Potential Rule Changes


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Major League Baseball is prepared to scuttle the implementation of a pitch clock until at least 2022 as part of a wide-ranging proposal to the MLB Players Association that would include the ability to implement a three-batter-minimum rule for pitchers and roster-size changes in 2020, sources familiar with the plan told ESPN.

MLB also is proposing limitations on position players' usage as pitchers, getting rid of the waiver trading period, further cutting mound visits and potentially shortening inning breaks, sources said.
I think they either have or are forecasting data that shows the popularity of this sport for younger people isn’t there

Similar to when NFL decided to implement a bunch of rules to basically not allow you to touch a QB, knowing a league full of backups playing is terrible for ratings

I kinda feel for the diehard fans who are always the ones that get squeezed

I only watch MLB come playoffs , so has no impact on me . I think the sport is probably the worst tv product of any of the big sports out there , especially regular season
Similar to hockey, too, I think. A while back they made a bunch of changes to jack up the scoring. Sucks. I hate people‘s need for more scoring to happen
I wouldn't mind one trade deadline of Aug. 15th or so. Give teams a couple more weeks to decide if they're in or not.

As a fan, I think the pitch clock is fine. If I'm a player, I'd fucking hate it.

Mound visit changes are unnecessary. The recent change to limit them was a complete win.

Position players pitching is a fun part of blowouts. Looks like we're going to see more 2 way players so I dont really see how you legislate against that.
Imagine borderline pitch clock infractions and umps spending 10 minutes reviewing when exactly the ball was out of his hand. Good god the torture
Imagine borderline pitch clock infractions and umps spending 10 minutes reviewing when exactly the ball was out of his hand. Good god the torture

As long as the pitcher starts his motion, I think they’re good as far as the clock goes. It’s not reviewable, and they wouldn’t be checking to see when it came out if his hand anyway.

I’m with you as far as not loving the idea of a pitch clock, but like Cub said it’s been a non issue in the leagues they’ve tried it in, and there’s no reason for a pitcher to need THAT much time between pitches to begin with.
I doubt the pitch clock would even be noticed after a bit. I hate the idea of enforcing it w balls/strikes tho.

I’ve heard all kinds of redic things they been talking about that would piss me off.

Making a pitcher face 3 batters? That just ignorant and would totally fuck w outcomes. (Thanks a lot Gabe Capler!).

Heard something about moving mount further away or lowering or something stupid.

Several others that annoyed me..

Here the thing, I like baseball the way it is. Fucking it up isn’t gonna draw more fans it gonna alienate the ones they have.