Primetime Stat Saturation Points 2007


CTG Big Brother
This will be the 3rd straight year of my posting this thread, the purpose of which is to become aware of when statistical corrections are expected to be forthcoming (as indicated by past patterns) for an array of betting categories related to NFL primetime games (specifically/usually Sunday & Monday Night games).

Specifically, in keeping records of primetime results (since the start of the 2000 season) it soon became clear to me that certain major betting options rarely delivered unfettered runs of one specific result. In other words, as in life, so in betting streaks change is the name of the game. In this thread, I'll list...

- the nature of the streak at, what I call, its saturation point of a run of the same results
- the longest streaks seen of the same result from the previous 7 seasons (dating back to 2000) in order that the present streak's number can be considered in context

...with an eye to the fact that the streak so highlighted is at the (saturation) point of expected change.

I'll first list/note a streak usually when it's within 1 more result of matching the previously highest recorded mark (whatever that may be, from over the last 7 seasons). The exception will be if that highest mark is an especially large number, where the next highest mark (and the general mean for whatever result is being considered) is far less than the highest mark, but where the current streak being considered exceeds all but the highest streak (yeah, its fun to write to, lol).

I have 5 categories of results I record for primetime games (results ordered time sequentially) -

All games
SNF games
MNF games
AFC games (where the home team is an AFC team)
NFC games (where the home team is an NFC team)

Finally, there's 2 different kind of results that are considered: (1) the number of whatever continuous results that have occurred, and (2) the number of whatever games have been played where a typical result has failed to occur. A matter of considering too many of the same result, and a complete lack of an otherwise normally regularly occurring result, where each are seen historically to be situations calling for a statistical correction.

As with all my stat threads, everything is based on opening lines. This is the link to last season's thread.
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Stat streaks for Bengals/Patriots

All Games

- Dogs have won 4 straight games SU.

The longest such streaks from the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 1 (6 times), 3, 3, 4, 2 (3 times) & 2 (4 times) games.

This present streak matches the highest previous recorded mark for such results.

- Home teams have failed to score at least 10 points by halftime for 4 straight games.

The longest such streaks from the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3 (2 times), 2, 2 (2 times), 3, 5, 4 & 4 games.

This present streak is within 1 result of matching the highest recorded mark. With the next result subject to this streak (GBY at home to CHC), IMHO this streak will not reach 6 games - very shortly a home team will break the 10 point barrier before/by halftime.


Monday Night Games

There are currently no statistical streaks of note for MNF.


AFC Games

- 3 straight games have gone Over & been covered by the Fav ATS.

The longest such streaks from the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
1 (2 times), 4, 2, 1 (3 times), 0, 3 & 2 games.

This present streak is within 1 result of matching the highest recorded mark. A look at recent past seasons highest marks indicates this isn't a streak of results that is common at all.

Bengals/Pats Review

- Dogs have won 4 straight games SU.
- 3 straight games have gone Over & been covered by the Fav ATS.

2 of the 3 streaks noted, ended.
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Stat streaks for Falcons/Giants

All Games

There are currently no statistical streaks of note for All Games.


Monday Night Games

There are currently no statistical streaks of note for MNF Games.


NFC Games

- A Favourite hasn't covered ATS for 7 straight games.

The longest such streaks from the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 2 (twice), 3, 2 (3 times), 5, 2 (3 times) & 3 (twice) games.

This present streak is easily the longest drought the Fav has had ATS for NFC games since 2000.

- No Favourite has won after leading at halftime for 7 games.

The longest such streaks from the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 3, 3, 1 (6 times), 3, 2 (3 times) & 5 games.

This present streak is easily the longest drought without such a result since 2000.

- The Dog has won 6 straight games SU.

The longest such streaks from the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2 (3 times), 2 (twice), 1 (4 times), 1 (6 times), 2 (twice), 2 (3 times) & 3 games.

This present streak is easily the longest run of SU Dog winners I've recorded since 2000.

Falcons/Giants Review

- The Dog has won 6 straight games SU.
- A Favourite hasn't covered ATS for 7 straight games.
- No Favourite has won after leading at halftime for 7 games.

All 3 of the streaks noted, ended.
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Stat streaks for Broncos/Steelers

All Games

There are currently no statistical streaks of note for All Games.


Sunday Night Games

- The Dog has won 4 straight games SU.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 1, 1 (twice), 2, 2 (3 times), 4 & 1 game/s.

This present streak matches the previous longest recorded marks dating back to the 2000 season.

- The Dog has covered 4 straight games ATS.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 1 (3 times), 4, 3, 5, 4 (twice) & 2 (twice) games.

This present streak is 1 result off matching the previously highest recorded marks.

- No Favourite has won after leading at halftime for 4 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4 & 2 games.

This present streak matches the previously highest recorded marks.


AFC Games

There are currently no statistical streaks of note for AFC Games.

Broncos/Steelers Review

None of the 3 streaks noted ended.
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Nice spot for an unpopular home dog off a bye.

Unless I'm reading it wrong, the trends suggest otherwise, no?
You're not wrong, Joe. The above pretty much says SNF is closer to its next Fav, than it's next Dog. Of course new marks are always there to be set - that said, for such categories, I wouldnt expect those present streaks noted to "roll into DD numbers" before they ended. Solid betting aspects (ATS/SU) never get too far away from the (already) established ceilings.
Stat streaks for Broncos/Packers

All Games

- Road teams have scored the game's 1st TD for 4 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 3 (twice), 3, 3, 4, 3 (3 times) & 2 (3 times) games.

This present streak matches the previously highest recorded mark.

- Road teams have scored 20+ points for 7 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
6, 6, 4, 4 (twice), 6, 3 & 4 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.


Monday Night Games

- Road teams have won 5 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 3, 3, 4, 2, 2 (twice) & 1 (3 times) games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark. No suprise that Home team SU winners are never far away from the MNF spotlight, making this present run of results all the more anomalous.

- Road teams have scored 20+ points for 6 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3 (twice), 3 (twice), 4, 3, 3, 2 & 5 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has led at halftime in a SU win for 7 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 4, 4, 4, 2 (3 times), 2 (twice) & 5 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has won by a 13+ points margin for 8 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 4, 6, 5, 5, 5 & 5 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark. MNF is as often about home teams blowing out their opponents in front of rabid support as much as it is about close, exciting contests. The previous high marks from recently past seasons demonstrate that such blowouts were never far from being seen on primetime. This season thus far has been the exception.

