racing in wine country


Pretty much a regular
Races won from starting pos 1: 5 [of 27 races]
Races won from starting pos 2: 3
Races won from starting pos 3: 2
Races won from starting pos 4: 3
Races won from starting pos 5: 2
Races won from starting pos 6: 1
Races won from starting pos 7: 3
Races won from starting pos 11: 4
Races won from starting pos 14: 1
Races won from starting pos 13: 1
Races won from starting pos 30: 1
Races won from starting pos 32: 1
Races won from the top 5: 15 of 27

Races won from the top 10: 19 of 27
to w
Edwards .06 = .36
truex .05 = .425
kurt .06 = .3
Larson .04 = .64
Hamlin .02 = 1
kyle .05 = .45
JR .02 = .4
McMurray .03 = 1.2

top 5
mcmurray .03 = .165
Hamlin .03 = .1575

match ups
kyle o JJ .125 = .1
mcmurray o KK .125 = .1
Hamlin o Kenseth .17 = .1
AJ o JJ .13 = .1
Patrick o mears .12 = .1

good luck to all.
thanks wise.

obviously some of my bets are break even to win. hopefully one of the big pay offs hit!
to w
Edwards .06 = .36
truex .05 = .425
kurt .06 = .3
Larson .04 = .64
Hamlin .02 = 1
kyle .05 = .45
JR .02 = .4
McMurray .03 = 1.2

top 5
mcmurray .03 = .165
Hamlin .03 =.1575

match ups
kyle o JJ .125= .1
mcmurray o KK .125= .1
Hamlin oKenseth .17 = .1
AJ o JJ .13 = .1
Patrick o mears.12 = .1<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
today -.1575
grand total +1.785<o:p></o:p>

nice win for smoke. thought Hamlin had him on the last lap. oh well

aj penalty killed me. if he could have passed jj, I would have broke even on the day. on to next week.