PPV College Footsies..

Anyone know how Stadium will be handling their games this year? I think last year most MWC where free via Facebook. But then there was also a pay CUSA thing that wasn't part of Stadium I don't think. CUSA 2020 broadcast schedule has a bunch of Stadium games.
Anyone know how Stadium will be handling their games this year? I think last year most MWC where free via Facebook. But then there was also a pay CUSA thing that wasn't part of Stadium I don't think. CUSA 2020 broadcast schedule has a bunch of Stadium games.
No idea...maybe our TV guy @Frank Costanza might know
PPV college football games are not new, but it is pretty rare these days. I can remember a handful of these happening a year back in the early 2000s I think it was. Never really good games, only games that fans of that team would want to see vs lower division opponents or something.

Not very common now.

Although the Oklahoma vs Army game from 2018 was PPV.
PPV college football games are not new, but it is pretty rare these days. I can remember a handful of these happening a year back in the early 2000s I think it was. Never really good games, only games that fans of that team would want to see vs lower division opponents or something.

Not very common now.

Although the Oklahoma vs Army game from 2018 was PPV.
I used to pay to have the season package. It was $100 for the season. $55 is flat out fleecing. OU vs who?
Yeah even when ESPN had that season package (I still have a hat they sent me from 1995 their first year), there was still an occasional one-off PPV game. Other than OU I think Nebraska has done it.