- No Home team has scored 1st & then won SU for 6 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5 (twice), 3, 5, 4 (twice), 3, 2 (3 times) & 4 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- The Favourite has won 4 straight games SU.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 5, 5, 3, 4, 4 (twice) & 5 games.

This present streak is within 1 result of matching the previously highest recorded marks.


AFC Games

There are currently no statistical streaks of note for AFC Games.

Broncos/Packers Review

- Road teams have scored the game's 1st TD for 4 straight games.
- Road teams have scored 20+ points for 7 straight games.
- Road teams have scored 20+ points for 6 straight games.
- The Favourite has won 4 straight games SU.

Of the 8 streaks noted, 4 ended.
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Stat streaks for Eagles/Cowboys

All Games

- No Home team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 14 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
11, 15, 14, 12, 13, 11 & 9 games.

This present streak now macthes the 2nd highest highest recorded mark, and is 1 result short of matching the highest recorded mark.


Sunday Night Games

- The Dog has won 5 straight games SU.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 1, 1 (twice), 2, 2 (3 times), 4 & 1 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- The Dog has covered 5 straight games ATS.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 1 (3 times), 4, 3, 5, 4 (twice) & 2 (twice) games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded marks.

- No Favourite has won after leading at halftime for 5 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4 & 2 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.


NFC Games

- No Home team has won by a 1-12 points margin for 7 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
13, 4, 5, 4, 3 (3 times), 4 & 4 games.

This present streak now matches the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No game has been resulted by a 1-6 points margin for 7 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
7, 6, 8, 2 (3 times), 6, 8 & 5 (twice) games.

This present streak now matches the 2nd highest recorded mark, and is 1 result short of matching the highest recorded mark.

Eagles/Cowboys Review

- The Dog has won 5 straight games SU.
- The Dog has covered 5 straight games ATS.
- No Favourite has won after leading at halftime for 5 games.

Of the 6 streaks noted, 3 ended.
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Stat streaks for Steelers/Ravens

All Games

- No Home team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 15 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
11, 15, 14, 12, 13, 11 & 9 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark.

- The Road team has led at halftime & won SU for 3 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2 (twice), 2, 2 (3 times), 5, 4, 3 & 3 games.

While the present streak still doesnt even match the 2nd highest mark, the overall mean & average for such runs of results ending are less than 3 games. This is only the 6th time in 250+ primetime games I have on record that the road team has managed this feat over 3 straight games. The odds are rapidly entering the futile range for road teams to continue to keep this present streak going.

- No Home team has won by 4 or more points over 8 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 4, 6, 6, 4 (twice), 4 (twice) & 5 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- Road teams have totaled 16 or more points for 9 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
6, 6, 10, 5 (3 times), 8, 6 & 4 (twice) games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark, and within 1 result of the highest recorded mark.

- No 2 teams have played out a first half with a margin of less than 6 points for 10 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 5, 5, 10, 9 (3 times), 6 & 6 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark. A real close game come halftime is going to be upon us sooner rather than later.


Monday Night Games

- Road teams have won 6 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 3, 3, 4, 2, 2 (twice) & 1 (3 times) games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has led at halftime in a SU win for 8 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 4, 4, 4, 2 (3 times), 2 (twice) & 5 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has won by a 13+ points margin for 9 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 4, 6, 5, 5, 5 & 5 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark. MNF is as often about home teams blowing out their opponents in front of rabid support as much as it is about close, exciting contests. The previous high marks from recently past seasons demonstrate that such blowouts were never far from being seen on primetime. This season thus far has been the exception.

- No Home team has scored 1st & then won SU for 7 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5 (twice), 3, 5, 4 (twice), 3, 2 (3 times) & 4 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- Road teams have scored 10+ points by halftime for 9 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 2 (3 times), 6, 3, 2 (3 times), 2 (twice) & 7 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has won SU after scoring the 1st TD for 7 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3 (3 times), 3, 3, 4 (twice), 2 (4 times), 4 & 3 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- Road teams have covered 3 straight games ATS.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2 (3 times), 4, 3 (twice), 4, 4, 4 & 3 games.

This present streak matches the 2nd highest recorded mark, and is within 1 result of matching the highest recorded mark. Very low historical ceiling for consecutive road ATS covers on MNF - That next home team cover isn't far away.


AFC Games

- The Fav has opened the scoring with a TD for 3 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
1 (4 times), 2, 3, 5, 2 (2 times), 3 & 5 games.

This present streak matches the 2nd highest recorded mark. Over the last 7 1/2 seasons, there have only been 2 instances of longer streaks of the Fav opening the scoring with the most common 1st scoring play (a TD).

- No Home team has won SU after scoring the 1st TD for 5 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 4, 5, 6, 2 (twice), 5 & 2 (twice) games.

This present streak now matches the 2nd highest recorded mark, and is 1 result off matching the highest recorded mark. Primetime is never far away from home wins, and home winners more often than not score the games 1st TD, hence why the longest drought for such a combination over the last 7 seasons sits at a mere 6 games.

Steelers/Ravens Review

- The Road team has led at halftime & won SU for 3 straight games.
- No Home team has won by 4 or more points over 8 straight games.
- Road teams have totaled 16 or more points for 9 straight games.
- Road teams have won 6 straight games.
- No Home team has led at halftime in a SU win for 8 games.
- No Home team has won by a 13+ points margin for 9 games.
- No Home team has scored 1st & then won SU for 7 games.
- Road teams have scored 10+ points by halftime for 9 games.
- No Home team has won SU after scoring the 1st TD for 7 games.
- Road teams have covered 3 straight games ATS.
- No Home team has won SU after scoring the 1st TD for 5 games.

Of the 14 streaks noted, 11 ended.
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this is very interesting and i appreciate the work you put into it.
thank you & good luck !
Stat streaks for Chargers/Colts

All Games

- No Home team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 16 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
11, 15, 14, 12, 13, 11 & 9 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No 2 teams have played out a first half with a margin of less than 6 points for 11 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 5, 5, 10, 9 (3 times), 6 & 6 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- The Favourite has opened the scoring w/a TD for 5 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2 (3 times), 3, 4, 7, 3, 3 & 4 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- For 8 straight occasions, the Road team has won SU after leading at halftime.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 4, 8, 8, 6, 16 & 4 occasions.

This present streak now matches the previously 2nd highest recorded marks.


Sunday Night Games

- Over results have come in for 4 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 4, 1 (6 times), 2 (3 times), 5, 3 (twice) & 1 (3 times) games.

This present streak now matches the previously 2nd highest recorded mark, and is within 1 result of matching the highest recorded mark.

