Ray Rice video... How did CTG miss this?

Nothing to see here, just another wife beater that will be accepted back into the locker room with open arms. They might not be ready for Michael Sam but they love wife beaters and rapists and murderers.
any man who puts his hands on a woman is a straight up pussy. wow that that video.

he had a tough upbringing and seemed to be a role model those that trying to make the best out of a bad situation. Now that seems like a crock of shit.
he has to be disciplined by the league and he will be... even though its a domestic situation..

they were both arrested, which doesnt make sense...
if you watch it on mute and do not know anything about it( I do not, first I heard of it) it looks like she is drunk and so is he

again i know nada
Here's what his attorney had to say about the incident. It's not the complete event...to see Rice knock her the fuck out, you'll have to wait until the entire video is released. What the hell kind of statement is that by his attorney?

However, the video that's being posted by TMZ Sports is not the complete event, but is merely the end result of what transpired.

We'll assure the public that when this matter is fully tried and completed, you'll have a better understanding of what happened and we ask the public to reserve making any judgment until all of the facts come out.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/bgRIsjzJCk0?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Anyone capable of this run should be excused for any domestic transgressions.
some of the comments on deadspin are hilarious

- Figures Rice couldn't manage more than 3 yards on this carry

- you'd reckon that if you saw anybody in drag that it would be Michael Sam

I'm sure Bernard Pierce stepped in and took her the last three feet to pay dirt
@NEPD_Loyko: RT @RobertKlemko: police have yet-to-be-released video of Ray Rice knocking fiancée unconscious before dragging her. Expect a suspension.
some of the comments on deadspin are hilarious

- Figures Rice couldn't manage more than 3 yards on this carry

- you'd reckon that if you saw anybody in drag that it would be Michael Sam

I'm sure Bernard Pierce stepped in and took her the last three feet to pay dirt

hahaha, terrific.
was probably 10 minutes away from being the second Ray to don the ravens uni to kill someone and get away with it.

shall no weapon formed against me prosper