Questions to be answered - NFC

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
Again, people who need people are the luckiest people in the world.

So don't be d*cks, help a Joe out and hopefully he can help you out too.


The Philadelphia Eagles

(We might as well start with the best team in all of football, right? I mean, anything else would be uncivilized.)

I only have two questions about this team, and they're more specific than some of my other ones on other teams.

1. Will Andy let Marty M. call the same type of balanced games he did for Jeff Garcia rather than what Andy has done for seasons with Donovan?

1a. I'm less worried about the Birds' receivers than some, I think Kevin Curtis is going to have a pretty big year.

2. Can they finally, FINALLY, stop the run?

Their defense will actually be better this year, true or false.

Tony Romo will take a step back this year, true or false.

Do they actually have an offensive line? Is that 50 year old guy still on their team and starting in the trenches? (OK, OK, I know that second one isn't true.)

Their secondary should be monsterous, but can they get any pressure on the QB.

Is Jason Campbell really only one step above a Tavaris Jackson and just another version of a Joey Harrington waiting to happen?

Is this offensive line any good? I'm not convinced it is.

Is this secondary still going to get beat up on?



Can they run the football and is this O-line any good?

How has their defense looked in preseason?

How's their offensive line, I like this team to score a lot of points this year--BUT not if they can't keep Kitna off his *ss.

Is their defense even close to marginal?

Could their defense actually be better this year than it was last?

Can Rex put up 17 a game, does anybody think they'll need more?

I thought this offensive line was going to be very good last year, was I a year early or am I just wrong entirely?

And their defense is going to be . . . ?



I'm not convinced they really have a QB, am I wrong?

I'm not really convinced they have an O-line either, am I wrong there, too?

Anybody seen anything from their defense that makes you think it's going to be anything other than older and not so good?

They're changing to zone blocking on the line this year, do they have the guys to do it?

Is their once-fearsome defense too old now?

Can the put points on the board? This team feels like a mess to me.

Talk about a mess, forget the QB situation, they're going away from zone blocking this year, that requires basically getting new O-linemen which they haven't done. How can they possibly be expected to run the ball this year?

Can this team win six games?

Is Jaamal Brown healthy on the O-line?

Why am I not sold on their defense?



Will they be able to run the ball? Losing Hutch last year killed them.

There defense is (choose one): average, better than average, nothing to worry about if you're an opponent.

Am I the only one who thinks Alex Smith takes a step back this year?

I know zero about their defense, what am I missing?

St. Louis
Is their offensive line settled? I feel like it is, but I want to be sure.

I feel like their defense is going to be much improved this year, true or false?

Have they finally started to fix their O-line? I don't mean tried to do it, I mean, can these guys play?

Do they have a D-line? Is that where they're going to lose games?
Funny how the percentage of run plays called is one of the first things on the list... I didn't mention that in a preseason predictions thread or anything. I don't see a lot of other people bringing that into question.

The Giants offensive line is the question mark? Really? Most people wonder how much they will suffer from losing their all world runningback.

The Giants secondary isn't good, but getting your 2 probowl defensive ends back from injury should help. Not only were their 2 stud ends injured last year, but Tim Lewis still mostly only rushed 4 guys. You would think that if your "pressure" is on your sidelines in street clothes that you would bliz, but tim lewis didn't think of that one. So yes, the Giants secondary will be better. They are also considering sitting will demps which would also help.
Funny how the percentage of run plays called is one of the first things on the list.

I think for Birds fans, it's the only real pressing offensive question. Yes, there's how the receivers can do and if Tony Hunt/Buckhalter can back up B-West, but really it's about the playcalling.

Donovan's good enough and his protection (knock on wood) has been steady enough, to give him time and let him do things. So I'm not worried about that. But if the Eagles become predictable than even teams like the Titans can come into Philly and win.

And that's bad.

Good info about the Giants' secondary, or at least how they intend to play.

My comment on the Giants' line is, they lost half-way decent guys, and who'd they replace them with? Nobody, really.

And their O-line wasn't really all that great anyway.

