Rachel in Preakness?

I'm with you. Here's the question, though, how big is the field. She doesn't have to run against 20 horses, does she?
it's normally between 9 and 11...

That's fine. It's not the Belmont where the distance could catch up to her--or truly demonstrate what a monster she is. She can beat another 10 horses.
I think they will run her and they should, but they bought her to breed with Curlin. The same guy now owns both horses.
Preakness feild is limited to 14 max.

The Derby should look into something like that. Good call, thanks Wearo.
Rachel Alexandra now trained by Asmussen

FILE - In this April 28, 2008 …
AP - May 7, 3:17 pm EDT

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LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP)—Watch out boys, here she comes.
Fabulous filly Rachel Alexandra could be headed for the Preakness or the Belmont Stakes after the Kentucky Oaks winner was sold to Stonestreet Stables on Wednesday—less than a week since her record-setting victory in the female version of the Kentucky Derby.
Stonestreet owner Jess Jackson moved the 3-year-old filly to the barn of Steve Asmussen on Thursday, hours after completing the purchase from Dolphus Morrison and Michael Lauffer. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.
Rachel Alexandra, previously trained by Hal Wiggins, has won five straight and put together one of the more dominating performances in racing with a record 20-length romp in the Oaks last Friday.
The seemingly effortless way she pulled away from the field—jockey Calvin Borel never touched her save for a pat on the neck as they crossed the finish line—fueled speculation she may be the top 3-year-old in the world, boy or girl.

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<SCRIPT language=javascript>if(window.yzq_d==null)window.yzq_d=new Object();window.yzq_d['bbjgIUPDoHM-']='&U=13e9eq1hl%2fN%3dbbjgIUPDoHM-%2fC%3d715481.13175539.13346136.1323516%2fD%3dSKY%2fB%3d5404999%2fV%3d1';</SCRIPT><NOSCRIPT></NOSCRIPT>Borel, who won the Derby the next day aboard 50-1 long shot Mine That Bird, called her the most talented he’s ever been on during his lengthy career.
“I think she’s the best in the country right now,” he said.
Jackson was similarly impressed.
The founder of Kendall-Jackson wines spent the morning visiting his stables’ newest star following a whirlwind negotiation with Morrison, who said he wouldn’t entertain running the filly in a Triple Crown event because he considers the races showcases for future stallions.
Rachel Alexandra galloped once around the main track at Churchill Downs under exercise rider Dominic Terry before settling into the same barn that formerly served as the Kentucky home of two-time Horse of the Year Curlin.
“She is a graceful athlete,” Jackson said. “She moves like a ballerina and has the size of some of the colts. I am looking forward to seeing her compete.”
Exactly when and where she runs next remains unclear.
Rachel Alexandra could be entered in the Preakness on May 16, though Jackson would have to pay a $100,000 supplemental fee. Even then the filly could be bumped from the field if a horse already nominated for the Triple Crown chooses to run.
The Preakness is limited to 14 horses.
Nellie Morse is the last filly to win the Preakness, capturing the race in 1924. Only three fillies have even entered the second jewel of the Triple Crown in the past 70 years, the last being Excellent Meeting in 1999.
The Belmont on June 6 could be a more likely choice, and Jackson certainly got an eyeful of what a talented filly can do in the grueling 1 1/2 -mile race. Rags to Riches became the first filly in over a century to win the Belmont when she edged Curlin by a head two years ago.
Jackson is in no hurry to make a decision.
“The ink is not even dry,” he said. “The only decision was to bring her to Steve’s barn. No decision has been made on any race or a rider.”
Maybe, but consider Borel up for the job if it’s offered.
Speaking between races at Churchill Downs on Thursday, he didn’t hesitate when asked who’d he choose if forced to make a decision between Rachel Alexandra and Mine That Bird.
“Oh, the filly, I’d have no choice,” Borel said. “She’s a once-in-a-lifetime horse.”
Mine That Bird trainer Bennie Woolley Jr. doesn’t blame Borel. He’d probably ride Rachel Alexandra too.
“I told people that I was glad she was not in the Derby,” Woolley said. “(Losing Borel) is a possibility. It could happen. But I don’t think I will have a hard time finding a rider if it happens.”
The sale proved bittersweet for Wiggins, who spent the last two years turning her into a star.
“It was pretty tough,” Wiggins said. “When a horse is injured, that’s tough too. As a trainer, you never know what you will find. We will get over it. We were blessed to have her and experience the joy of winning the Oaks. … I hope to see her in the winner’s circle many more times.”
Asmussen, who helped Curlin win the 2007 Preakness on his way to becoming racing’s all-time money winner, is already raving about his newest headliner.
“She’s beautiful, amazing,” he said.
While her next race remains a question, Jackson already has plans to breed Rachel Alexandra to Curlin upon her retirement.
Exclusive: Jockey says Rachel Alexandra going to Preakness
May 7, 2009 at 6:08 pm by Tim Wilkin

The decision jockey Calvin Borel didn’t want to make is right on top of him.

