
Welcome....I thought i had seen you around...Here at CTG its not like everywhere else you dont have to watch what you say as much..Very positive environment here
Thats good. I never say anything bad about anyone or bashed anyone anywhere. I just hope I can contribute winners here and follow some guys here for more winners. Thanks for the welcome.
GL Angel, welcome to the gig. Be interested in reasonings behind your plays, if you have time to post them. Certainly agree with you on the Mets but not sure if there is any value in Detroit at this point against Meche....
cubs, I like Zamb here. He will make up for his last outing. I had Sheets last time out.(win)

Mets, Red hot. I will take them until they lose. If they win today I will not take them Sun though.

Det, I think Maroth will really do his best today after last season. Decent pitcher. Meche, grossly overpaid, At least I think so.

La, I like Lowe to bounce back here from last outing. I am not a big Ortiz fan.

The CWS will be looking at Santana Sun. I don't like there chances there so I think they will try to get this today. Sant 10-5 LT vrs CWS
That defense was awful for the Mets today. Glavine pitched pretty well though. Couldn't cap idiotic mistakes, especially when they hadn't had an error all year. Glad to have you on the site BadAngel.
Thank you Fondy. Glad to be here. The Mets defense did suck. Still had a chance with Wickman though. I watched him do this for years in Cle. He makes it interesting.