Possible HUGE Play Pistons/Bulls

Gorgolon Lives

The Reverend of CTG
Bulls ML -185 (Risking 9.25 Units to win 5 Units.)

Injuries have this line OTB. I expect the Bulls to be a very small favorite. Maybe Bulls -3 or 3.5. I think the BULLS are a decent play here. Detroit is off the emotional overtime win vs. Denver. Chicago beat these guys earlier this season at home. They lost at Detroit, but blew a 16 point lead. This is a big game for the Bulls seeding. They are 1 game back from Cleveland for the #2 spot. If they win, that makes them .5 game back. They then face Cleveland at home on 3/31, with a chance to take sole possession of 2nd in the EAST. (Not to mention the ground they would gain on Detroit for the 1st spot--They'd be 2.5 and maybe even 1.5 games back from #1 after 3/31.) Basically, if the Bulls don't get the 1 or 2 seed, they are stuck at the 5 spot. It's a HUGE difference, as they could meet Miami in the 1st round if they finish in 5th. This is Chicago's biggest game of the season, and I might make it my biggest play of the season, too.
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and I was thinking of going on a break...

don't bail on me Believe, like you did with Miami :an_roll_laugh:

hooked me on a game then bailed out :D

j/k, you did well for jumping off.

Btw love the new avatar, a bit tired of those fake tits you had on before, this one I'd nail all night. Sizzling hot.
im so excited for this game. im trying to find tickets.

bulls are cash money.

:wacka wacka:
we most likely will win two in a row (det, clev) and then atl will take us to the wire. we should be spent after the clev game.
Brewers...Chicago controls their own destiny. They also have ANOTHER game in Detroit. Aside from a tough game IN Toronto, their schedule down the stretch is pretty easy. If they can take these 2 from Detroit and the Cleveland game, they should finish #1 in the East.
Brewers...Chicago controls their own destiny. They also have ANOTHER game in Detroit. Aside from a tough game IN Toronto, their schedule down the stretch is pretty easy. If they can take these 2 from Detroit and the Cleveland game, they should finish #1 in the East.

we are a great after the AS break. i would love for that to occur.

i cant wait till next year tho. thats when all the pieces will be in place. i cant wait to see who we draft.
brewers u guys will never contend without a low post scorer which u HAD in Eddy Curry. Who u gon draft that can score down low
i hate to discuss this in this thread at length with you supersav but there is one FA out there that im almost sure we will get.
i think the clips are gonna look to reload after this year and part with some pieces. one of those being chris kaman.

in the draft i love al horford from FL or yi jianlian from china, hell even spencer hawes from Washington. somebody who can bang and chip in 9.
chris kaman would be good but he doesnt deman a double like eddy would for u guys
anyways the list of big men in this league who demand a double team and play on the block is quite short. im looking for simple production not a perenial all-star.

i really like the chinese dude b/c he reminds me some of kukoc.

and his 7' frame and ability to play outside would fit in well with our perimeter oriented way of doing things.

i will look to offer what i can off teh radio and tv regarding the bulls in my thread tom. this game is huge for us. if we win i can see us in the hunt for the 1 seed. 'an_horse'
Lets not forget that Billups didn;t play in Chicago the first time and that was Bens first encounter with Detroit...throw that game out the window.

If Detroit was healthy(no groins or flu) they are still the better team.

As far as this game goes..its a toss-up. I can't see this being a G.O.Y. on Chicago.

The Bulls biggest stretch is these next 4 games. I think they go 1-2 in those in all honesty.

They will lose one of the two home games...just not sure which one and will lose for sure in DET
I'll chime in more tomorrow after seeing how Rip and Webber are doing.

March was a brutal schedule for Detroit. 15 games in 25 days with a 5 game roadie out west and a Tejxas two-step. Tuesday and Wednesday were the first consecutive days off all month. I said I would be happy as hell if they got out of the month still in first place and they will.

If helthy I would bite on DET perhaps. This isn;t just a big game for Chicago. Detroit wants to extend this lead and get this division over with sooner rather than later. It would be in their best interest to be able to rest guys down stretch.

Matchup wise(with both teams healthy)

Guards: Edge Detroit. Beter on both sides of ball each way. Billups and Gordon cancel out each others clutchness

Forwards: Again, Edge Detroit. This is a little closer now but Tay can play Deng well IMO when he needs to. I'll take Sheed and Webber in a slight advantage as well.

Bench: Detroit..easily. Staring to get back to how good the bench was back in 2002-2004.

Coaching: Tie.

Detroit/SA/Dal are all incredible road teams that love the challenge of opposing venues. Never underestimate that. Like I said, we haven't seen a healthy DET team at Chicago this year.

Very tough game here. I think it will be a war.
Bulls are starting to play better in the last 2, getting that defensive swagger back. If we play defense like we do in most big games, we are hard to beat. Deng makes Prince almost a non-factor; the key will be how hot Ben is and if Big Ben can keep Webber, Wallace, etc. off the boards like he didn't last time.