The rider, speaking by phone from Louisville, Ky. late Thursday afternoon, said he has to make a choice between Kentucky Derby winner Mine That Bird and Kentucky Oaks winner Rachel Alexandra for next Saturday’s Preakness Stakes.

“I have no choice, I have to make a decision,” Borel said. “I don’t know what I am going to do. I’m not going to sleep very good (Thursday night).”

Borel said he was under the impression that Rachel Alexandra was going to go to the second leg of the Triple Crown. She won the Kentucky Oaks at Churchill by a record 20 1/4 lengths last Friday, the day before Mine That Bird won the Kentucky Derby by 6 3/4 lengths at odds of 50-1.

Borel has said that Rachel Alexandra is the best horse he has ever been on and said after the Oaks that he would ride her if a conflict ever came up. However, that was before he won the Derby for the second time in three years.

Rachel Alexandra was sold for an undisclosed amount Wednesday to Jess Jackson’s Stonestreet Stables. Not nominated for any Triple Crown races, Rachel Alexandra would have to be supplemented for $100,000 to run in the Preakness.

“I think they will go to the Preakness with her,” Borel said. “We (he and agent Jerry Hissam) are going to sit down and whatever happens, happens. I loved the people I won the Derby for but the filly is the greatest. I think she is the best horse in the country.”

Rachel Alexandra has won her last five starts. In the first 133 runnings of the Preakness, fillies have won the race four times, the last being Nellie Morse in 1924. The last filly to run in the Preakness was Excellent Meeting, who pulled up in 1999.
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Just announced

They just announced that Rachel is running in the Preakness and Borel is riding her. Negotiations with Mike Smith to ride Mine That Bird
i will agree rachel is a super-horse. but... dont go crazy here. its still a girl competing against the boys.
i will agree rachel is a super-horse. but... dont go crazy here. its still a girl competing against the boys.

Agree here... She is a VERY GOOD horse... it is alot different than a 2yo running vs the boys? Early in their 3yo year is where things start to seperate, but she can definitely win... Another RagstoRiches story?! I thought they would have waited for the Belmont. Connections of Big Drama cannot be happy with this news of another speed horse entered. It will definitely be interesting to see because Rachel has pretty much destroyed the field by the time she has gotten to the 1/4pole... My main coincern is how she reacts when there are still contenders left (Assuming their will be...Their may not) the last furlong. Not alot of serious competition lef in the Oaks w/injuries & scratches, but 20 lengths is still very impressive. Alot of questions to be answered this year. Should be interesting and this filly could even go off favored? Unlike the Derby & elmont being a fave has paid of in the Preakness.

Agree here... She is a VERY GOOD horse... it is alot different than a 2yo running vs the boys? Early in their 3yo year is where things start to seperate, but she can definitely win... Another RagstoRiches story?! I thought they would have waited for the Belmont. Connections of Big Drama cannot be happy with this news of another speed horse entered. It will definitely be interesting to see because Rachel has pretty much destroyed the field by the time she has gotten to the 1/4pole... My main coincern is how she reacts when there are still contenders left (Assuming their will be...Their may not) the last furlong. Not alot of serious competition lef in the Oaks w/injuries & scratches, but 20 lengths is still very impressive. Alot of questions to be answered this year. Should be interesting and this filly could even go off favored? Unlike the Derby & elmont being a fave has paid of in the Preakness.


exactly right. she's had it easy and lots can change when "somebody is fighting back." however, i'm pretty sure she will the favorite. i will be looking to beat cuz there will be a lot of value on some of the other horsies.

that being said, i hope she crushes them. horse racing needs a big story and nothing could be better than a filly being the most feared 3 yr old.
mine that bird owners are pulling a bush league move. they might enter a 14th horse to keep rachel out. and they want borel to ride mine that bird in the preakness? fucking assholes. if borel wants to ride rachel, let him. if your horse was any good in the first place, the jockey wouldn't matter as much!


i know assmussen has pulled his share of bush league shit at sunland park (other places as well.) if they got a horse qualified to run, they have every right to enter it. plenty of people said the mine that bird was taking up a spot that a better horse could fill.