Racing post world cup betting guide..


Fat Bloke
Ok lads,looks like the racing post are doing something different this year.


Remember (those who got them) last time it was kinda like a pullout within the paper.This time they are doing a single one-off paper especially for it(description in link) Anyway
I`ll still send them over if anyone wants one,postage free and I`ll treat you to the paper for being the good guys you are ;)

Those who know,know it all works out fine...

They are released on Friday(6th June) I,ll have to tell my newsagent in advance to get a certain number cause they usually only get 1 or 2.

that was long enough,anyway,if you want one,you know the drill,just drop me a name and address before tuesday.... I think they took less than a week last time,think someone (monk ? ) got his in 4 days ?


Hopefully I didnt get confused there and you can buy them from newsagents and not just online.We`ll see,
wait, so what do I need to do to get my hands on one of these? Just paypal you the cost? I'll be happy to do whatever.
dude that's awesome of you. I feel like I'm taking advantage a bit but I really appreciate it
Ok fellas,I ordered 10 from my newsagents on Monday,theyll be there Thur/Fri for me to pick up,but I have 12 guys :) nps I`ll just get 2 more.


I`ll post them off late Friday,early Saturday.... it takes a little time to get over there,but Id expect them before the following Saturday,probably earlier,I cant remember how long they took last time but it wasnt a silly amount of time.
I cant get anymore tho now,so sorry if you missed this post or you didnt PM me in time,not a lot I can do,sorry.
Most of you have said you can send paypal or something.....I dont want anything.
Ive probably learnt something off of each of you or pissed you off at some time,so take it as a thank you/sorry.

Please post that you got yours ok,so we can see how long they took.

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I'm more than willing to give mine up for a member, let me know guys,,

Thanks again manuk