Please HELP! My wife will show her boobs if you do


Pretty much a regular
Naaa not really but first let me say...this is really Yag to ask you guys to do this but there is a contest for the cutest kid and of course $5000 up for grabs. I think with the help of CTG we might actually win this. It only takes a few seconds to do... here are the instructions that my wife wrote....

Hi everyone -
I would really appreciate it if you could take a minute to vote for Dylan in Kiss FM (local radio station) contest for the cutest baby. The winner is decided on by the highest number of votes over several rounds. To vote, click on the link below, then find Dylan Moreno's picture. Last I checked, it was the 6th row down and the second on from the left (in group 14). You click next to his name, then go to the bottom of the page, enter your email address and click enter. Then go to your email and click on the link that the station sends you. You are done at that point. I know the extra step is a beating, but we appreciate it!

Thanks guys for your help!
Good thing my kid is in college and you don't have to by any cookies from him. The kid gets my vote.
Oh wait.... A Oklahomo Sooner backer entering a Dallas Texas Radio station contest wanting a vote from a Texas boy.....oh what to do?
HAHA... tell you what... If we win this thing, I'll wear longhorn garb at our next OU wataching party. I'll then post pictures of myself getting castrated by my friends.... will that persuade you???
Thanks to everyone who's voted so far. Nice work...we are already 14th out of 230! I'll talk my wife into posting a picture of her tits tomorrow night as an added incentive (and don't worry, she's hot)
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">done....... 1.70 - gl
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hey..get "mrs grind" to vote:cheers:

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HAHA... tell you what... If we win this thing, I'll wear longhorn garb at our next OU wataching party. I'll then post pictures of myself getting castrated by my friends.... will that persuade you???
Did it last night. Couldn't resist.
Go Dylan... how long does this contest run for... and when I say that, I mean how long till we see tatas:tiphat:
Guys, you don't have to use different IP's to vote more than once. Just clear your cookies on your internet browser, and use a different email address.

For Firefox, click tools, clear private data, and uncheck everything but cookies, so you don't lose any saved passwords or anything important.

up to 2.20.... Let's get them tits!
Don't worry, they're coming. Once I get a few beers in her tonight those inhibitions will come crashing down and it will be on like a Pam Anderson photo shoot. Well, maybe not but close.
Dear Wifey - if for some unknown reason you are reading this at home because I forgot to log out... please ignore anything I've said regarding you and your tatas

Dear CTG - Wink wink
Well, I'll say it was somewhere between 9 and 10 beers. Told myself I wasn't going to start drinking until South Fla got a comfortable lead. Don't really know why I thought 7 was comfortable but I did ...I guess you can say I broke out the dildos and silly string a little early. It's been a really freakin' long day at work too ... I just got back from taking a nap in my truck at lunch and came to the realization that the only thing that's going to cure this hangover is more beer.

Kill me

came to the realization that the only thing that's going to cure this hangover is more beer.

That's called a "moment of clarity," go with it.