- The Road team has scored the game's 1st TD for 3 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
1 (6 times), 4, 1 (5 times), 2, 2 (twice), 4 & 2 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark, and within 1 result of matching the highest recorded mark. With the Pats on the road to Buffalo next SNF, it's a fair guess that one of either SD or Buffalo will do the "unlikely" and grab their game's 1st TD.

- The Road team has scored 27+ points for 4 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 (twice) & 3 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark, only the 2nd time in 7 1/2 seasons road teams have managed such a streak of high scoring.


AFC Games

- The Favourite has opened the scoring w/a TD for 4 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
1 (4 times), 2, 3, 5, 2 (2 times), 3 & 5 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark, and within 1 result of matching the highest recorded marks.

- The 1st scoring play has been a TD for 5 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 3 (3 times), 4, 5, 3, 3 & 5 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded marks.

- No game has been resulted by a 7-18 points margin for 7 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2, 5, 3, 2 (twice), 2 (3 times), 4 & 5 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

Chargers/Colts Review

- The Favourite has opened the scoring w/a TD for 5 straight games.
- Over results have come in for 4 straight games.
- The Road team has scored the game's 1st TD for 3 straight games.
- The Road team has scored 27+ points for 4 straight games.
- The Favourite has opened the scoring w/a TD for 4 straight games.

5 of the 10 streaks noted, ended.

28 of 47 streak instances noted to this point, have ended (59.7% rate)
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Indy opens with a FG, might as well play these plays for something

Indianapolis first score of the game will be FG +170

1st score of game will be a FG +160

Team to make the 1st successful field goal in game Colts -120
I'm thinking along the FG 1st score lines as well, but I can tell you of the 9 AFC primetime games played this season, the Fav has scored 1st in 8 of them. So while that particular stat isnt subject to any record streak I'd post in here, it is getting up there as a "record ratio" of Fav-to-Dog 1st scorers after so many games. I, in light of that, will pass on tying any bet to Indy having to score first.
Stat streaks for Seahawks/49ers

All Games

- No Home team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 17 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
11, 15, 14, 12, 13, 11 & 9 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No 2 teams have played out a first half with a margin of less than 6 points for 12 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 5, 5, 10, 9 (3 times), 6 & 6 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- For 8 straight occasions, the Road team has won SU after leading at halftime.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 4, 8, 8, 6, 16 & 4 occasions.

This present streak now matches the 2nd highest recorded marks.


Monday Night Games

- No Home team has won by a 1-12 points margin for 8 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
6, 8, 5, 11, 6, 5 & 2 (twice) games.

This present streak now matches the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No game has been resulted by a 7-18 points margin for 6 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2 (twice), 8, 3 (twice), 2 (3 times), 4, 6 & 4 games.

This present streak now matches the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- There hasn't been consecutive SU Home wins for 9 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5 (twice), 7, 7, 11, 5, 8 & 3 (3 times) games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark. A home team won the last MNF game prior to this one.


NFC Games

- No Home team has won by a 1-12 points margin for 8 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
13, 4, 5, 4, 3 (3 times), 4 & 4 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No game has been resulted by a 1-6 points margin for 8 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
7, 6, 8, 2 (3 times), 6, 8 & 5 (twice) games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded marks.

- The Road team has won 4 straight games SU.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4 (twice), 3, 5, 4, 3, 2 (twice) & 4 games.

This present streak now matches the 2nd highest recorded marks, and is 1 result away from matching the highest recorded mark. In 7 1/2 seasons of games involving NFC home teams, only 1 streak of road winners is longer than this present one.

- The Road team has won 4 straight games ATS.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 2 (4 times) & 4 (twice) games.

This preent streak now matches the 2nd highest recorded amrks, and is within 1 result of matching the highest recorded mark. Very solid 4-5 game ceiling on road team ATS covering streaks for NFC games.

- The Road team has scored the game's 1st TD for 3 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 2 (twice), 2 (twice), 2 (twice), 2 (3 times), 2 (twice) & 2 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark, only the 2nd time in 7 1/2 seasons for such a streak to go beyond 2 games.

- The Road team has scored 27+ points for 4 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 1 (twice), 2, 4, 2 (twice), 1 (4 times) & 4 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded marks.

Seahawks/49ers Review

- There hasn't been consecutive SU Home wins for 9 games.
- The Road team has won 4 straight games SU.
- The Road team has won 4 straight games ATS.
- The Road team has scored the game's 1st TD for 3 straight games.
- The Road team has scored 27+ points for 4 straight games.

5 of the 12 streaks noted, ended
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Stat streaks for Bills/Patriots

All Games

- No game has been resulted by a 7-18 points margin for 8 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3 (3 times), 9, 5, 4, 6, 6 & 8 games.

This present streak now matches the 2nd highest recorded mark, and is within 1 result of the highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 18 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
11, 15, 14, 12, 13, 11 & 9 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No 2 teams have played out a first half with a margin of less than 6 points for 13 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 5, 5, 10, 9 (3 times), 6 & 6 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- For 8 straight occasions, the Road team has won SU after leading at halftime.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 4, 8, 8, 6, 16 & 4 occasions.

This present streak now matches the 2nd highest recorded marks.


Sunday Night Games

- No 2 teams have played out a first half with a margin of less than 10 points for 5 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 2, 2 (twice), 4, 4, 2 (twice) & 4 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- The 1st scoring play has been a TD for 6 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
7, 3, 3, 6 (twice), 2 (twice), 4 & 6 games.

This present streak now matches the 2nd highest recorded marks, and is within 1 result of the highest recorded mark.

- No Road team has won by a 1-6 point margin for 9 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
10, 8, 9, 8, 5, 7 & 5 (twice) games.

This present streak now matches the 2nd highest recorded mark, and is within 1 result of the highest recorded mark.


AFC Games

- The 1st scoring play has been a TD for 6 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 3 (3 times), 4, 5, 3, 3 & 5 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No game has been resulted by a 7-18 points margin for 8 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2, 5, 3, 2 (twice), 2 (3 times), 4 & 5 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No 2 teams have played out a first half with a margin of less than 6 points for 8 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
6, 4, 4, 3 (twice), 4, 3 & 4 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

Bills/Patriots Review

None of the 10 streaks noted ended.
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Stat streaks for Broncos/Titans

All Games

- No game has been resulted by a 7-18 points margin for 9 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3 (3 times), 9, 5, 4, 6, 6 & 8 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 19 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
11, 15, 14, 12, 13, 11 & 9 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No 2 teams have played out a first half with a margin of less than 6 points for 14 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 5, 5, 10, 9 (3 times), 6 & 6 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- For 9 straight occasions, the Road team has won SU after leading at halftime.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 4, 8, 8, 6, 16 & 4 occasions.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.


