Raptors dogs against Atl?


Give me the NHL, or give me death
why have the raps opened as dogs to the hawks? is it because of the lacklustre performance form the raps and the winning streak that atl has been on>
ATLANTA (24-13) at home [vs] TORONTO (16-21) on the road
i wouldn't bet TORO on the road even in MIAMI and we all know they suck
TOR owns ATL and I expect it to continue. Bibby at PG is a defensive drop off and Calderon/Ford should be ready to play. Toronto wants the 6th spot.
Excuse me, want either the 5th or 6th spot and a surging Philly team has them at risk of seeing Detroit first round. Not the matchup they want.
Definitely a tough game to call. My best play on the game would be over.

BTW Inspekdah, nice avatar of zach and kelly...show used to be the shit back in the day. Also where the hell have you been haven't seen you post in a year.
OSO$- I been watching the board here and there and posting more as of late. Moved this year, had some other shit going on... been playing shit here and there but not as much as I used to. Aiming to be full swing into the game (sports cappin') in fall of this year beginning with CFB and CBB/NBA 08/09.
Bosh isn't out. TOR has some weird substitution patterns as I think they have some various groups that mesh well with each other and some of them don't include Bosh.

Bosh plays w/ Ford alot... and Caldy plays more with Bargani from the recent games I've seen.
Raps won that game. Bad calls and a horrible piece of clock work late. It doesn't take .5 seconds to lay in an alley oop. Clock started early... before that though the Raps let the Hawks take 3 3's in last 11 seconds.