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is he serious with his comments? Really? You can't finish 7th with a whole NBA squad bro....they deserve to get shit on. Don't care how long they've been together.
Yea my thoughts exactly. „They did their best.“ fuck their best they represent this country and we fucking made basketball. We have the best training, coaches, players, and league in the world and you fucking humiliated us. Fuck pop, go baby your five year old kid like that, not these pampered loser underachievers
Bro, the squad was trash.

Team was made up of 3rd tier and lower NBA talent with no international experience.

The 1st tier dudes cared more for the league that pays their bills than the FIBA tourney.

Makes sense. Why risk injury for a tournament that carries no real clout and was scheduled right before the season starts.

Would fuck up the dudes chasing NBA rings and big bags routines.

Smart, Turner, Lopez gtfoh.

The upcoming Olympic squad will be stacked with talent.