rank the top 10 teams in nba

ill start

1. spurs
2. lakers
3. jazz
4. detroit
5. boston
6. clev
7. houston
8. nawlins
9. magic
10. GS
1. lakers
2. spurs
3. boston
4. jazz
5. detroit
6. clev
7. houston
8. nawlins
9. gs
10. magic
1. Cavs
2. Lakers
3. Boston
4. Spurs
5. Detroit
6. Rockets
7. Magic
8. Hornets
9. Warriors
10. Jazz


I just switched that like 50 times so who fucking knows.

GO CAVS! violin
steed how can you have ...

the jazz below the warriors?

and you thought i was gonna say cavs at #1. lmao.
1. lakers
2. pistons
3. spurs
4. celtics

5. jazz
6. cavs
7. no
8. nuggs
9. phx
10. orlando
In my lifetime

1987 Lakers
1984 Celtics
1989 Pistons
1993 Bulls
1992 Bulls
1995 Rockets
1983 Sixers
1990 Pistons
1988 Lakers
1996 Bulls
how is 72 wins not first?
Watered down league

In 1988, there was 23 teams in NBA.

That was a great team..due to MJ and a great veteran presence. That being said, def not the best ever. NBA from the mid nineties till recently was very run down...
1. Spurs
2. Lakers

6.New Orleans

7. Phoenix
8. Dallas
9. Cleveland
10. Golden St

11. Houston - Yao
12. Denver
13. Orlando
No order....


thats your top 5...


such a tossup

This Nuggets love confounds me...one of the worst defenses I have ever seen
1) Spurs
2) Lakers
3) Pistons
4) Celtics

5) Jazz
6/7) Hornets/Cavs

8) Mavs
9) Rockets
10) Magic

something like that
^ JR Smith overcomes bad nuggs d

too bad he's not a fan favorite like BIRDMAN
nuggz are similar to the jazz in that they get run up on the road, but can look like the best team in the NBA at home.

if you're asking me which other 9 teams i don't want to face in the playoffs, nuggz gotta be on that list.

as long as karl keeps playing JR, they're in my top 10. its a pipe dream, but i pray he ends up playing along side Kobe one day.
1. spurs
2. lakeshow
3. celts
4. stons
5. cavs
6. hornets
7. jazz
8. mavs
9. magic
10. nuggets
LMFAO :rofl: I'm an idiot :D was doing 100 other things at that moment so I guess I must have accidentally deleted 8 and 9 :D

ok here it is
1) Lakers
2) Spurs
3) Pistons
4) Celtics
5) Hornets
6) Rockets
7) Mavs
8) Jazz
9) Cavs
10) Magic
LMFAO :rofl: I'm an idiot :D was doing 100 other things at that moment so I guess I must have accidentally deleted 8 and 9 :D

ok here it is
1) Lakers
2) Spurs
3) Pistons
4) Celtics
5) Hornets
6) Rockets
7) Mavs
8) Jazz
9) Cavs
10) Magic
LMFAO :rofl: I'm an idiot :D was doing 100 other things at that moment so I guess I must have accidentally deleted 8 and 9 :D

ok here it is
1) Lakers
2) Spurs
3) Pistons
4) Celtics
5) Hornets
6) Rockets
7) Mavs
8) Jazz
9) Cavs
10) Magic

Now you post the same response twice, you are not on top of your game son. lol
No order....


thats your top 5...


such a tossup

This Nuggets love confounds me...one of the worst defenses I have ever seen

So then, how many units on San An ML tonight???'an_horse'
nuggz are similar to the jazz in that they get run up on the road, but can look like the best team in the NBA at home.

How can you compare these two teams? Defensively, it's night and day. In point differential, Utah is ranked 4th in the league at +5.9. Denver is ranked 12th at +2.8. With points given up, Utah is ranked 16th at 99.6 and Denver ranks 26th at 104.8. Their defenses are not even close. I am with BAR, this Nugget love is beyond me. I like this team a lot in general but as a elite team in the NBA? LMAO.

My top six are currently based on who is playing the best, not necessarily ranked according to who I think has the best chances to win the ring. After the top three, i think the next three can be switched around:

1. Spurs
2. Lakers
3. Celtics
4. Rockets
5. Pistons
6. Jazz
8th doesn't really constitute "elite". 5-15 are pretty much interchangeable as far as im concerned. but with the group of players denver has, there are a lot of teams id rather face in the playoffs than denver.

brewer, check this out from www.freedarko.blogspot.com

<center> Powder Blue Isotope </center>

I can't believe how blind I was. To whomever said that the Nuggets are the new Warriors, you're wrong, but onto something. I watched them last night, and still stand by my complaint that this team should have way more edge than it does. And really, wasn't it edge/attitude/intangibles/serrated testicles that allowed the Dubs to push through Dallas like they did?