Oh, and I know you're joking, but I agree, I never thought Tiki was all world either.
I haven't seen anyone else bring up the eagles pct. of run vs pass plays.

The Giants lost their injured left tackle who was a human penalty machine. Luke had 4 false starts in one game @ seattle. How much pressure do you think that puts on his quarterback? Turning 3rd and 6 into 3rd and 11?

Eli is good with his presnap reads and gets rid of the ball pretty quickly. He doesn't need the best O-Line in the world ( not that Diehl for Pettitgue is some big drop off).

Not many teams run an offense like the Giants. If you put Tiki into another ( scheme) I don't think he would have had as much success last year. I think running an offense like the Giants or Colts puts a lot more pressure on the quarterback, and makes life a little easier for your line and runningback ( receivers have a lot to learn). The Giants don't need some big 340 pound lineman for those zone blocking schemes in the run game.

I am not done with my DD yet, but I honestly see the Giants as your " sleeper" team so far. If they were in another division, they would have a much better chance of winning it, but Philly is my clear #1 in the NFC when you consider QB, coach, defense etc.
How's their offensive line, I like this team to score a lot of points this year--BUT not if they can't keep Kitna off his *ss.

Is their defense even close to marginal?

The offensive line is sligtly better. Big thing is Woody dedicated himself to getting into shape this offseason to retain a spot on team. I have seen flashes from the line at times and some bad points too in preseason.

The defense always is predicated on Big baby. When the guy comes to play a full 60 minutes he can be a game-changer. Kalimba is showing 'signs' and Redding will have a solid year as a full-time starter. The secondary took a huge hit in last weeks game as Bullocks was lost for the year. He was really starting to impress me...tough loss..defense should be bad overall...especially against the pass. If the line can somehow get consistent pressure than they can have a solid season.
Broderick Bunkley needs to come up huge this year...

this side of mcnabb, he might be the most pivotal person to the eagles success
I haven't seen anyone else bring up the eagles pct. of run vs pass plays.

Well, I try. And maybe I'm the only one who cares about it, but like I said, I think it's a huge issue for that offense. I think most of the Philly folk--even the casual fans who didn't really think much about it--got a sense of it last year when Garcia took over.

I just hope the staff has the faith in what they learned with Donovan out last year.

NYG have one of the best o-lines in football.

See, I'm not sold on that. OK, so Petigout was average and had his issues, they lose him so maybe that's a good thing in some ways, but they replace him with what, Diehl?

I'm not convinced. I think O'hara's a decent-to-good center, and Snee is all right, but after that I'm not sold.

You've got basically the same guys they had last year, minus Petigout, and let's be honest, they weren't all that good last year.

Also, thanks for the info, BAR.
Broderick Bunkley needs to come up huge this year...

Well, I'll be happy with some progression which I already think we're seeing.

Frankly I'm not too concerned about generating pressure on the QBs. I like Cole, I even like Patterson and so long as Kearse can take up any blocking whatsoever I think we'll push the pile back.

Now, if Bunk can hold his own, maybe become a player worthy of where we drafted him, that to me would be gravy at this point.

This year I just want him to become a solid starter, as it is part of me thinks if he's not careful that guy from Notre Dame will catch him and pass him by next season.
I think its funny the first thing in your thread was about the eagles percentage of run vs pass plays, and that was a major thing i stressed in my write up on the NFC East.

I didn't see anybody else harp on that, but now it suddenly appears over here. Kind of funny how that happens. It also seems like a more in depth question.

" Will dallas have a better defense" is a pretty simple question, then you get an in depth thing questining the eagles pct. of pass vs run plays that i highlighed less than a week ago.

Also, if you want to know what I think about that, you should have just read my entire write up, instead of bringing up what I said, and not throwing out my conclusion.
Well considering Joe's an Eagles fan, im sure hes more qualified to go in depth on them than the cowgirls...

I seriously doubt hes rumaging through your old threads to find info on his team...get over yourself
Ah, I see.

