

Pretty much a regular
Munoz +1600 (.05) was hoping for +2000 or better, but good enough

Power +700 (.10) on fire, 1st or 2nd in last 5 races

Aleshin +5500 (.01)

Rossi +7500 (.01)
I get the Montoya number due to his dominance in 500's, but just a shit year makes it unplayable for me. Marco with a damn respectable +2250 when I would have pegged a +4400 makes it a pass as well. Matchups soon hopefully.
Newgarden -130 RHR - current form play, RHR is having his worst season since 2009. First practice session starting shortly.
Numbers are back up. I'm not sure I understand the Kimball going to -135 v Carpenter other than Ed has two top 10s in his last nine races. I would reverse those numbers. I also think Newgarden +750 and Power +1150 offer the most if you're playing to win. That's about all I have left to comment on as I think everything else is in line. Hope they keep it clean and GL if you're involved.
Bought back a unit on the Kimball play, got Carpenter +100. I rarely second guess myself but the final session bothered me and think it's the right move. I have no problem with Munoz being the fav, now (+500), but you have to question what the hell they're thinking with the matchup with Hinch being -115 and Hinch being +1250 to win. Pretty windy today and cooler temps. One of the best tracks they run in the series imo so enjoy the show.
I threw a little on Munoz . Good Luck , Bud :cheers3:

i knew years ago he would be hell on ovals when he almost won his first Indy at +4000. He has been oh so close but hasn't been able to finish it. Let's hope that day is today. Win or lose, really just want them to stay clean. GL
Man I hope that's not an early sign of how things are going to go today. Sato looks ok but that was a brutal lick on lap 3.