As for next yr, we need somebody who can get about 10 easy points a game down low. Big Ben doing a much better job of taking some easy layups lately, but we need somebody else to go along with an emerging Tyrus Thomas. Appears Oden is out with Knicks playing decent.

Kaman is not good and don't want him; would not trade Ben or Luol for KG plus I doubt they trade him anyway. Yi is more of an outside threat and doesn't like to bang inside, get rebounds or play defense so he is out. Hawes will be a bust, guaranteed; no better than Kaman. Horford would be perfect, but he will probably go too high just like Wade did when we wanted him.

That leaves very little unless we trade for somebody. I'm sure Pax is looking at the marquee tourney teams for a big guy, but there is nobody besides Horford who might slip; Hibbert looks to not have much offensively. Actually a guy that good fit, but probably won't be traded is Maxiell; he could get rebounds, get a few easy buckets, and likes to hustle, which fits in with what we do. Doubt they get rid of him though.
paxson most likely will want to draft horford or jianlian IMO. And your saying you would pass on a garbage type bigman in 7' kaman if he was available? i think thats a mistake. pj is one and done. we need a body. detroit is not gonna let maxiell go, especially to a divison rival.

Yi is more of an outside threat

by outside threat you mean a kevin garnett/toni kukoc outside threat. he can take you off the dribble and has a nice turnaround j when hes on the block.

here watch this


thats nba all-star pau gasol in the vid. i think paxson knows what he's doing :)
paxson most likely will want to draft horford or jianlian IMO. And your saying you would pass on a garbage type bigman in 7' kaman if he was available? i think thats a mistake. pj is one and done. we need a body. detroit is not gonna let maxiell go, especially to a divison rival.

Yi is more of an outside threat

by outside threat you mean a kevin garnett/toni kukoc outside threat. he can take you off the dribble and has a nice turnaround j when hes on the block.

here watch this


thats nba all-star pau gasol in the vid. i think paxson knows what he's doing :)

Yis offensively gifted, but is a lazy defender. He'll make an amazing block, then play the next 40 minutes with his head up his ass on the defensive end. I've seen him play live and a couple of more games on tv and tape.
Yis offensively gifted, but is a lazy defender. He'll make an amazing block, then play the next 40 minutes with his head up his ass on the defensive end. I've seen him play live and a couple of more games on tv and tape.

hes not even 20 yet and you want him to play defense? cmon yi's gotta work on his dunks and his offense.

no young player wants to play defense.
<TABLE class=bg0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=428 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=418>[FONT=arial,sans-serif]Wednesday, March 28, 2007[/FONT]</TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD width=5>
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[FONT=arial,sans-serif]Random odds and ends
CHICAGO — This flu bug that's been going around the Detroit Pistons is a dozy, and I say that from first-hand experience.

Ever since I got back from the Texas trip last week, I've been like a walking mucus factory.

OK, maybe that falls under T.M.I. (too much information). But that's why I haven't blogged for the past few days.

Although the talk has died down some, I still can't get over that 60-plus foot bank shot Rasheed hit the other night. As much as the Pistons needed that shot in order to send the game to overtime, Rasheed Wallace needed a moment like that to remind folks of just how valuable he is to this team.

With all the technical fouls he picks up, it's easy to write him off as more of a nuisance, than a necessity for this team to win. I know his teammates hate the idea of him picking up so many technicals, but they hate him playing without passion even more. Because we've seen this year some games when he's gone out of his way to avoid picking up a technical foul. In those games, how can I put this delicately ... he sucked, big time. But when he's being his loud, argumentative and overly demonstrative self without worrying about technical fouls, he's pretty darn good most nights.

I think he'll miss one more game this season for having too many technical fouls. Considering he usually misses games against bad teams, I anticipate not seeing him play against Philadelphia on April 15, or the season finale at Boston on April 18.

The other big thing of late has been Flip Murray. He has been everything the Pistons expected, although they didn't anticipate it would take him this long to get on track. While there are those who believe he'll not opt out this summer, I'm not buying that especially the way he has played lately.

If he can keep this up the rest of the season, carry it into the playoffs and Detroit goes really far, look for him to make himself a free agent who would probably command a contract with a starting point that would probably double his current deal which will pay him about $1.8 million next season.

I'll have more on my blog following tomorrow morning's shoot-around.

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Thanks for the input all! I dunno what I'm going to do yet with this. The game is CIR (circled). We don't know the status of Webber and Rip, and even Prince is somewhat banged up. I don't like CIR lines, because they can jump very quick, and they can jump big time, so it's hard to decifer movement.

The injuries aren't a HUGE concern for me honestly. I like the Bulls despite who plays. But it's a matter of the # on the game. A factor in all my plays is definately line analysis. But in this game, it's impossible to determine this action.
