I think they are rushing it for May to be honest.
The reason I say that is their are so many logistics to figure out.
Money talks. I have seen some say that sequestering these guys away from families for a few months but... them woman want that paycheck more than anything.
It seems a lot of the writers/talking heads are trying their hardest to make sure this does NOT happen. Every talking point is negative it seems.
Heat would be an issue in a few months for day games.
What happens with a rash of injuries?
And, married or not, you know these guys are going to get some strange.
The funny part if they want to make them sit in the stands 6 feet apart. Why? They aren't there if they are not healthy. That is a bit extreme.
I get it is going to be tough to get it going in all cities across the country at the same time. But, don't cram it in too soon trying to get as many games as possible in.