Question OSU fans.


One of trus baby mommas
No doubt in 2008 you will have a very good team.

With that said.

Week 3 you travel to play USC, hypothetically speaking, say you lose that game.

At the end of the yr, say there are no unbeaten teams and 3 teams with 1 loss. I am sure we can play out 100 different scenarios but anyway,

Do you feel that the last 2 BCS Championship games will be held against you when determining who will play in the NC?

If so, do you think it is fair?
not an OSU fan, but i'll answer anyways.

if they are ranked top-ten heading into the USC game, don't get blown out (lose less than 2 TDs) and win out the rest of their schedule, then they'll most likely be in it.

the only way they'd be denied a title game would be if the other 1-loss teams also lost before conference play began, or they lost to another top team (1 loss, 2 loss) and won their respective conference championship.

it's not that voters will hold these past two games against OSU... it's the nature of the "what-have-you-done-lately" mentality, and the fact that Big Eleven schools are done playing before other BCS conferences finish up, not to mention the impending conference championship games. at the end of the year (and this was pretty evident this year), it's more about not losing than who you beat.
i am a die hard OSU fan, but if there are three teams like you stated, you should give the other team a nod unless it's choklahoma.
Yah, I do think it will. These last two years have basically embedded it into the head of EVERYONE who determines this stuff that tOSU can't play with the SEC (which I don't "TOTALLY" agree with...but that's another agruement ;) ). So, to your question, yes, I think it will be. Is it fair...probably not because things should be looked at season by season, not by what happend last year, two years ago or 20 years ago. Fondy's law term for that is "Parol Evidence"....(LOL, right Fondy?). Anyways, can't wait for the season already, but great topic ETG.

I will take it a little farther. To answer your question with a yes or no answer. No will will not get invited to the NC game because of these last two losses. But...............
What needs to be looked at, but wont unless the conference is struggling as a whole, will be the conference. How is UM doing, Illinois, PSU, Wisky and how did we beat them. Scrape by or pound them. But it will get spinned. We pound those teams but lose to USC, well think what USC would do to them.

It was amazing the double standard that was set this year with our schedule. Blasted every week on ESPN, during the games, in newspapers about such a week schedule. While not a word over the past 3 seasons has been said about wvu's schedule. We have played a huge OOC game a year in the past and this year was a return game that the team was bad. But next year starts the huge OOC game again. OSU needs to win the a few of these right off the bat to alleviate that presumption that we have no speed, we have small weiners, what ever it is.
SC gonna beat tOSU. I hate them both more than any other schools in the country. Mark Sanchez is wood though, so tOSU might have a chance. But it aint gonna happen. The Vest and his propensity for losing big games is undeniable. Besides beating UT in Austin and the fluke win against Miami in the NC game (which was Miami losing cause of their inflated egos and overconfidence), the Vest always goes down in a blaze of glory...

100 Dime Lock of the Millenium.. Utah ML over Michshitgan

Holy Shit!!!!!!!! LMAO

Certainly didn't expect to see that when I opened this thing up. UTAH ML is right. :smiley_acbe:

And just for the record I'll be present for the upset if any of you Michigan fellas want to grab a beer.
ur crazy if you bet that Utah/UM game..just plain dumb, crazy bet IMO.

Never seen the new Um offense, don't know what the new UM qb is going to be like..UM will have a solid defense this year as well and be practicing against the spread for months up until this game.
OSU has everyone returning on defense besides Gholston...and if they get Pryor they will put him in some packages in that first game against SC. OSU will be getting points and willl win this game SU.

I honestly feel the B10 will be one of the best conferences next year. Wisky, OSU, MSU, UM, Illinois will all be solid.
OSU has everyone returning on defense besides Gholston...and if they get Pryor they will put him in some packages in that first game against SC. OSU will be getting points and willl win this game SU.

I honestly feel the B10 will be one of the best conferences next year. Wisky, OSU, MSU, UM, Illinois will all be solid.
OSU has everyone returning on defense besides Gholston...and if they get Pryor they will put him in some packages in that first game against SC. OSU will be getting points and willl win this game SU.

I honestly feel the B10 will be one of the best conferences next year. Wisky, OSU, MSU, UM, Illinois will all be solid.

just goes in cycles.

big 12 is the best, after that it's a crapshoot.
How bout this interesting scenario.

OSU with 1 loss to USC
UGA/UF with 2 losses and SEC title
SoCal with 1 loss to some bullshit team from P10 again.

Now, USC would get the nod but does OSU get the nod with 1 loss or does the 2-loss SEC team get the nod ahead of them?

I do agree Jimbo, this could be the best of the 3 and have a good chance of being on the outside looking in.

Start the season!
Those have alot of what happened earlier?

Who did the SEC teams get beat by? Auburn or Mississippi?

Did they get beat home ie Stanford/USC or on the road?

How did we get beat in L.A.? 24-21 or 37-13?

Did tOSU slaughter the remaining schedule or squeak by NW and Indiana?

When it comes down to it, IMO, tOSU is getting left out no matter what! The lovefest that is taking place in all realms of college football in regards to the SEC is going to outweigh anything the B10 and especially tOSU accomplish.