Question on which game to go to...

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My sister's good friend is dating a football player at Virginia Tech. There is a good chance she can get her hands on the family tickets that the players get. I am not sure if they are " on the field", but I thought she said that. However, I'd expect they are pretty close to the front row etc.

would you rather see...
Boston college
Florida state
or the U

oh, and I'd like to ask the Mofo some questions ...
The Florida schools will be ugly games to watch.

BC game is what I would pick as far as watching a more exciting game. Matt Ryan is a heck of a QB.
probally the U, it seems that they are improved from last year, plus two good defenses beating the hell out of the offenses.
You just know that if your going to see the U, or FSU that you will see some great athletes.

I was impressed with the U's quarterback too, I think he can be pretty good. Drew Weatherford doesn't impress me.
i never wanna watch florida st try to run offense again this year. id say the U.
The best game will probably be BC.

The one you want to go to will probably be Miami. Likely more NFLers in that one.
I'm not sure about the dates or times of the other games, but I'm going to the VT/BC game ... never been to a college night game, and thats a Thursday. I can't wait, it's gonna be insane. If they other games aren't at night, I'd suggest BC.
no homer pick but definitely The U...always a great game and the atmosphere is always killer for that game...I'll be there again this year!
Well, If you go to the Miami game, dont wear any shirts with Sooners on it....matter of fact, dont wear any shirt with anything on it but UM or be ready to take some abuse. Last week I had one of my friends make that mistake and I'll let you see what happened in this link. Yes, he actually got escorted out of the game because the Miami fans went nuts. See for yourself...LMAO
I was leaning to the U...

I want to scout out their young quarterback...
they will always have talented thugs that have a chance at the nfl

Florida states offense looks like dog shit
BC would be exciting as a night game, but I'd have to take work off a friday... there could be good riots after that one though.
shark- why would I wear some broke back oklahomo sooners crap anyway?

I saw much worse than that in the bleacher seats at yankee stadium... yankees/ redsox.