Quarterback Scouting Report: Jake Fromm Edition


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Watched all offensive plays on youtube. Went game-by-game to chart progression and included summary at the end.

Jake Fromm

229 Pounds


Vs Notre Dame


Quick intermediate pass to open receiver.
Beautiful deep pass down sidelines. Perhaps underthrown ( receiver had to come back for it). But timing and placement in relation to defensive back led to completion.
Touch to lead receiver. Touch on deep passes. Inconsistent in terms of over- or underthrowing deep balls, but gives receiver a chance to make a play and is clever in relating placement to position of defensive back.
Back shoulder throw. Consistently amazing ball placement by these kinds of throws.

Weaknesses: Locks onto receiver by quick intermediate pass. Lets ball sail on quick intermediate pass. Difficulty navigating aerial traffic in intermediate throwing range. Repeatedly prone to interceptions in this area. Interception end of first half while locked onto intermediate receiver. Vulnerable to defenders adept at play recognition and undercutting intermediate routes with body position against the receiver.

Under pressure: Incomplete pass. Ran out of bounds back to line of scrimmage. Incomplete pass--dangerous pass, shouldn't have thrown it, forced it in there. Deep throw not even close to receiver. Pointless scramble on third and long (not really under much pressure). Eludes pressure and runs back to line of scrimmage. Sacked. Throws out of bounds (hey he didn't force it! nice goalline awareness))

Accuracy suffers under pressure. Or too tempted to not stand in the pocket but to take off running for pointless gains. Easily loses composure and forces passes. Extra prone to interception. Blitz will easily disrupt the play. Elusive and agile.

Lacks the arm strength to wiz balls into tight windows. Preferable to see him using touch on back shoulder throws. Would struggle a lot against a nickle-based defense like Texas or TCU that is adept at undercutting intermediate slant routes and applies pressure to the quarterback. Elusive but forces balls while pressure and even while not being pressure when he locks onto intermediate receiver. Needs to stop over and overthrowing receiver on deep ball so much.

Vs Miss State

Strengths: Open receiver downfield. Would like to see more max protection and big receivers who are able to secure body position within an open throwing lane where nobody is between him and the receiver. Fromm hits these with ease. The downgrade in pass coverage from Miss St's linebackers is so so obvious compared with those of Notre Dame. Fromm is taking total advantage of this.
Underthrowing passes, perhaps, but confidence in receivers' ability to elevate. Timing with back shoulder throw. Placing it where defensive back can't get to it. Helped by good protection which is preventing defenders from disrupting his timing with the receiver. Intelligence and chemistry with receivers
Ability to place the ball low on slant and intermediate routes, away from defensive backs.
Ability to extend play with legs.

Weaknesses: conservative on third down. Ironically is most likely to take chances when under pressure.

Under pressure: makes it back to line of scrimmage. Touchdown: for all his forcing bad passes under pressure vs Notre Dame, he has the composure to stay upright and throw down the field to open receivers.

Vs Tennessee:

Strength: accurate deep ball down sidelines right in receiver's lap (like vs Notre Dame). Short or intermediate throw when he has time to step into it and a clear passing lane. Using receiver's height to his advantage in red zone (and elsewhere in other games, hence chemistry with receiver). Running on option. Vision on bootleg, but helped by lack of Tennessee pressure.

Weaknesses: locks onto receiver, misses open receiver. Struggles to go through his progressions--sign of immaturity, along with his too quickly leaving the pocket. Forcing ball into intermediate slant route (stop doing this Jake!!) Very prone to interceptions as a result of facing linebackers who are adept at play recognition and undercutting these kinds of throws. Intermediate route when having to throw over a linebacker (clogged passing lane)-- interception.

Under pressure: sacked, could do nothing about it. Again. Eludes defender and turns big loss into first down--very smooth agility, uses awareness of blockers to make nice cuts. Throws even a simple side pass to running back too low. Eludes pressure and runs for touchdown. Pretty hard to contain in pocket without a spy.

Awesome to see stacked receivers or other creative ways of isolating tall receiver downfield, where Fromm knows how to take advantage of receiver's height.

Vs Vanderbilt

Strengths: timing and placement on short curl routes--outside of receiver, where defensive back can't reach it. Only seeing zip on these short throws. Curl route a great antidote for his problems under pressure. But what if a linebacker were ready to undercut the route, considering his tendency to lock onto receiver and force the pass?
Option keeper. Agility and ability to break tackle. Will usually go down to avoid big hit, but not always (not often enough--took very hard hit vs Tennessee where it really wasn't necessary).
Touch on deep pass.
Back shoulder throw, deep pass down sideline.

