.

I also was told some members of the crew might be fired.
The Big Ten doesn't comment on specific officiating issues.

The crew that worked Penn State's 26-19 victory comprised referee Stephen Pamon, umpire Pat Bayers, linesman Jack Teitz, line judge Robert Davis, back judge Dennis Morris, field judge Bobby Sagers and side judge Joe Duncan.
Tom Dienhart is a writer for Sporting News. E-mail him at