Red Wings


Pretty much a regular
There road to the finals is lookin better and better with a sharks loss....:smiley_acbe::smiley_acbe::smiley_acbe::smiley_acbe:
I think the Ducks will give them all they can handle. Neidermayer, Pronger, Beauchemin and Whitney is every bit as strong as Lidstrom, Rafalski, Stuart and Kronwall. Osgood has played well but I can't rate him much higher than Hiller for their full season of work. Detroit has the edge up front but Anaheim has been terrific in 5 on 5 the 2nd half of the season. Both teams are top 5 on the power play and top 10 in penalty killing.

I see a long tough series. Getting Hossa may be the difference maker in this one.
Red Wings don't forget 07, revenge. I think series goes 6, and Ducks will be a popular pick to win series. I think the stiffer test for wings will be Vancouver or Chicago..would love to see an original 6 WCF.
The price is off IMO... I like playing teams who have had challenges, Wings werent tested and didnt really get a taste of playoff hockey vs the BJs :(

Like the Ducks again
Yeah, the Wings wanted the Sharks, they're by far the softer team and the Ducks create matchup problems with everybody when they're healthy.

I do think the wings probably win, but it's at least a six game series.
ducks/wings series will be a dandy. i think i gotta give the edge to anaheim, i think they have a huge advantage in net. they just gotta stay out of the box. i expect vancouver to have another quick series. i was hoping for a van/chi matchup in the first round, now i get my wish. -150 for the series is generous imo.
I dont know. I dont think Chicago will be a cakewalk, they were a very good team on the road within regulation, I think Luongo is on a mission but man I hate going against that. I thought Calgary was going to rough them up but it was the other way around.
Detroit absolutely pwned SJ at home in the reg. season, while giving them fits in San Jose even thou they lost twice. I think they let out a groan when the Ducks eliminated them.
Vancouver then SJ would've been far more appealing to the Wings than the likely Anaheim-Vancouver combo: of 7 reg. season games vs those 2 teams, the Wings went 4-3 w/6 games decided by 1 goal, and a 7th (the tie breaking win) started by an opposing goalie (Jiggy) they'll not likely face at all in their coming series.

last season the Wings had a dream run in the West Conf phase to the SC finals (Dallas knocked out their biggest threat, SJ, via 3 OT victories, and in the process exhausted themselves for those West Conf finals) and then they met the we're-not-ready-for-the-bigtime Pens - along the way they led every series they played 2-0 after 2 games. They've started this p.s. by leading their 1st series 2-0 (which is their 5th straight p.s. series they've led 2-0 in. Their last failure to do so? vs Anaheim), but lets see that continue through these next 2 (if they get through the 1st) series.
I think the Ducks will give them all they can handle. Neidermayer, Pronger, Beauchemin and Whitney is every bit as strong as Lidstrom, Rafalski, Stuart and Kronwall. Osgood has played well but I can't rate him much higher than Hiller for their full season of work. Detroit has the edge up front but Anaheim has been terrific in 5 on 5 the 2nd half of the season. Both teams are top 5 on the power play and top 10 in penalty killing.

I see a long tough series. Getting Hossa may be the difference maker in this one.

Throw out those regular season stats, remember the Playoff experience is and Cups is more important then regular season stats.

The holy grail is the eye on the Prize for all or at 90% of the players not regular season stats.

OZZIE still gets not respect after 3 Stanley Cup Rings which imo is mind boggling.
I dont know. I dont think Chicago will be a cakewalk, they were a very good team on the road within regulation, I think Luongo is on a mission but man I hate going against that. I thought Calgary was going to rough them up but it was the other way around.

What killed the Flames in the long run was having 2 top d out for them and Pheneuf was not 100% at all in the Playoffs. :shake:
Throw out those regular season stats, remember the Playoff experience is and Cups is more important then regular season stats.

The holy grail is the eye on the Prize for all or at 90% of the players not regular season stats.

OZZIE still gets not respect after 3 Stanley Cup Rings which imo is mind boggling.

He gets as much respect as Luc Longley does for the Bulls championships in the NBA, and its fair.

Theres a reason why Ken Holland has tried to replace him time after time, he is their only weak link.
He gets as much respect as Luc Longley does for the Bulls championships in the NBA, and its fair.

Theres a reason why Ken Holland has tried to replace him time after time, he is their only weak link.

Would the Wings like to have a Luongo or Mason sure but they have won shit so far. Cause GOALTENDING alone can only get you so far. You need a team in front of you.

Do I like him NO but Ozzie gets the job done. That's all that matters in the end to win the Stanley Cup. He has 2 cups while playing.

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As far as Holland trying to replace him he shouldn't have brought back to motown.

Then he wouldn't have won another cup. :shake:

Would the Wings like to have a Luongo or Mason sure but they have won shit so far. Cause GOALTENDING alone can only get you so far. You need a team in front of you.

Do I like him NO but Ozzie gets the job done. That's all that matters in the end to win the Stanley Cup. He has 2 cups while playing.

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As far as Holland trying to replace him he shouldn't have brought back to motown.

Then he wouldn't have won another cup. :shake:

Ya I'm not saying he is a bad goalie, he is average. And with a team like he has had in front of him he isn't going to be facing a lot of high quality shots anyway.