Plays Tues thru Sat

All 3x

Geo So +3
Geo So under 49.5

6 PT Tease both
Geo So +9
Geo So under 55

Memp -10.5
Memp over 55

6 PT Tease Both
Memp -4
Memp over 49



I am mad at this start of season. It don't mean I am going to win, just pissed at college foots right now.

Fade if if you like.
Gutta have thick skin as u know in this line of work or rec...and some extra cash always helps...keep grinding
Botanical, you know I can't believe I am going this bad in College and I mean I am killing it in NFL. I have never had this big of a difference. I have been doing this since I was 16. I am 72 and i have seen a lot of crap in those 56 years.

Thanks for the positive vibes Botanical. GL2U buddy
