Ravens-- Team of Destiny? I think so--


Active Member
Predictably 49'ers are favored by 4 points in this matchup. The West Coast marketed 49'ers will always generate a lot of respect and attention from the books. Sanfran is 5-0 in Superbowls.
Sanfran is a westcoast team that is physical and plays hardnosed old school football.

The 49'ers are a predictable team- They will beat mostly all FINESSE teams-- They beat Brees, Rodgers twice, Brady and RYAN this season--

Not surprisingly they lost to MINNY, RAMS, SEATTLE and the Giants-- All 4 of these teams are physical defenses and actually have physical offenses where they can run the ball and not rely on a FINESSE offense--

SANFRAN plays BIG BOYS FOOTBALL- Meaning they outmuscle FINESSE teams- They blasted right through GBAY's weak offensive line- Then they also manhandled MATT RYAN in the 2nd half of the game- The last 4th and 4 to win the game you could see SANFRAN just played goal line defense and nailed Roddy White---

However vs the RAVENS they are going to play vs a PHYSICAL team-

RAY LEWIS, ED REED, SUGGS, NGATA, ELERBEE are all physical players.

I think John Harbaugh is much more calm, a calming influence-- Jim Harbaugh as great as he is, is a little HYSTERICAL at times- If JIMBO HARBAUGH becomes Hysterical in the superbowl the 49'ers could start to panick--

ED LEWIS and RAY REED have won a superbowl and will be ONFIELD COACHES in the big game--

The biggest edge that the RAVENS have is this-- The fact that RAY LEWIS will possess each and every player on that team- The Ravens will play inspired ball and that will mean they will be riding RAY LEWIS, GOD, BHUDDA and everything else magical in this world.

Ravens will be playing as a team in this matchup--

I really feel that JOHN HARBAUGH having been in 3 AFC CHAMPIONSHIPS has the edge along with RAY and ED REEED having rings and BOLDIN on offense having superbowl experience--

As good as the 49'ers are, ATL was very close to beating them- Granted it was an amazing comeback but the fumble, the INT, the late stop, 49'ers were pretty close to losing the game--

JIM HARBAUGH was 0-1 in NFC CHAMPIONSHIP games and was almost 0-2 yesterday but he ended up geting the win--

I will take FLACCO over KAPERNICK- KAPERNICH if he can be kept in the pocket will miss some throws-- VS ATLANTA Im not sure why they give the QB 35 seconds to throw, but the Ravens will be ready for them--

I think with RAY LEWIS and the RAVENS believing they will win, they will win the game- 9'ers are young, they will be here again, they have a young COACH, QB, defense, they will be back--

ALso the team that wins 3 playoff games and ends the season hot like the RAVENS has won a few superbowls lately-- BOTH GREEN BAY and the GIANTS have won 3 games and won the superbowl as they seemed to get HOT AT the right time--

Always a story line in the NFL now, as its basically just a PRIME TIME MENS SOAP OPERA now- Fittingly we will see all kinds of PRAYING, CHANTING, YOGA, from RAY Lewis which will possess the rest of the RAVENS to play at the highest level--

Ravens have GOD on their side and unless JIM HARBAUGH has some magic up his sleeves, he will be hard pressed to give the 9'ers the kind of motivational edge to win the BIG GAME--

To me guys like CRABTREE, MOSS and DAVIS are not the team players that the RAVENS possess- RAVENS have the leadership going into this game- You need leaders to win superbowls--

9'ers do have a few leaders on defense such as JUSTIN and ALDON Smith and Willlis, but I can see the 9'ers offensively struggling a bit-

I just think that if any coach can beat JIMBO HARBAUGH its most likely his brother JOHN-
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Good stuff WOLFPACK-- I think Ravens have an exellent chance to win. Flacco and the offense are playing some really good ball of late-
Also big edge in special teams with TUCKER over AKERS who is struggling, also JACOBY JONES in the return game is a big edge for BALTY--

The Ravens of this post season are looking much more clutch than previous versions- Ravens are a team that usually choked it away, but now that they have gotten over the HUMP I think they can win this game- BOLDIN, LEWIS, REED and SUGGS are going to go all out to win this game-- Plus the rest of the 50 BALTY players will do whatever it takes to win the game for RAY LEWIS-

2 Young and the Restless NFL storylines---

1- Ravens WIN and RAY LEWIS rides off the field in a PINK CADILLAC crying and praying and doing YOGA-
This is what the NFL would love, the perfect ENDING-- YA BRADY LOST so they dont have the GOLDEN BOY in the SUPERBOWL, but who better than Mr. PREACHER HIMSELF to be in the big game- Cameras will be all over LEWIS and if RAVENS can win, it will be the PERFECT YOUNG and the RESTLESS storyline to the season--

2- 49'ers win and HARBAUGH and KAPERNICK are hugging at midfield and ALex SMITH is dejected walking away sad. This Young and the Restless storyline is all about THE MAD GENIUS HARBAUGH knew more than the entire country when he promoted KAPERNICK who LED them to the SUPERBOWL WIN- Considering KAPERNICK was the only major change to this team, it would cement HARBAUGH into JUNIOR LOMBARDI status as pulling off a major GAMBLE and winning-

Take your PICK- NFL wins either way, but I think the RAY LEWIS storyline will win for the following reason--

-Everything in this world is about KARMA- Bellicheat blatantly cheated to win 3 superbowls and he loses 2 superbowls in a row and got embarrasses last night- Losing 2 superbowls on the last drive of the game TWICe to the same team smells of KARMA my friends---

-The Ravens have done everything right- They stuck with FLACCO, didnt fight, have a good attitude and kept fighting for 5 years to get to the BIG GAME-- THen their leader retires and GOD intervenes-- This to me is POSITIVE KARMA-- That 70 yard FLACCO pass to JONES vs DENVER was POSITIVE KARMA- IT was meant to be--

9'ers I believe have negative KARMA because HARBAUGH made ALEX SMITH lose his job after he was injured. This is not fair and I believe the KARMA gods will punish HARBAUGH by making his GUY KAPERNICK lose the superbowl-- It would only be fair in the KARMA world that JIM HARBAUGH gets a taste of KARMA--

I wouldnt be surprised if the RAVENS coaches scrap the usual NFL PLAYBOOKS for the Superbowl and just use BIBLES instead lol. You might see JOHN HARBAUGH dressed in a CHURCH GOWN on game day- You might see a RAVENS CHOIR instead of CHEERLEADERS--
The POwer of prayer and the power of GOD will be on the RAVENS side--
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I wouldnt be surprised if the RAVENS coaches scrap the usual NFL PLAYBOOKS for the Superbowl and just use BIBLES instead

All ready started