However, there is a light, and it's one whose familiar glow has at times threatened to burn down my life, or presented itself as that last flicker before the human race goes dark forever. That, my friends, is J.R. Smith. He may never grow up into a solid starter, but in the wake of Stephen Jackson's revenge, I see a new niche for J.R.: Catalytic wild card. Smith has been on a tear lately, which for him means backing up swag with outrageous playmaking, which in turn feeds the swaggering beast. George Karl may deserve to be fired, but at very least be should be commended for letting this petri monster bubble a bit.

So I'd say, why not take off the leash? Make Smith's antics a permanent feature of this team's night-in, night-out identity. Iverson and Melo are perfectly responsible adults now; Martin and Camby, beyond reproach. There's no risk of their backsliding, so why not at least give them a little souvenir of the vitality that goes with irresponsibility? It's the role of a lifetime for the mercurial Smith, and might give the Nuggets the spark they need to, well, stop looking so rote in their scoring explosions.


Look at the kid. Learn and listen. He idolizes you, and probably owes what's left of his NBA career to you. Now, it's his turn to give back, and maybe help himself even more in the process. J.R. Smith is getting free. Let him now lead his Nuggets to a higher plane of unpredictability. The Warriors parallel isn't perfect: Baron is a real point guard, Nellie has a vision, and so on and so forth. All the more reason to think in rareified terms. Nothing changes on the floor, except for the timbre of their output.

There is fun, and there is danger, inside J.R. Smith. When he harnesses these two, he's not a nuisance—he's a self-help guru for a team in need of a jolt. Here's hoping they don't let knowledge get in the way of knowing.

ALERT: I said earlier this season that Al Thornton would be mentioned on here more than any other rookie. Well, I fibbed. I haven't watched the Clippers once, though I see that dude has suddenly started to ignite what's left of the season. So someone, clue me in on Thornton at this level. Is he worth making a priority of? Does he belong in my Five?

Still not sure how I feel about Landry. The Rockets may be the most workmanlike running team ever, even if this might be the most I've enjoyed watching McGrady since 2002-03.

However, there is a light, and it's one whose familiar glow has at times threatened to burn down my life, or presented itself as that last flicker before the human race goes dark forever. That, my friends, is J.R. Smith.

1. Los Angeles Lakers
2. Detroit Pistons
3. San Antonio Spurs
4. Boston Celtics
5. Utah Jazz
6. Cleveland Cavs

7. Dallas
8. New Orleans
9. Golden State
10. Orlando (Will this team defense continue?:popcorn:)

That's my take. PS What is Eduardo Najera doing with his career? He's gone to, and stayed for too long, in the wrong systems all his career. Dallas when they played no D, then GS where defense hasn't been played for more than a decade. And lastly Denver. If he ever played for a team that grasped the concept of team defense, he would thrive so much. Not sure why a team like SA hasn't tried to trade for him.
Just to be clear. The Jazz have a 1% chance at winning the West. I honestly think it's the Spurs in the West vs DET and BOS in the East. Dallas and Pho have both gotten worst with their trades.
And I really can't see the Rockets making it out of the 2nd round. The first round should be their goal.
Just to be clear. The Jazz have a 1% chance at winning the West. I honestly think it's the Spurs in the West vs DET and BOS in the East. Dallas and Pho have both gotten worst with their trades.

You are giving the Lakers no chance? What if Bynum comes back healthy? And would you say that Utah is better than last year? What about the Spurs? They faced each other last year in the WC Finals and I was impressed by Utah's poise as a young team. This team is only getting better.
You are giving the Lakers no chance? What if Bynum comes back healthy? And would you say that Utah is better than last year? What about the Spurs? They faced each other last year in the WC Finals and I was impressed by Utah's poise as a young team. This team is only getting better.

I definitely think the Lakers have a chance. I simply think the Spurs are still head and shoulders above the rest of the league.

I do think the Jazz have gotten better this year vs. last year but it's not enough to beat the Spurs in a 7 game series. The addition of Korver and the re-emergence of AK being the two pluses while the loss of Fisher still shows up daily. They're still the 2nd or third youngest team in the NBA and the Western Conference powerhouses all got older this year during the deadline. Plenty of time left for Utah to get a legitimate shot at the championship but it won't be this year imo. Wether or not LA has enough chemistry to fight thru some adversity in a 7 game series is the key question.