Thing is, I never read that thread, CG, sorry. I read some of your NFC North one yesterday, but that formatting thing with all the smiley faces in there threw me off and I really didn't have time to get into it all so I stopped there.

It's good that you tapped into that question, though, because that's been 'the' question for us Birds folk since the middle of the season last year. It means that even as someone who's not a fan of the team you've identified the key offensive question going into the season. Nice job.

For my part, with the questions on the Eagles (and sort of with the Browns, too), I feel like I'm more of a resource on those teams so the questions I have on them are more specific than someone like, say Carolina, who's a complete mystery to me.

Also, with more general questions you have a better chance of getting answers like we got from BAR above and I don't really need more general
help with the Birds.
I haven't seen the run vs pass pct. of plays in any other publication as a key aspect of the team. I posted it here about a week ago and then it's the absolute first thing in YOUR thread. Well I already answered your "question".

I have studied every team in the NFC, and I am that much more confident Philly wins their division, and gets to host a playoff game. I really see them getting homefield in the NFC.

Last year I correctly predicted 5/6 of the playoff teams in the NFC, and nobody predicted the saints. It was hard for me to do, but having 3 playoff teams come out of the same divison ( while the rest of the conference only has 3 playoff teams), was rare but it happened.

People like the Cowboys, 49ers, packers, lions, Bucs, Cards, rams as sleeper teams in the NFC, but the Giants will exceed the low expectations in the NFC.
People like the Cowboys, 49ers, packers, lions, Bucs, Cards, rams as sleeper teams in the NFC, but the Giants will exceed the low expectations in the NFC.

I'm confused about why people would like the Bucs. The more I look at this team the more I think they're going to be lucky to win six or seven games.

That said, I could be wrong on their O-line. If they've fixed that, things are different.

I know why people always pick the Cardinals, but the Packers I don't get either.

Oh, and good call last year on the Saints, I was way, way off on that team last year.
Carolina's weaknesses

Joe, great thread. The Panthers have a new Off Cood this yr. The switch to a zone blocking scheme is still a huge ? The O line may not have the quickness or toughness to hold up vs good defenses, especially blitzes. At least the play calling will be improved, though.
The secondary , especialy the safeties, is bad. DBs can't cover a TE anywhere on the field.
It may be a mediocre season. Look for surprise road covers and wins & disappointing efforts on the home field with the Panthers.
Good luck this year.
Talk about a mess, forget the QB situation, they're going away from zone blocking this year, that requires basically getting new O-linemen which they haven't done. How can they possibly be expected to run the ball this year?

Can this team win six games?

Is Jaamal Brown healthy on the O-line?

Why am I not sold on their defense?

I think it would be a tall order for atlanta to win 6 games, also i really think petrino wants brohm.

I think yoru not sold on NO defense b/c their coaching staff isn't either. It is going to need a full first day draft and a free agent signing to get it to compete again.
Good info, Single, thanks.

Yeah, FG. I really think Atlanta is prepared to throw in the towel. I don't think I'll bite on their season under, but I don't see much happening in the ATL this year, and I think everybody is OK with that because they can write it off, blame the Vick situation, and start over next season.

With NO it's interesting because in some ways they could be the Indy of the NFC, and that's who they play in Week One. Really efficient QB, skill players on offense, and a very questionable defense.
giants secondary is woeful.

green bay defense is one of the best kept secrets in the league imo. their pass d is one of the best. and they get after teh qb. i believe the return 11 starters on that side of the ball from last years group.

detroits offensive line is one of the worst in the league.

rex risks last year came out 23/20 (td to int). how will it come out this year?

minny makes you one dimensional and forces you to throw it. i drafted their d for my fantasy league. needless to say i like em.

tampa bay d will be better. they have kevin carter who should provide the pass rush from at least one side of the d line that is required to run a successful tampa 2.

carolina secondary is non existent. as is their special teams. i feel bad for smitty. it is def a mess. less than 9 wins is a gift imo.

