Raptors have not beaten a team on road over 500 since January

Sammy Meatballs

Sammy Meatballs? Never Heard of Her
Since the month of January the RAPS have one win vs a team over 500 on the road. That was vs Boston Celts. I saw that game and Boston pissed the game away and the Raps got ver lucky to win that game as they were trailing most of it.

This RAPS team is a real joke. They say all the right things, but are really really soft in the playoffs. They are like the cousins of the Houston Rockets in the west. I know this team pretty good and can tell you a few things about them.

Whiners- THey have a few whiners in Sam Mitchell and Tj FORD, these guys want to win, but are whiners, they are not team guys.

Softies- Bargagni was in the starting lineup, he cannot guard Turkoglu, pick and rolls vs Howard or do anything. He is a bust in the NBA. He is not the type of player that will win a game on the road for you in the NBA. He does not care about playoffs, its not in his blood.

- Nesterovich- he is way too slow for Howard, and old. He has a nice shot on Offense, but is also old and lacks any desire to win. He will not be a role model for the youngsters.

-Kapono- He cannot defend and will be abused--

Raps real problem- TJ FORD my friends, when he came back the RAPS went South. If anyone has played sports they understand why-- This was Calderone's team, he was doing well running the offense. NO NBA team has 2 point guards where they split time evenly? Does Utah, Spurs, SUns, Celts, and Pistons do that??

Raps BIg Problem- Weight, except for the fat Nesterovich they are all skinny players- Bosh has no bulk- Ford is skinny- Jamario Moon is a pencil- Calderone is skinny- Anthony Parker is a softie and has no strength, Bargagni is not strong either-

This lack of weight results in other teams slam dunking the ball over and over and over on them in games. A team like the Cavs and Pistons beat the Raps every time because their players are big strong players, Raps players are little panzie jump shooters. Bosh was soft also but is starting to drive more and get fouled a lot more now. BUt he still takes that long jumper a lot.

Raps D- This team cannot stop any good offenses- They did not win a game since Jan on teh road vs a 500 team shows me their D is very bad. They have no shut down defenders, and are terrible in the post.

THey thought Orlando would be a good matchup for them, I guess Orlando was better than the Pistons or the Cavs for them who own the Raps. However I looked at Orlando and am impressed with them. They played well near the end of the season and won games by big margins at home. Orlando can score more than the Raps, and IMO are playing very good ball at this point.

Raps come in limping and played like shit the last 2 months of the season.

This team always gets good beatings in the post season, and then states they will come back. REgular season they can come back , but in playoffs it is harder, and their EURO team does not have the heart to come back.

We will see a good performance out of BOSH and one other Raptor which is status Quo-

Sam MITCHELL- He is so dumb he puts Bargagni who he hates himself back in the starting lineup to try and defend Turkoglu,. and benches MOON. MOON was playing 28 a game and now is playing only 4 mins in game 1. This Raps team is not good, and is not good on the road, and plays no defense. THis line is only -6, which is extreme value.

Houston did not bounce back, because at this point in the season the better team wins the games. Unless Orlando is happy with a split at home, they will win this game tonight and cover.

Dwight Howard should get easy dunks all night long vs the Raps. If you have no D it is hard to cover a small line on the road vs a good home team.

The Raps start last game shows it all, they are not ready for playoffs and need to eradicate this mickey mouse roster they have. Vs the Nets a few years ago it was the same, they got blownout in game one , blowout in game two worse. People are thinking all teams that lost game 1 will win game 2 and bounce back as the lines are lower in game 2.

Some teams are capable of winning game 2, but the RAPS are not.

Also on the road I will take Orlando moneyline in game 3 and game 4 in Toronto to win, as they will get the split if not both.
Orlando shows up today and wants this game, they can name the margin of victory-- Orlando has the post presence and that should scare Bosh out of the post-- To stop the Raps just stop BOSH and you will beat them in the playoffs- I think Orlando is smart enough to do that

I've been waiting for this opportunity to go vs these Raps for a long time and it should be no surprise with their play of late.

This is not a good team, and that is the bottom line. Bad teams do not beat good teams on the road in the playoffs.

Raps are a lot of talk and have a decent record bouncing back during the season but this is the key problem- THey play at one speed and one leve of intensity all year and never ever raise the intensity for the playoffs--

This explains why they are often down by 25 in the 2nd qtr of all their playoffs games. They bring regular season intensity to the playoffs.

People expect them to bounce back tonight and that is fine. When you bet on a team HOPING they will bounce back it is a bad play. More than often you will be hoping all the way to the poor house.

There are surprises, but with this RAPS team I think they are being over valued big time here. When I thought they would play the Cavs I was going to bet at least 75 times my regular wager on the series price.

This was inevitbale as this is the worst team in the playoffs- If Raps were in the west they would be out of the playoffs- G state, Portland, Sac are all better than them.

