Raiders: Time For You To Get Out!


Long Time Raiders Fan Here! (1978) Grew up closer to Candlestick, but became and A's & Raider Fan. My dad took my brother and I to our first A's Game in 1977. Not so much because he was a fan, but they had better ticket prices than the giants. That being said, Good chance the raiders don't play in Oakland next season and I say, "Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!

And where ya gonna go for one year?! San Antonio? Was o.k when there was talk of San Antonio, (I mean, I knew the day of them moving was a foregone conclusion.) And Texans love their football. But are you gonna draw well for one season? I doubt it. Then I thought, L.A. Or San Diego makes sense, to call home, they have a huge following there, that would be o.k. as well. They may end up in San Diego for a year. (2019) I could see that...BUT...

Las Vegas?! God your so f'n stupid. Home Field Advantage?! Hahahaha. Kiss that good bye. What a money grab. I hear all the time, when your a fan, your a fan for life! I get it. Back YOUR team always. I don't know what I think anymore... I just know...Las Vegas Raiders...Not A Fan...