NO pass d is great and they also got rid of that shitty corner that got torched by phila and chicago in playoffs. they get after the qb. now their run d idk.

seattle d without tubbs is run, run, run and run some more on em. gore, jackson and james 6 times o boy!

SF finally has the pieces to run that 3-4 they have been trying to run the last two years under Nolan. Pat Willis is a beast at linebacker.

hard to see ST Louis improving on a +14 TO margin from last year. i say they take a step back.

arizona will not get 8 wins.
Green Bay does measure up very well on defense, but that o-line is AWFUL with run blocking.

They can't open any holes for their least right now.

But, their defense can keep them in games.
Is Jaamal Brown healthy on the O-line?

Why am I not sold on their defense?

Jammal Brown should be good. His knee injury was simply a bruise (no structural damage), and I think the coaching staff kept him out of workouts for three weeks to be conservative. J Brown is an established OT, he will be crucial for McAllister & Bush to succeed this season, so there's no need to overuse him in workouts, as he has never had a problem with getting terribly out of shape in the off season.

There is no need to be sold on their defense, it will still give up many points this season, forcing the offense to outscore its opponents. The Saints still have McKenzie at CB, who gets burned consistently. They are also lacking a run-stuffing DT, recycling Klancy, Thomas, and whoever else can fill in. I think the pass defense will be improved but not good, with the return of both starting safties, Bullocks and Harper, who showed promise early last season, and with F Thomas being replaced by J David, who was brought in from the Colts this off season. The Saints only strength on defense remains their 2 DE's, Will Smith and Charles Grant. Hopefully, this duo can get to the opposing QB and force him into making mistakes.

GL this season, Joe...
Am I the only one who thinks Alex Smith takes a step back this year?

I know zero about their defense, what am I missing?

Alex Smith has looked really good in his preseason games and finally has some support around him. With Vernon healthy and a legit #1 in D Jax teams wont be able to put 8 in the box. He has really made strides and all bias aside i expect him to have a 25 TD 10 INT type season. He's not going to put up huge numbers but his decision making skills are 10 X that what they were. Keep in mind hes STILL only 23. Thats younger than colt brennan.

The defense added 5 new starters. Nate Clements, Patrick Willis, Aumbrayo Franklin, Michael Lewis, and Tully Banta Cain. They have a fearsome secondary with 2 pro bowl corners and a pro bowl talented saftey in Lewis. The weakness of this squad is the defensive line.

I am fully expecting the 49ers to make the playoffs with a 9-7 record. In 2008 though watch out with another good draft this team could be scary good.
Alex Smith has looked really good in his preseason games and finally has some support around him. With Vernon healthy and a legit #1 in D Jax teams wont be able to put 8 in the box. He has really made strides and all bias aside i expect him to have a 25 TD 10 INT type season. He's not going to put up huge numbers but his decision making skills are 10 X that what they were. Keep in mind hes STILL only 23. Thats younger than colt brennan.

The defense added 5 new starters. Nate Clements, Patrick Willis, Aumbrayo Franklin, Michael Lewis, and Tully Banta Cain. They have a fearsome secondary with 2 pro bowl corners and a pro bowl talented saftey in Lewis. The weakness of this squad is the defensive line.

I am fully expecting the 49ers to make the playoffs with a 9-7 record. In 2008 though watch out with another good draft this team could be scary good.

I agree that Smith will have a good year. They still have a good OL and an improved WR core. Gore should open up the passing lanes and Smith has a greater sense of confidence, this year. Davis should have a break-out season. If a defense has Davis and the WR's covered, Smith should be able to drop it off to Gore or scramble.

The defense, on paper, looks great. The secondary should get a tough test, Monday night. If they can slow AZ down, I think they have a great chance to make the playoffs. 9-7 looks like a great prediction. I agree, again, on the DL. The injury to Oliver hurts their depth. BY is still playing and I hope (FL draft pick) Ray McDonald helps the rotation. The LB's and secondary are solid.

I hope they make the playoffs, for the experience. I don't think they will make it far, if the do make the post-season. I could see a SB run, next year, assuming all goes well this year.