Problems with people hating on Lebron


Brian Windhorst
OK, I am one of the biggest critics of LBJ... BUT he did not make the wrong play on Monday. Magic and MJ made the same play BUT their teammates made the shot for them. Just because Marhsall missed the 3 it is a bad play? The old theory is go for the win on the road, and that is exactly what the Cavs went for.

I am not comparing him to MJ, because they are completely different players. Lebron is more of a team player, while 23 tried to kill teams by himself. I loved watching MJ but I love watching Bron more. Not because I think he is a better player, but because he is from my neighborhood and plays for my fav. team.

As far as the killer instinct he will get that. How he has changed the attitude and perception of the Cavs, in his short time here, is remarkable

02-03 17-65 (Last in the NBA) -year before LBJ

03-04 35-47

04-05 42-40

05-06 50-32 (second round of the playoffs)

06-07 50-32 (playing in the ECF)

That should be enough for people to stop hating BUT haters will be haters

27 7 7 should give him cred too but haters will be haters

Everyone just relax and enjoy watching. Dont try to hate, he is what he is.... a young player who has the future of the league on his shoulders...

and oh yeah, he is 22!
I think its the media more than anything and uneducated gam,blers like at Covers. I think for most part people that unerstand the game should praise him.

He didn;t force anything too much on Monday. It wasn't their. They had a helluva plan against him. He made his teammates better. The guy he defended shot 1-11 and at the end of the game they had a chance to steal a win.

Tonight though he will force it more and that could really hurt the team IMO
It's kind of ridiculous the hate not only for Lebron, but Mike Brown as well.

In my opinion, the team as constructed should NOT be playing for the Eastern Conference title. LBJ's supporting cast is average, at best. He's got a #2 in Hughes that is a slasher, but only an average jumpshooter. He has NO point guard that belongs in the nba playoffs, as Snow looks lost on offense and really doesn't distribute like a PG should. On the other hand, you've got Gooden who looks absolutely lost on defense, but doesn't even contribute a consistent presence on the offensive end evident in his 6 points and 5 rebounds in 24 minutes in Game 1. Ilguaskas is the team's best shooter inside the arc... consider that. Too bad the rest of the team wants to run and Z is chugging from behind.

So, you've got Lebron and Coach Brown trying to beat the quintessential "team" in Detroit. And only one of those two guys gets to touch the ball on the court.

Lebron's no MJ; he's Lebron. His play is closer to Magic Johnson's, but Magic was never the lone superstar on his team that Lebron is forced to be.
rolub...your so right on.

New coah and a new system is what will evetually put CLE over the top in a year or two
the team as constructed should NOT be playing for the Eastern Conference title.

Thank you.

That they are is a credit to two things, one LeBron being able to carry the team as far as he has. Two, the sorry state of the Eastern Conference (sorry Detroit, there's just a guilt by association factor in there).
My main thing isnt the shot on the last play of the game,I agree he made the right play..He shouldnt of let it get to that point in the first place...The best player on the floor has to score in the last 7 mins of a close game in a crucial playoff series...If its mid December or Feburary then ok,maybe,..but not now...
My main thing isnt the shot on the last play of the game,I agree he made the right play..He shouldnt of let it get to that point in the first place...The best player on the floor has to score in the last 7 mins of a close game in a crucial playoff series...If its mid December or Feburary then ok,maybe,..but not now...

Agreed. That last play shouldnt be decisive, Cleveland could secure that win earlier.
I've felt like vomitting at the garbage that is being spewed the last couple days on ESPN radio.

It makes me sick.

The media is really digging in the trash for anything they can spin to produce argumentative fodder in the NBA playoffs this year...
I think it was with about 3 mins to go when LBJ drove to the hoop and dished it out to the 3pt line again. Same exact play, but Marshall wasn't the shooter. This time, the guy was so surprised that he even got the ball that he fumbled the pass. That play was designed for LBJ to go to the hole and score. Even Varajeo was cleared out. It is weird to see stuff like that. I guess it has to be the coaching mentality that makes a top 5 player in the league cough it up.

I like LBJ and think he is great for his team and the sport itself. I just think the kid is too young to understand what needs to be done. Someone telling you to take a team on your back is different from knowing deep in your bones that that is what needs to be done. He will have this killer instinct after another 3-4 years or so.

On that last drive to the hoop, it was a kid playing against men in my opinion. But again, not just LBJ's fault. I blame the coach 100% on forcing LBJ to attempt a blatant dribble penetration against the entire Detroit team. How ridiculous. As soon as I saw Rip wagging his hands and Billups screaming out something or other, they were in LBJ's head completely. The poor kid didn't have a chance. I hope these games make LBJ stronger mentally. That's all he will need to become one of the greatest players in the game.
He is a great player..too bad he has no clutch shooters on his team, and no coach...he has no pippen..I mean the offensive options on the Cavs are atrocious.
I'm somewhat reluctant to throw their coach under the bus.

Now, from an overall gameplan standpoint, absolutely. Why they're not running is almost as stupid as the Nets running their offense through Vince Carter.

But this Brown character's not a complete moron, he realizes he's got one guy who he wants taking a clutch shot, just like anybody who's watched the game for more than ten minutes.

Everybody on the floor knows the Cavs' offensive options suck. So if you can force the ball out of LeBron's hands, you've already won a battle and are on the way to winning the war.

So when LB gets the ball with 10 seconds left, everybody knows you guard him and take your chances with the rest. Until one of those other guys proves he can hit a shot, neither the coach of the Cavs nor the other team is going to expect anybody other than LB to win or lose a game for that team.
Mike Brown does an excellent job preparing his team to play. The gameplan is usually great and the Cavs usually play great team defense...

With that being said, his in-game adjustments are about is bad as you can get. Substitutions are not his strong arm either...Sasha can have a great first quarter but he will always get subbed with about 4 left in the first....OK that is fine to give him a break right? Yes but he will not put him back in until 5 or so left in the 2Q- point blank that is terrible...well who is in then? Eric Slow of course- career 50% shooter on layups
its still remarkable to me how poor this cavs roster is and how far they are. they could have won both game 1 and game 2. future is bright in cleveland.
players i like on cavs ... bron, sideshow bob, big z, donyell, eric snow.

they need a pg, a shooter at the 2, and a different coach to make substitions and ingame decisions.