Ramble's CFB Week 2


The Law of Winning
Hola degenerates. Another season is upon us, and I'm starting out slow and just trying to get a feel for the teams. 1-1 so far this year: I won Ole Miss -8 and lost Tennessee -7.5. Gonna be in and out over the next couple days, but wanted to post what I'm on so far.

Ole Miss +8.5

Bottom line: we have a chance to win this game. After watching our last game against Memphis, I think we are going to surprise some people this year. Brandon Bolden and Cordera Eason are going to provide us with a lot of speed out of the backfield this year. Dexter McCluster can simply do it all. And although Snead started out slow, he finished with 185 yards, 2 touchdowns, and 0 interceptions.

Wake Forrest went into Oxford last year and surprised us by absolutely crushing us, 27-3. They threw the ball a total of 5 times that game, while running the ball 53 times. They absolutely dominated the line of scrimmage, and prevented us from doing anything. Nutt's "Wild Rebel" offense is going to minimize the domination this time around. The field is going to be spread out and I see us having much more success this time around. Also, Wake Forrest may have had 144 yards rushing against Baylor, but that is decieving. The Deacons had merely 89 yards rushing until the final drive of the game, when C.J. Washington busted free for a 55 yard scamper.

I think our biggest weakness right now are our defensive backs. They are relatively small and still need to get faster. It will be to our benefit if Wake Forrest decides to keep the ball on the ground instead of air it out. Against Memphis, we were at a disadvantage because they have some tall, tall recievers. Wake's guys only average around 6'0" so we should be on a more even playing field with them. One thing I noticed against Memphis was that our linebacker play around the middle was a little loose. The middle opened up a couple times and there was absolutely no one there to stop a draw to a waiting tailback. This could be trouble if Wake decides to throw the ball to tight end Ben Wooster over the middle. He caught 6 passes for 90 yards and a touchdown against Baylor.

In the end, I believe that Wake's success with the run last year against the Rebs will lull them into a false sense of security in that facet of the game......at least I hope. Nutt should be able to spread the field and give us some success on the ground. Also, I believe Jevan Snead is going to get better and better every game. He overthrew a few wide open guys last game, but I see him connecting on at least one bomb for a touchdown here against the Deacons. With a chance to win here, I'll take 8.5.

Might add some more, but this is how I see it so far.
There he is, BOL to ya bro...we need to get your ass back in the groove!

Appreciate the analysis.

This game is on the radar a bit still for me but def. lean to this side.
nice to see ya back, ramble....

i wish i could wish ya luck as ihavent seen ya in awhile but on the other side of this one.... although we do have a small window to middle! a 8 point wake win would be great....

ole miss has really been a dr jekyl mr hyde team home/away these last 2 seasons, im not sold by snead as i think the running game really opened it up for him early and he didnt play THAT well, and i feel wake is going to be throwing more then you're sold on. they did throw 36 times last week....should be a pretty balanced offense

had some more thoughts just added to my thread, but thats my take in a nutshell....

you do raise some good points though which is why i didnt make this a sizable play like i initially wanted too...

BOL this season man:cheers:
chip -

I'd be foolish to pretend this is an easy one for the Rebs, so staying away from the ml for now.

Anway, final card:

Ole Miss 8.5
Rice 3
Miami O 14.5

Good luck guys.
chip -

I'd be foolish to pretend this is an easy one for the Rebs, so staying away from the ml for now.

Anway, final card:

Ole Miss 8.5
Rice 3
Miami O 14.5

Good luck guys.

Don't know about your "homer" pick but love the other two.. GL bro:cheers:
not much I can say

Capped it perfectly and had a chance to win. Got lazy in the last minute with the "pass int" call.

I giess I can't ask for much more, but turnovers cost us the win

2-0 with rice to go
Very nice work bro.. Had Rice as a lean but laid off.. Glad you cashed:cheers:
nice work today, good to see someone in the +

glad to see rice wokeup and got the cover.... clement is a machine
Cap -

Thanks bro. They come and they go. I'm trying to see capping sports as more of an investment and less of an "action" thing, and therefore trying to cut my bets down to just the ones that I think are good investments. We'll see how it works out, but it's always a struggle.

BOL as we proceed. :shake:
Well done Ramble, less is better (# of plays)! :smiley_acbe:

Great job, don't be a stranger! :popcorn: