Pulley kicked off UK


Pretty much a regular
I'm sure you all weren't too concerned about this seeing as he wasn't expected to be a great QB anyway, but this throws any momentum UK had going into the UL game out the window...

Leaned UL in Wk1, so this helps the cause somewhat. But, I don't know if I will risk money on UL laying nearly a TD to a rival. Thx for the info, linde
Actually think that this will take some of the distraction away going into the first game. This was a matchup of seemingly equal QBs and I wouldn't have been surprised if Brooks flip flopped them to start the season. As the saying goes, if you have two quarterbacks, you actually have none.
time to get excited, Lindetrain!

As if the Mossakowski committment wasn't exciting enough, word is out we just snagged Sam Simpson...

09 offensive committments so far.

QB - Ryan M. 4 star out of Texas (which is a big deal). Rated
The 2nd strongest arm in the class of 09.

Center - SAM S. 3 star 6′5 260 great athlete for his size #2
rated center

OT - KEVIN M - rated number 155 OG in the class but has
huge upside bc he is 6′7 280, can put on a lot of weight

OG - LARRY W - 6′5 320 Nuff Said!

We have a 6′7 TE and 6′6, 6′4, 6′2 WRs.

The 09 defensive class is pretty good right now too

:4_17_208: JOKER
Really starting to look up grind...

Can't wait to see if the Cats can snag a bowl bid in a "rebuilding year."
Should be a good game inspekdah. Originally like UL quite a bit but slowly starting to think the Cats may hang tight or maybe pull one out.

just got done watching the Tenn/ UK game last year...that catch Tamme made on third and short in the third quarter was spectactular!...man they are going to miss some of those guys...