redskins 10 players on defense..


On The Grind Stacking Big Faces
first play redskins are going to start 10 players signifying sean taylor is with them..:cheers:
At least buffalo had the decency in them to not pass.

If it were New England i bet they go for a deep pass.
I thought it was stupid. Gibbs should be fired immediately.
I heard they gave up like a 22 yard run on the first play? Is this true?

They shouldn't have told the media and just went out there and done would've been interesting to see if people picked up on it
why was it stupid that they went out with 10 guys on play 1 to signify taylor being with them?
ya woulda been nice if they woulda just ran it right up the middle for maybe a 3 yard gain... its sad gibbs potentially ruined what would have bbeen a very emotional victory for this team by calling 2 timeouts. they showed players crying after the game cause all they wanted to do was win the game for sean and all there effort was thrown away by a retarded coaching mistake
ya woulda been nice if they woulda just ran it right up the middle for maybe a 3 yard gain... its sad gibbs potentially ruined what would have bbeen a very emotional victory for this team by calling 2 timeouts. they showed players crying after the game cause all they wanted to do was win the game for sean and all there effort was thrown away by a retarded coaching mistake

that was a case of NEVER BET WITH YOUR HEART as Gibbs had other things on his mind and probably didn't even realize he called a timeout cause he wanted to win so bad
I thought it was stupid, you play defense with 11 players not 10. You play to win the games, and having 10 people on the field is just plain dumb
Clearly Joebren is trying to make what he said sound decently smart...this dude is NOT about to take the L

I thought it was stupid. Gibbs should be fired immediately.

Your kidding? Right.

Thats okay, my scouts informed me that Washington actually allows .003 yards less per carry when they play only 10 men. Its a form of trickeration that they have used before. There is a reason Joe Gibbs is a multi-time champion.

My scouts have some big information regarding Thursdays game as well. Stay tuned.