We have a good home team in Orlando, which cannot beat the ELITE's at home like spurs, Pistons, but can beat anyone mediocre or worse badly. They have done it the last 3 months, double digits all night long over the Philly' wiz, raps teams.

When betting it is always a great bet to bet vs a mentally weak team like the Raps and Houston. These teams are not playoff teams, Raps were not a good regular season team, so why would they be a good playoffs team.

At +6 in this game I would think that G state, Portland or Sacramento all present more value than the Raps. These are all better than the RAPS but they are not in the playoffs.

Who are the RAPS:: A MEDIOCRE TEAM that beats the CELLAR DWELLARS.

I also look at this If I wanted +6 points on a road team I would take the following teams before I took the Raps and they are all lower in standings.

-G state

All these teams have a better chance of winning than the RAPS do.

Good regular season teams can be good Playoff teams

Good regular season teams can be bad Playoff teams

Bad regular season teams CANNOT BE GOOD PLAYOFF TEAMS
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I expect this game to follow suit very closely to a few other series so far in the playoffs--

Raps are not a confident team on the road- BOSh and Ford always say they are, but the problem is the EUROS, Bargagni, nesterovich, Parker are all softies, to win in playoffs you need intensity and be willing to win.

I think Howard and Turkoglu, Lewis, and Nelson just want it more at this point. I think the Raps all year have not shown in many games that they want to win badly. You need desire to win, this is why the Raps do not win on the road, because they are happy with being in the NBA, most of their players are players that no other team would pick up. MOst are cast offs and EUROS from Europe. This is a terrible recipe for success in the NBA. I expect a better effort from the Raps here, but Orlando is too much and also everyone is expecting a better effort from the RAPS, but what if Orlando comes out with a better effort in game 2 or their A game??

I think we all know what will happen if Orlando comes out with their A game. I am betting vs Raps bringing their A+ gamea and Orlando coming out with their C or B- game.

Raps do not defend well at all, and that will hurt them in the playoffs where the intensity is higher, and Orlando is a good offensive team, who basically will be able to score on Toronto.
You know, I thought Toronto would of matched up Orlando a lot better, but after watching the first game............what a freaking joke. Sam Mitchell still makes some questionable moves and really there isn't anyone else on the team that can help Bosh, offensively.

By the way, Parker ain't a Euro, :-P he just played there but he is capable of showing up on the road, trust me. He's probably one of the few players i like on the squad.

But you have a good analysis with this line

"I think we all know what will happen if Orlando comes out with their A game. I am betting vs Raps bringing their A+ gamea and Orlando coming out with their C or B- game."

Until the Raps prove me otherwise, I'll have to jump on the Magic again
Nice work Sammy. ORL is sort of a mission so looks solid but the scenario you just talked about I think applies to Dallas as well. They lost like 11 of 12 vs playoff teams on the road after the deal. The lone win that crazy 4th quarter comeback @ Pho and had to narrow ATS wins vs LAL otherwise they had to be about 3-8 ATS way vs playoff teams....

due to the cheaper price I might prefer that one.....:cheers:
Couple of things.

1) Raptors fell behind early because Mitchell implemented a new game plan for the play-offs. Bosh questioned him in the media yesterday, Colangelo in an interview defended Bosh's comments, but not Mitchell.

2) Mitchell NEVER makes adjustment "in-game". ie double teams or maybe a change to stop the dribble penetration. Thats why players can go off for big numbers against us.

3) Mitchell has THE WORST substitution patterns for a head coach. Humphries and Moon should have been given more playing time. They are our energy and hustle guys.

4) Moon has been abused by Turk in the past few match ups, so Bargs matches up a little better height wise.

5) WE have no heart because the heart left our team at the beginning of the season and is sitting on the bench. Garbo.

6) TJ is not the problem. He has come out a stated that Calderone should start because he deserved it. It was Mitchell that reinserted Ford back in the starting line-up at seasons end.

7) Biggest problem is that we are built as an offensive team, but MItchell doesnt know how to run an offensive scheme. Losing Todd further exploits Mitchell's ineptness this year.

8) Raptors are 3 or 4 years ahead of schedule. So, Im not too worried. I wouldnt mind if we get swept because then I can say good riddance to Mitchell.
agree with #7.....

Had Mitchell not been voted Coach of the Year, I bet you we'd have a different coach by now. But my feel says BC already has something planned out already.
JVG is a name that has been bandied about on some boards.

I wouldnt be surprised to know that he is interested. I believe he said a few times that he would prefer to go to a team that can score points because because defense is easier for him to teach.
I read bosh's comments about the different gameplan but I wasn't sure i knew the entire context of the quote.

he literally switched the system to something new right before the playoffs? how is that even possible?
Sammy, is that you in your avatar?

If so, are you going to Vegas in October (for the CTG gathering)?

If so, we should room together (not trying to sound Yag)

I have a lot to learn/ask
good info like this gives peeps guaranteed ml locks