Premier League Is Banning Goals Being Posted to Vine and Twitter


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What are your thoughts on this?

If there's one thing better than a wonderful goal in soccer, it's reliving it over, and over, and over, and over. Preferably in slow-mo. Ideally as a looped GIF. And almost certainly sourced from social media. But sadly, the UK's Premier League is stamping out all such behavior.

Speaking to BBC's Newsbeat, the Premier League's director of communications, Dan Johnson, explained:
"It's a breach of copyright and we would discourage fans from doing it, we're developing technologies like GIF crawlers, Vine crawlers, working with Twitter to look to curtail this kind of activity."

Those technologies will probably track popular videos and automate the submission of takedown requests. The rights to Premier League goals and footage are tied up in massive contracts—we're talking billions, here—with newspapers The Sun and The Times and TV providers Sky Sports and BT Sport. With that weight behind it, expect these intention to become a very harsh reality.
It seems a like a good way to alienate fans in my opinion. I know MLBAM is protective over it's copyrighted images, but this seems like taking it a step too far.
fuck this copyright bullshit... make everything creative commons and let the people who enjoy your product use your works to actively promote your business for free
Dumb. There is tremendous growth opportunities in Us and China for this league, this would seem to help that. League should try to work with these sites in some form instead of fight it.

Not sure how effective they are going be at policing this
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Basically the in-game will now involve talking about matches and tips................I'm out.

The good news is that they first need to figure out a way to regulate other sites media and/or the sites need to assist. That will take some time.
I saw this earlier, but this is still an interesting tactic from a business POV and connecting to fans (both young and old, with and without money for the subscriptions services)

battery running out, will comment again later.

I think BPL + FOM (Formula One Management) have their approaches to media 'tools' and fans backwards.