Monday Night Games

- No Dog has won SU in regulation for 7 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 5, 5, 3, 4, 4 (twice) & 5 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has won by a 1-12 points margin for 8 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
6, 8, 5, 11, 6, 5 & 2 (twice) games.

This present streak now matches the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No game has been resulted by a 7-18 points margin for 6 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2 (twice), 8, 3 (twice), 2 (3 times), 4, 6 & 4 games.

This present streak now matches the 2nd highest recorded mark.


AFC Games

- The 1st scoring play has been a TD for 7 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 3 (3 times), 4, 5, 3, 3 & 5 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No game has been resulted by a 7-18 points margin for 9 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2, 5, 3, 2 (twice), 2 (3 times), 4 & 5 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No 2 teams have played out a first half with a margin of less than 6 points for 9 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
6, 4, 4, 3 (twice), 4, 3 & 4 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

Broncos/Titans Review

- No game has been resulted by a 7-18 points margin for 9 games.
- No game has been resulted by a 7-18 points margin for 6 games.
- No game has been resulted by a 7-18 points margin for 9 games.

3 of the 10 streaks noted, ended.
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The 1st scoring play has been a TD for 7 straight games.

i was thinking of a prop on fg 1st play and i love to see this stat - i see +125 for a fg or safety and -155 for a td 1st -
ToFurkey - its been an unusual season regarding AFC first scores. In the past seasons I have on record, AFC games for starters had more FGs as the 1st scoring play %-wise over NFC games, keeping in mind TDs %-wise are the most common 1st score, so I think the strength of the AFC over the NFC made itself felt in this regard.

From 2000 to the end of last season, TDs opened the scoring in 57.3% of AFC games, compared to 66.6% of NFC games. This season its 90.9% for AFC games vs 63.6% for NFC games. So while the NFC is pretty much in keeping with what's gone before, the AFC games have been completely out of whack. Of course with still a 1/3rd of the season to run theres time for that AFC number to find more balance, but to do so the results are going to have to start very shortly.
I think the Pats are going to mess this whole thing up just a little bit, but there's no way around it, a lot of this points toward Denver tonight.

Except the dog thing.

Which, by the way really bodes well for Tenn as next week is Steelers/Miami in Pittsburgh.
I think the Pats are going to mess this whole thing up just a little bit

The irony is, Joe, that the only AFC game to open with a FG involved the Pats, lol. But I understand you mean more generally, and you're right. A lot of these margin streaks exist simply because the gap between the very good teams and the rest is so wide - no mistaking why so many record streaks of this kind are being set. And the irony of yesterday's primetime game is if they hadn't made the shift and kept the original scheduled game (CHC @ SEA) then a host of those streaks would have disappeared (incl. some NFC ones, which obviously didnt get posted because it was an AFC game instead of that original fixture). Oh, and of course the original game would have been much more exciting as well - some people dont know when to leave well enough alone.

Except the dog thing. Which, by the way really bodes well for Tenn as next week is Steelers/Miami in Pittsburgh.

And the week after that is the Pats at Balty. So unless the flexy schedule takes care of one or both of those fixtures, if TEN doesnt do the business tonight that run will move to 10 headed into the ATL/NOR game.
Stat streaks for Patriots/Eagles

All Games

- The 1st scoring play has been a TD for 9 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
10, 7, 8, 9, 4, 3 (twice) & 6 games.

This present streak now matches the 2nd highest recorded mark, and is within 1 result of matching the highest recorded mark.

- No team leading at halftime has lost SU for 11 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 4 (3 times), 5, 10, 10, 12 & 8 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark, and within 1 result of matching the highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 20 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
11, 15, 14, 12, 13, 11 & 9 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No 2 teams have played out a first half with a margin of less than 6 points for 15 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 5, 5, 10, 9 (3 times), 6 & 6 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- For 9 straight occasions, the Road team has won SU after leading at halftime.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 4, 8, 8, 6, 16 & 4 occasions.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.


Sunday Night Games

- No team has opened the scoring w/a FG and won SU for 10 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
12, 8, 8, 7, 3 (twice), 4 & 6 games.

This present streak is the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No 2 teams have played out a first half with a margin of less than 10 points for 6 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 2, 2 (twice), 4, 4, 2 (twice) & 4 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- The 1st scoring play has been a TD for 7 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
7, 3, 3, 6 (twice), 2 (twice), 4 & 6 games.

This present streak now matches the highest recorded mark.

- No Road team has won by a 1-6 point margin for 10 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
10, 8, 9, 8, 5, 7 & 5 (twice) games.

This present streak now matches the highest recorded mark, and will undoubtedly become the highest recorded mark all by itself after tonight's game is done with - its the lock of the century.


AFC Games

- No team leading at halftime has lost SU for 7 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2 (4 times), 7, 6, 7 (twice), 5, 9 & 6 games.

This present streak now matches the 2nd highest recorded marks.

- The 1st scoring play has been a TD for 8 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 3 (3 times), 4, 5, 3, 3 & 5 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No 2 teams have played out a first half with a margin of less than 6 points for 10 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
6, 4, 4, 3 (twice), 4, 3 & 4 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

Patriots/Eagles Review

- No 2 teams have played out a first half with a margin of less than 6 points for 15 games.
- No 2 teams have played out a first half with a margin of less than 10 points for 6 games.
- No 2 teams have played out a first half with a margin of less than 6 points for 10 games.

3 of the 12 streaks noted, ended.
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FWIW, the price on the 1st score being a Pats TD is ridiculous IMO. I also think this lack of a FG/1st score wont survive both tonight's game and tomorrow nights game. So I'm backing a FG as 1st score here (at inflated odds) with an eye to backing it in tomorrows game if it fails here, and maybe even if it doesnt (another mismatch that will also deliver inflated odds, making a chase feasible from my pov).

edit: also specifically backed a Philly TD/1st score to cover what I've staked in the FG as 1st score.
Sorry to the few who use this thread that circumstances prevented me from running through & posting MNF's game between Pittsburgh & Miami. However, there were a number of streaks from SNF's game that applied to MNF (All games, and AFC games streaks) and as they were applicable and some ended, for thread continuity I'm recording those here.

Steelers/Dolphins Review

- The 1st scoring play has been a TD for 10 straight games.
- The 1st scoring play has been a TD for 9 straight games.

2 of the 3 applicable streaks, ended.
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Stat streaks for Steelers/Bengals

All Games

- No Road team has won by 1-12 points for 8 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
6 (twice), 8, 8, 7, 9 (twice), 4 & 8 games.

This present streak now matches the 2nd highest recorded marks, and is within 1 result of the highest recorded mark.

- The 1st scoring team has won SU for 8 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
8, 4, 6, 5 (twice), 8, 6 & 6 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded marks.

- No team leading at halftime has lost SU for 12 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 4 (3 times), 5, 10, 10, 12 & 8 games.

This present streak is now macthes the previously highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 22 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
11, 15, 14, 12, 13, 11 & 9 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- For 9 straight occasions, the Road team has won SU after leading at halftime.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 4, 8, 8, 6, 16 & 4 occasions.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.


Sunday Night Games

- No Road team has scored 10-19 points by halftime for 10 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
7, 6, 6, 6, 7, 2 (twice) & 2 (twice) games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- The 1st scoring play has been a TD for 8 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
7, 3, 3, 6 (twice), 2 (twice), 4 & 6 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No game has been resulted by a 7-18 points margin for 5 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4 & 4 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded marks.

- No Road team has won by a 1-6 point margin for 11 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
10, 8, 9, 8, 5, 7 & 5 (twice) games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No team has opened the scoring w/a FG and won SU for 11 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
12, 8, 8, 7, 3 (twice), 4 & 6 games.

This present streak is the 2nd highest recorded mark, and within 1 result of the highest recorded mark.


AFC Games

- The 1st scoring team has won SU for 6 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6 & 3 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark.

- No Road Dog has scored 1st in 9 chances.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 2, 6, 6, 3 (twice), 4 & 5 chances.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No team leading at halftime has lost SU for 9 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2 (4 times), 7, 6, 7 (twice), 5, 9 & 6 games.

This present streak now matches the highest recorded mark.

Steelers/Bengals Review

- The 1st scoring team has won SU for 8 games.
- No game has been resulted by a 7-18 points margin for 5 games.
- The 1st scoring team has won SU for 6 games.
- No Road Dog has scored 1st in 9 chances.

4 of 12 applicable streaks noted, ended.
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Stat streaks for Ravens/Patriots

All Games

- No Dog has led at halftime for 6 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 11, 6 (twice), 6, 4 (twice), 4 (twice) & 5 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd= highest recorded mark. Aside from 2005's "year of the Fav" anomalous streak of 11 games, this present streak fits right into the otherwise normal range of 4-6 games, meaning it shouldn't be long before we next see such a result.

- No Road team has won by 1-12 points for 9 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
6 (twice), 8, 8, 7, 9 (twice), 4 & 8 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark.

- No team leading at halftime has lost SU for 14 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 4 (3 times), 5, 10, 10, 12 & 8 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 23 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
11, 15, 14, 12, 13, 11 & 9 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- For 9 straight occasions, the Road team has won SU after leading at halftime.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 4, 8, 8, 6, 16 & 4 occasions.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.


Monday Night Games

- The Home team has scored 1st for 5 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2 (twice), 4, 4, 4, 3 (twice), 10 & 4 games.

This present streak is now matches the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No Road team has scored the 1st TD for 5 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4 (twice) & 5 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded marks.

- No Road team has scored the 1st TD & lost SU for 13 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
10, 10, 14, 12, 10, 9 & 5 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark, and within 1 result of matching the highest recorded mark.

- No Dog has won SU in regulation for 9 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 5, 5, 3, 4, 4 (twice) & 5 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.


AFC Games

- No Road team has won by 1-12 points for 7 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3 (twice), 6, 5, 4 (twice), 4 (3 times), 3 & 5 (twice) games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No team leading at halftime has lost SU for 10 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2 (4 times), 7, 6, 7 (twice), 5, 9 & 6 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

Ravens/Patriots Review

- No Road team has won by 1-12 points for 9 games.
- No Road team has won by 1-12 points for 7 games.

2 of the 8 applicable streaks, ended.
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Stat streaks for Ravens/Colts

All Games

- No Road team has led by 1-5 points at halftime for 19 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
9, 7, 18, 16, 24, 8 (twice) & 13 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 24 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
11, 15, 14, 12, 13, 11 & 9 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 14 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4 (4 times), 15, 6, 7, 11, 6 (twice) & 8 games.

This present streak is the 2nd highest recorded mark, and within 1 result of matching the highest recorded mark.

- No Dog has led at halftime for 7 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 11, 6 (twice), 6, 4 (twice), 4 (twice) & 5 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No 1st scoring Favourite has lost SU for 8 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 7, 9, 4 (3 times), 6, 5 (twice) & 6 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark, and 1 result off matching the highest recorded mark.

- No team leading at halftime has lost SU for 15 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 4 (3 times), 5, 10, 10, 12 & 8 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- For 9 straight occasions, the Road team has won SU after leading at halftime.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 4, 8, 8, 6, 16 & 4 occasions.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.


Sunday Night Games

- No Road team has scored 10-19 points by halftime for 11 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
7, 6, 6, 6, 7, 2 (twice) & 2 (twice) games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- The 1st scoring play has been a TD for 9 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
7, 3, 3, 6 (twice), 2 (twice), 4 & 6 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No Road team has won by a 1-6 point margin for 12 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
10, 8, 9, 8, 5, 7 & 5 (twice) games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No team has opened the scoring w/a FG and won SU for 12 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
12, 8, 8, 7, 3 (twice), 4 & 6 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark.


AFC Games

- The Favourite has won 6 straight games SU.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 14, 6, 3 (twice), 3, 6 & 5 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd= highest recorded mark.
Apart from 2005's "year of the Fav" anomaly (AFC game primetime Favs went 18-1 SU that season), there has not been a longer run of SU fav results than this present streak.

- No team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 14 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 15, 7, 4, 6, 6 & 5 games.

This present streak is the 2nd highest recorded mark, and within 1 result of matching the highest recorded mark.

- No team leading at halftime has lost SU for 11 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2 (4 times), 7, 6, 7 (twice), 5, 9 & 6 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

Ravens/Colts Review

None of the 14 streaks noted, ended.
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Stat streaks for Falcons/Saints

All Games

- The Favourite has won 8 straight games SU.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
6, 12, 8, 5, 6, 5 & 6 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd= highest recorded mark.
Only 2005's "Year of the Fav" (where Favs went 29-6 SU) has witnessed a longer SU winning streak by the Fav. All the other seasons I have on record have had a solid grouping range of 5-8 games, which this present streak has now hit the ceiling of.

- No team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 15 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4 (4 times), 15, 6, 7, 11, 6 (twice) & 8 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 25 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
11, 15, 14, 12, 13, 11 & 9 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No Road team has led by 1-5 points at half-time for 20 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
9, 7, 18, 16, 24, 8 (twice) & 13 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No Dog has led at half-time for 8 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 11, 6 (twice), 6, 4 (twice), 4 (twice) & 5 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No team leading at half-time has lost SU for 16 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 4 (3 times), 5, 10, 10, 12 & 8 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- For 10 straight occasions, the Road team has won SU after leading at half-time.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 4, 8, 8, 6, 16 & 4 occasions.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No Favourite scoring 1st has lost SU for 11 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 7, 9, 4 (3 times), 6, 5 (twice) & 6 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.


Monday Night Games

- No Dog has won SU in regulation for 10 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 5, 5, 3, 4, 4 (twice) & 5 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- The Favourite has scored 1st & won SU for 5 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2, 5, 5, 3, 3 (twice), 2 (3 times) & 1 (5 times) games.

This present streak is matches the previously highest recorded marks.

- No Road team has scored the 1st TD for 6 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:

5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4 (twice) & 5 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No Road team has scored the 1st TD & lost SU in 14 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:

10, 10, 14, 12, 10, 9 & 5 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark.

- No Road team has led at half-time for 5 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2 (twice), 4, 4, 5, 4, 6 & 6 games.

present streak is now the 2nd= highest record mark, and within 1 result of the highest recorded marks.

- No team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 11 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
6, 15, 4, 6, 9, 6 & 11 games.

present streak is now the 2nd= highest recorded mark.

- The half-time score has been tied for 2 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
1 (3 times), 1, 1 (twice), 0, 0, 1 & 1 game.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.


NFC Games

- No Home team has won by a 1-12 points margin for 9 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
13, 4, 5, 4, 3 (3 times), 4 & 4 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has totaled 25+ points for 10 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
7, 5, 3, 3, 6, 4 & 4 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has won by a 1-23 points margin for 5 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4 (twice), 3, 5, 4, 3 (3 times), 4 & 4 games.

present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark.

- No game has been resulted by a 1-6 points margin for 9 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
7, 6, 8, 2 (3 times), 6, 8 & 5 (twice) games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No game has been resulted by a 1-18 points margin for 3 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 1 (3 times), 2, 2, 2, 3 & 1 (3 times) games.

present streak now matches the previously highest recorded marks.

- No 2 teams have played out a first half with a margin of less than 7 points for 6 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 3 (twice), 4, 7, 4 (twice), 3 (3 times) & 4 games.

present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark, and within 1 result of the highest recorded mark.

Falcons/Saints Review

- No Road team has scored the 1st TD for 6 games.
- No Road team has led at half-time for 5 games.
- The half-time score has been tied for 2 straight games.

3 of the 21 applicable streaks noted, ended.
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Stat streaks for Giants/Redskins

All Games

- The Favourite has won 9 straight games SU.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
6, 12, 8, 5, 6, 5 & 6 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.
Only 2005's "Year of the Fav" (where Favs went 29-6 SU) witnessed a longer SU winning streak by the Fav.

- No team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 16 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4 (4 times), 15, 6, 7, 11, 6 (twice) & 8 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 26 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
11, 15, 14, 12, 13, 11 & 9 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No Road team has led by 1-5 points at half-time for 21 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
9, 7, 18, 16, 24, 8 (twice) & 13 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No Dog has led at half-time for 9 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 11, 6 (twice), 6, 4 (twice), 4 (twice) & 5 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No team leading at half-time has lost SU for 17 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 4 (3 times), 5, 10, 10, 12 & 8 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- For 11 straight occasions, the Road team has won SU after leading at half-time.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 4, 8, 8, 6, 16 & 4 occasions.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No Favourite scoring 1st has lost SU for 10 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 7, 9, 4 (3 times), 6, 5 (twice) & 6 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.


Sunday Night Games

- The Favourite has led at half-time & won SU for 4 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2, 5, 2 (twice), 4, 3, 3 & 3 games.

present streak is now the 2nd= highest recorded mark, and within 1 result of the highest recorded mark.

- No Road team has won by a 1-12 points margin for 7 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 8, 3 (3 times), 8, 5, 3 & 3 (twice) games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark, and within 1 result of the highest recorded marks.

- No game has been decided by a 7-12 points margin for 7 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 7, 6, 5, 6 (twice), 6 & 4 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark.

- No Road team has scored 10-19 points by halftime for 12 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
7, 6, 6, 6, 7, 2 (twice) & 2 (twice) games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- The 1st scoring play has been a TD for 10 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
7, 3, 3, 6 (twice), 2 (twice), 4 & 6 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No Road team has won by a 1-6 point margin for 13 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
10, 8, 9, 8, 5, 7 & 5 (twice) games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No team has opened the scoring w/a FG and won SU for 13 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
12, 8, 8, 7, 3 (twice), 4 & 6 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.


NFC Games

- The Favourite has covered ATS for 4 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2 (3 times), 3, 5, 2 (twice), 3, 5 & 4 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd= highest recorded mark, and within 1 result of the highest recorded marks.

- The Favourite has led at half-time & won SU for 4 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2, 4, 2, 2 (4 times), 4, 7 & 4 games.

present streak is now the 2nd= highest recorded mark.

- The Favourite has scored 1st w/a TD & won SU for 4 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2, 3, 6, 2 (3 times), 3, 2 & 2 games.

present streak is only the 2nd time over the last 8 seasons that such a result sequence in NFC contests has lasted for at least 4 games. The odds both NYG & MIN open the scoring w/TDs & win SU are bordering on miniscule.

- No Home team has won by a 1-12 points margin for 10 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
13, 4, 5, 4, 3 (3 times), 4 & 4 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has totaled 25+ points for 11 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
7, 5, 3, 3, 6, 4 & 4 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has won by a 1-23 points margin for 6 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4 (twice), 3, 5, 4, 3 (3 times), 4 & 4 games.

present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No game has been resulted by a 1-6 points margin for 10 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
7, 6, 8, 2 (3 times), 6, 8 & 5 (twice) games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No game has been resulted by a 1-18 points margin for 4 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 1 (3 times), 2, 2, 2, 3 & 1 (3 times) games.

present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No 2 teams have played out a first half with a margin of less than 7 points for 7 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 3 (twice), 4, 7, 4 (twice), 3 (3 times) & 4 games.

present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark.

Giants/Redskins Review

- The Favourite has won 9 straight games SU.
- No team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 16 games.
- No Dog has led at half-time for 9 games.
- The Favourite has led at half-time & won SU for 4 straight games.
- No Road team has won by a 1-12 points margin for 7 games.
- No game has been decided by a 7-12 points margin for 7 games.
- No Road team has scored 10-19 points by halftime for 12 games.
- The 1st scoring play has been a TD for 10 straight games.
- No team has opened the scoring w/a FG and won SU for 13 games.
- The Favourite has covered ATS for 4 games.
- The Favourite has led at half-time & won SU for 4 games.
- The Favourite has scored 1st w/a TD & won SU for 4 games.
- No game has been resulted by a 1-18 points margin for 4 games.

13 of the 23 applicable streaks noted, ended.
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Stat streaks for Vikings/Bears

All Games

- The Road team has scored 1st for 5 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 3 (3 times), 7, 4, 5, 2 (twice) & 2 (twice) games.

This present streak is now the 2nd= highest recorded mark.

- The Road team has scored 1st & won SU for 4 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3 (twice), 2, 3, 3, 4, 2 (twice) & 1 (6 times) games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has scored 25+ points for 6 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
11, 4 (3 times), 4 (twice), 6, 5 (twice), 6 & 4 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd= highest record mark. Apart from 2006's anomalous run, no other run over the last 7 seasons has been longer than the present one.

- No Home team has scored the 1st TD in a SU win for 6 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5 (twice), 7, 6, 5, 5, 7 & 6 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd= highest mark, and within 1 result of the highest recorded marks. Very solid ceiling grouping here of 5-7 games, which the present run fits right into.

- No Home team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 27 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
11, 15, 14, 12, 13, 11 & 9 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No Road team has led by 1-5 points at half-time for 22 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
9, 7, 18, 16, 24, 8 (twice) & 13 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No team leading at half-time has lost SU for 18 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 4 (3 times), 5, 10, 10, 12 & 8 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- For 12 straight occasions, the Road team has won SU after leading at half-time.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 4, 8, 8, 6, 16 & 4 occasions.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No Favourite scoring 1st has lost SU for 10 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 7, 9, 4 (3 times), 6, 5 (twice) & 6 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.


Monday Night Games

- No Dog has won SU for 6 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 5, 5, 3, 4, 4 (twice) & 5 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No Dog has won SU in regulation for 11 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 5, 5, 3, 4, 4 (twice) & 5 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- The Favourite has scored 1st & won SU for 6 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2, 5, 5, 3, 3 (twice), 2 (3 times) & 1 (5 times) games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No Road team has scored the 1st TD & lost SU in 15 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:

10, 10, 14, 12, 10, 9 & 5 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 12 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
6, 15, 4, 6, 9, 6 & 11 games.

present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.


NFC Games

- No Home team has won by a 1-12 points margin for 11 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
13, 4, 5, 4, 3 (3 times), 4 & 4 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has totaled 25+ points for 12 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
7, 5, 3, 3, 6, 4 & 4 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has won by a 1-23 points margin for 7 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4 (twice), 3, 5, 4, 3 (3 times), 4 & 4 games.

present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No game has been resulted by a 1-6 points margin for 11 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
7, 6, 8, 2 (3 times), 6, 8 & 5 (twice) games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No 2 teams have played out a first half with a margin of less than 7 points for 8 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 3 (twice), 4, 7, 4 (twice), 3 (3 times) & 4 games.

present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

Vikings/Bears Review

- The Road team has scored 1st & won SU for 4 games.
- No Home team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 27 games.
- No team leading at half-time has lost SU for 18 games.
- For 12 straight occasions, the Road team has won SU after leading at half-time.
- The Favourite has scored 1st & won SU for 6 games.
- No Road team has scored the 1st TD & lost SU in 15 games.
- No team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 12 games.
- No Home team has won by a 1-12 points margin for 11 games.
- No Home team has won by a 1-23 points margin for 7 games.

9 of the 18 applicable streaks noted, ended.

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Stat streaks for Vikings/Redskins

All Games

- The Road team has covered 4 straight games ATS.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 4, 6, 6, 4 (twice), 4 (twice) & 3 (twice) games.

present streak is now the 2nd= highest recorded mark.

- The Road team has scored the 1st TD for 4 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 3 (twice), 3, 3, 4, 3 (3 times) & 2 (3 times) games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark.

- The Road team has scored 1st for 6 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 3 (3 times), 7, 4, 5, 2 (twice) & 2 (twice) games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest mark, and within 1 result of the highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has scored 25+ points for 7 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
11, 4 (3 times), 4 (twice), 6, 5 (twice), 6 & 4 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest record mark. Apart from 2006's anomalous run, no other run over the last 7 seasons has been longer than the present one.

- No Home team has scored the 1st TD in a SU win for 7 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5 (twice), 7, 6, 5, 5, 7 & 6 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded marks.

- No Road team has led by 1-5 points at half-time for 23 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
9, 7, 18, 16, 24, 8 (twice) & 13 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No Favourite scoring 1st has lost SU for 10 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 7, 9, 4 (3 times), 6, 5 (twice) & 6 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark.


Sunday Night Games

- The Road team has scored the 1st TD for 3 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
1 (6 times), 4, 1 (5 times), 2, 2 (twice), 4 & 2 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark, within 1 result of the highest recorded marks.

- No Road team has won by a 1-6 point margin for 14 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
10, 8, 9, 8, 5, 7 & 5 (twice) games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.


NFC Games

- The Road team has scored the 1st TD for 3 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 2, 2 (twice), 2 (twice), 2 (twice), 2 (3 times) & 2 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has totaled 25+ points for 13 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
7, 5, 3, 3, 6, 4 & 4 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No game has been resulted by a 1-6 points margin for 12 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
7, 6, 8, 2 (3 times), 6, 8 & 5 (twice) games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No 2 teams have played out a first half with a margin of less than 7 points for 9 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 3 (twice), 4, 7, 4 (twice), 3 (3 times) & 4 games.

present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

Vikings/Redskins Review

None of the 12 applicable streaks noted, ended.
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Stat streaks for Chargers/Broncos

All Games

- No Home team has led at half-time for 6 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3 (twice), 4, 3 (4 times), 5, 5, 4 & 6 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has led at half-time & won SU for 6 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 4 (twice), 7, 5, 5 (twice), 4 & 6 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd= highest recorded mark, and within 1 result of the highest recorded mark.

- The Dog has led at halftime for 3 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 2, 3, 1 (7 times), 4, 2 & 4 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd= highest mark, and within 1 result of the highest recorded marks.

- The Road team has covered 5 straight games ATS.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 4, 6, 6, 4 (twice), 4 (twice) & 3 (twice) games.

present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark, and within 1 result of the highest recorded marks.

- The Road team has scored the 1st TD for 5 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 3 (twice), 3, 3, 4, 3 (3 times) & 2 (3 times) games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark in nearly 8 completed seasons. I can see the Chargers celebrating already.

- The Road team has scored 1st for 7 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 3 (3 times), 7, 4, 5, 2 (twice) & 2 (twice) games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has scored 25+ points for 8 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
11, 4 (3 times), 4 (twice), 6, 5 (twice), 6 & 4 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest record mark. Apart from 2006's anomalous run, no other run over the last 7 seasons has been longer than the present one.

- No Home team has scored the 1st TD in a SU win for 8 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5 (twice), 7, 6, 5, 5, 7 & 6 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No Road team has led by 1-5 points at half-time for 24 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
9, 7, 18, 16, 24, 8 (twice) & 13 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark.

- No Favourite scoring 1st has lost SU for 10 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 7, 9, 4 (3 times), 6, 5 (twice) & 6 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- A Safety has been the 1st score for 1 game.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 & 0 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded marks, lol. If you could bet a safety to not be the 1st score for this SD/DEN game at -1000 or less, you'd be stealing money.


Monday Night Games

- No Dog has won SU for 7 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 5, 5, 3, 4, 4 (twice) & 5 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No Dog has won SU in regulation for 12 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 5, 5, 3, 4, 4 (twice) & 5 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- The Road team has scored 1st for 3 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 2, 3, 2 (twice), 3, 1 (twice) & 2 (twice) games.

present streak is now the 2nd= highest mark, and within 1 results of the previously highest recorded marks.


AFC Games

- The Favourite has won 7 straight games SU.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 14, 6, 3 (twice), 3, 6 & 5 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.
Apart from 2005's "year of the Fav" anomaly (AFC game primetime Favs went 18-1 SU that season), there has not been a longer run of SU Fav results than this present streak.

- No team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 15 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 15, 7, 4, 6, 6 & 5 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded mark.

- No team leading at half-time has lost SU for 12 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2 (4 times), 7, 6, 7 (twice), 5, 9 & 6 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- The Road team has scored 1st for 3 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3 (twice), 4, 3, 4, 3 (twice), 4 & 3 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd= highest mark, and within 1 result of the previously highest recorded marks.

- No Dog has led at half-time for 7 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
7, 6 (twice), 7, 5, 3, 3 & 3 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded marks.

Chargers/Broncos Review

- No Home team has led at half-time for 6 games.
- No Home team has led at half-time & won SU for 6 games.
- The Dog has led at halftime for 3 games.
- The Road team has covered 5 straight games ATS.
- The Road team has scored the 1st TD for 5 games.
- The Road team has scored 1st for 7 games.
- No Home team has scored the 1st TD in a SU win for 8 games.
- A Safety has been the 1st score for 1 game.
- The Road team has scored 1st for 3 games.
- The Road team has scored 1st for 3 games.

10 of 19 applicable streaks noted, ended.
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Stat streaks for Colts/Titans

All Games

- No 1st scoring play has been a TD for 4 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3 (twice) & 4 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded marks.
In nearly 8 completed seasons, there hasn't been one 5-game stretch where a TD didn't feature as the first score in at least 1 game.

- No Home team has scored 25+ points for 9 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
11, 4 (3 times), 4 (twice), 6, 5 (twice), 6 & 4 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest record mark.

- No Road team has led by 1-5 points at half-time for 25 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
9, 7, 18, 16, 24, 8 (twice) & 13 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No Home team has scored 1st & lost for 16 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
13, 14, 12, 9, 23, 6 & 7 games.

This present streak is the 2nd highest recorded mark.

- No Favourite scoring 1st has lost SU for 11 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
5, 7, 9, 4 (3 times), 6, 5 (twice) & 6 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.


Sunday Night Games

- The Road team has led at half-time & won SU for 3 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
1 (5 times), 2 (twice), 1 (3 times), 2, 2, 3 & 4 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd= highest recorded mark, and within 1 result of the highest recorded mark.

- The Road team has scored 1st for 4 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 4 (3 times), 4, 2 (twice), 4, 2 (twice) & 2 (twice) games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded marks.

- The Road team has scored 1st & won SU for 3 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
1 (5 times), 2, 1 (4 times), 2, 2, 2 (twice) & 2 (twice) games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- The Road team has scored the 1st TD for 4 straight games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
1 (6 times), 4, 1 (5 times), 2, 2 (twice), 4 & 2 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded marks.

- No Road team has won by a 1-6 points margin for 15 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
10, 8, 9, 8, 5, 7 & 5 (twice) games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- A Safety has been the 1st score for 1 game.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 & 0 games.

This present streak now matches the previously highest recorded marks, lol.
If you could bet a safety to not be the 1st score for this IND/TEN game at -1000 or less, you'd be stealing money.


AFC Games

- No Favourite scoring 1st has lost SU for 8 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
4, 9, 5, 5, 5, 7 & 3 (twice) games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark, and within 1 result of the highest recorded mark.

- The Favourite has won 8 straight games SU.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 14, 6, 3 (twice), 3, 6 & 5 games.

This present streak is now the 2nd highest recorded mark.
Only 2005's "year of the Fav" anomaly (AFC game primetime Favs went 18-1 SU that season) has seen a longer run of SU Fav results.

- No team has won by a 7-12 points margin for 16 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
3, 15, 7, 4, 6, 6 & 5 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

- No team leading at half-time has lost SU for 13 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
2 (4 times), 7, 6, 7 (twice), 5, 9 & 6 games.

This present streak is easily the highest recorded mark.

- No Dog has led at half-time for 8 games.

The longest such streaks from each of the last 7 seasons (going backwards) are:
7, 6 (twice), 7, 5, 3, 3 & 3 games.

This present streak is now the highest recorded mark.

Colts/Titans Review

- No 1st scoring play has been a TD for 4 games.
- No Road team has led by 1-5 points at half-time for 25 games.
- No Road team has won by a 1-6 points margin for 15 games.
- A Safety has been the 1st score for 1 game.

4 of the 16 streaks noted, ended.
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