Question for you guys who live in Vegas


Pretty much a regular
A few years back MSNBC ran a few episodes about a tout in Vegas who was a pure con man. They cancelled it fairly quickly.

It was the most absurd tout scheme I ever heard of, so absurd I was shocked that anyone would buy in. The guy had a steam room operation making calls and when they found a sucker they sold them on the idea the tout would tell them which games to bet and charge them no fee, but they had to give him half their winnings.

There was no way the suckers could come out ahead, but I figured anyone dumb enough not to understand the math of that proposition was going to get separated from their money in short order so that tout might as well fleece them before someone else did.

Just wondered if any of you are aware of the show and know the guy and if he is still doing business.
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Somewhere buried is a thread where we ingamed the episodes. Shit was so bad, it had to have been all scripted
That's the guy, Steed. I can't believe he's still operating.

At least he's good for a laugh, "$25, 000 dollars for 4 week's picks." It's hard to believer anyone dumb enough to believe this guy could ever accumulate enough money to bet football, but unless that TV series was rigged--which is always likely when you watch reality TV--there are people dumb enough to listen to him and believe him.

Turns out he is not just a con man he is a convicted con man sentenced to a year in prison: