Playoff Hockey - 2nd Round


CTG Partner
16-16-2, +2.3125 units in the 1st Round.

Got my plays locked in for all the game 1s...and they just so happen to be who i like for the series, even though i only made one small series wager.

Avs (+160) for the series for 1/2 unit

Wanted to take Dallas as well...but i still don't trust turco, and i worry about how long their defense can hold up like this.

Anyways, my game 1 plays...for 4/24 & 4/25...

COL ML (+160) over DET {ot incl.} for 1/2 unit

MON -1.5 PL (+170) over PHI {ot incl.} for 1/2 unit

PIT ML (+110) over NYR {reg. only} for 3/4 unit

DAL ML (+135) over SJ {ot incl.} for 3/4 unit

Absolutely love the re-seeded matchups for this round. PIT/NYR and COL/DET couldn't be more perfect...well, maybe unless Roy was in net.

BOL & enjoy the games! :cheers:

well day one sucked.
still great games though. but fuck me...didn't know forsberg wasn't playing. yet even w/out him, wings were oh so close to getting pushed to OT...after being the beneficiary of 2 bad defensive lapses by the avs.
either way though...the way tonight went...this one's going 7.
I disagree, I think Av's will always keep it close but never get it done. I got fucked in Montreal
Great games..bad betting games...hoping Sharks show as much passion as they did in Game 7...should be an interesting round all around..GL!
2-2, +.8375 thru the game 1s...

here are my 2 plays for saturday...

MON ML (-110) over PHI {reg. only} for 1 unit

COL ML (+165) over DET {ot incl.} for 1/2 unit

back on the same sides.

GL :cheers:
saturday didn't go very well...2-4, -.6625 now in round two.

onto sunday's games...

PIT ML (+105) over NYR {reg. only} for 1 unit

SJ ML (+100) over DAL {reg. only} for 1 unit

Just don't wanna see any OT today.

Can't believe the Habs weren't able to tie the game up tonight, and send it to OT. Unreal amount of opportunities lost late in the 3rd. But then again, shame on them for softly falling behind 3-0.
Anyways, 3-6 so far in the 2nd round...1.6125 units to the bad. On to Tuesday's 3 game 3's...

NYR ML (+105) over PIT {reg. only} for 3/4 unit

SJ ML (+115) over DAL {ot incl.} for 3/4 unit

COL ML (-105) over DET {ot incl.} for 3/4 unit

Looking for all 3 of these teams to claw back into their respective series, and get their first wins of this round.

BOL :cheers:
missed yesterday's games...but then again, this 2nd round has sucked so far. would be nice to see some series go deep.

anyways, some 5/1 plays at the last moment...

PIT -1 PL (+158) over NYR {ot incl.} for 3/4 unit

COL ML (+140) over DET {ot incl.} for 3/4 unit

DET/COL over 5.5 (+130) {ot incl.} for 1/2 unit

other than that...just looking forward to the 3rd round.

BOL :cheers: