Predict which team will score 30+ in week 4

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I imagine you are expected a Raiders blowout?

Ya .. road game for Baker with the team preparing for him. Raiders should be gifted 10.

And Raiders are desperate despite probably playing a little better than they actually are. They are certainly better than their record would indicate.
agree with everything except betting them. raiders o line has problems and cleveland pass rush is no joke.

cleveland did have 10 days between games. Browns very talented roster.
Carr certainly has made some bad decisions with the football and some bad throws in his own right. It is interesting to see how their oline has fallen. They were one of the best olines in the nation with the left tackle not allowing a sack all year until the one where Carr got hurt ... and then they have sucked since. Agree Browns have talent, I just like this spot for Oakland to win and to score. Disclaimer: I don't handicap NFL, barely watch any (I have been weak) and have no idea what I am talking about.