Pro bowl anyone?


“No, you idiot. Hawks eat squirrels!”
Anyone have line on game or an over under yet? Last years was worst by far. Refs were blowing it dead as soon as a defensive player put a hand on the ball carrier. And I don’t think the clock ever stops.
Anyone have line on game or an over under yet? Last years was worst by far. Refs were blowing it dead as soon as a defensive player put a hand on the ball carrier. And I don’t think the clock ever stops.
They are trying several new rules this year, I do know that.
Why can't the NFL turn this into a giant skills competition?

QBs already have a skills competition
WRs vs DBs one on one pass receiving
TEs vs LBs one on one pass receiving
Kickers/Punters, no brainer
OT vs DE one on one pass blocking
C/G vs DT one on one run blocking (the old Oklahoma drill)

That could fill three hours easy.
I was at practice today and skills challenge. Met Salsa Cruz and Rob Ninkovich. My kid threw a ball at Salsa’s knee caps and he was cool about it and laughed it off. Even blamed himself for being in the way. Salsa is tiny. Otherwise, I have nothing to add besides why in hell would you bet this game. None of these guys care, at all as that was further confirmed today watching “practice”
Just saw a number on Bovada. AFC -1.5/50, juiced to the over!. Under for me please.
Jesus it's moved to 50.5. Have the past three years meant nothing to some people?
I was hoping I could tease this under with the SB so I could play a 3-way 10 pointer. Not so much.
dont even remember the last time I watched this junk, I see its gotten worse.

this seems like that game show bamboozled in friends.
People are betting this over as if it's already been played. Keeps climbing & I don't get it. 53.5 now!
I don't want to bet this game but man i agree that total is too high. By like 7 points IMO
Can you imagine these rules I. The regular season? Totals would be in the 20s
Games would still go 3+ hours though... just more commercials.'

That is what ncaa and nfl have been aiming for the last 12-13 years... slowly and slowly getting worse.
Games would still go 3+ hours though... just more commercials.'

That is what ncaa and nfl have been aiming for the last 12-13 years... slowly and slowly getting worse.

Agreed. I have a theory on something like this in the cfl that I will be researching this off season.
Only enjoying this because I'm on over 1st half and game. I feel like I'm cheating myself losing hours of my life
Took 1 qtr over 10 (-135) and chalked it as a loss on an incomplete pass. My book graded it as a win. I missed something there. I watched the clock go :00. How did the AFC score in the 1st qtr?
Who the hell would waste three hours watching this shit on TV let alone spend good money to see it live? NBA all star they basically do what they do now anyway, no defense & drain 3's. Hockey is all offense also but you see some good puck movement. MLB is probably the only one where they can play a legit game and try with little risk of injury.

You're right Twink, they should vote players in, give them a fucking gift certificate or some BS, let them add it to their resume & just not play the game. It's barely football.