Weaknesses: overthrowing intermediate route (same vs Notre Dame). Lack of zip on most throws, overwhelming reliance on touch.

Under pressure: sacked, could do nothing about it. Eludes pressure (not much pressure) and obtains 4th and 1 (consistently risk-shy on third down).

Vs Missouri

Strengths: Ability to lead receiver on intermediate route when he has time to step into throw. Curl route (seeing this with more with consistent success since Vandy game) Clever placement behind the receiver at all ranges (consistent throughout the season)
Deep pass down the sideline. Navigates sideline on deeper throws well (throughout the season).
Stepping up in pocket to hit open receiver. Not facing nearly the pressure that he did vs Notre Dame and I think this is making him more confident, even despite the poor throws (including interception) that he already throw. Easy for him to maintain composure and stay in the pocket when he's not seeing the kind of pressure that ND brought.
Using height of receiver in red zone (consistent throughout season)
Back shoulder throw (here for a touchdown, consistent throughout season).
Hadn't seen him make pass adjustments at the line of scrimmage before--getting more comfortable with the offense.
Option keeper run. Shifty and hard for smaller defenders to wrap up.

Weaknesses: Forcing intermediate slant route onto locked-on receiver. Of course it was a linebacker in coverage who had good play recognition and read the throw. Consistent problem with Fromm. Go through your fucking progressions, kid. As throughout the season is underthrowing receiver. Why doesn't he utilize the receiver's height like he did in shorter throws in the red zone. It's probably lack of arm strength. Lacks zip outside of those shorter throws.

Under pressure: Tries to run back to line of scrimmage. Throws it away (didn't force anything like he kept doing vs Notre Dame! Dude is maturing) Throws it away (obviously his coach got on his ass for forcing passes earlier in the season)

Vs Florida

Strengths: Utilizes height of receiver in red zone. Run option keeper.


Under pressure: Short dump off of backfoot, easy completion. Needs to stop taking big unnecessary hits while running. I thought he learned this after the big hit he took vs Tennessee. Stands big in pocket, takes hit and delivers to intermediate receiver in between three defenders. Hadn't seen him be this effective throwing under pressure before. Big difference from the Notre Dame game in terms of responding to pressure in the pocket where he would force a bad pass or flee.


A maturing quarterback who is growing more comfortable in his command of the offense (making more adjustments at line of scrimmage) and who is throwing away more passes instead of forcing them. Still locks into intermediate receivers and is thereby prone to interceptions, especially on the slant route, which Georgia does a lot of. Would really struggle against a 4-2-5 that is aligned especially for slant route. That keeps a linebacker underneath to cover crossing route because Fromm cannot throw over a linebacker to a receiver running horizontally. But would also exploit a defense like TCU (who runs 4-2-5) with his adeptness at sideline throw. Still lacks zip on intermediate and longer throws. Relies overwhelmingly on his touch. He is elusive and able to keep plays alive with his agility and shiftiness and is difficult to bring down by smaller defensive backs. But would like to see him take less big hits. His mobility makes him very dangerous on option keeper runs. But he increasingly looks to stay within the pocket and will hit short and intermediate routes with a clear passing lane especially when he has time to step into the throw. Also adeptly utilizes the height of his wide receivers, especially in the red zone. He is also consistently a stud on back shoulder throws. Is intelligent and consistently places ball outside of the reach of defensive backs.
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Did not look on google at all, so I have no idea what others are saying. This is just my judgment purely by watching all of his plays in the order of games.
I have not gotten into reading this as I am at dinner about to eat a slice but I look forward to reading it. I was looking at how he averaged 17 passes a game this year and is only had 7 in the stomping of Florida.
Interesting reading this. Leads me to wonder what prompted it and what are you studying at college, if there is any relation to your interest in researching and reporting and your chosen field of education.
Interesting reading this. Leads me to wonder what prompted it and what are you studying at college, if there is any relation to your interest in researching and reporting and your chosen field of education.

I asked a friend which QB he wanted a scouting report of and he said Fromm so Fromm it was.

I did a masters in History, and am killing time with another in German Literature.

My main area of study is Philosophy. Which was my bachelors at UVA. I like analysis, as much and as deep as possible, and deriving conclusions from it. I am a heavy thinker.

I figured a few people may derive benefit from this.