Playing Houston today


Not all those who wander are lost
Berkman gets back. Houston outhit them yesterday. Think the flareup between Wheeler and Samppson is a linkup and fireup for Houston. Think Jennings has been the better pitcher and please note his extended losing streak broke last game. Apart from Gaudin's tendency to have runners on base he has also had the good fortune to face pitchers that just exploded. Really only faced Zito who seems incapable of facing Oakland and Garland who is dying on a hopeless team. Jennings is just a very solid pitcher who I have watched for years. Will be playing game and first half. GL
Begining to think I Might have the wrong side. 3-0 in the first for OK nd counting
Gaudin gives up 2 hits and 2 walks in the first and gets out for 1 run. Think calm thoughts. Trees, grass, grapes and pretty girls peeling the grapes.
5 hits and 3 walks thru 3. Disagree with the coinflip concept. Problem is I believe you simply do not weigh in things as meaningful that possibly you should. False concept operating that Gaudin is an ace pitcher. Home team made a dog with a legitimate pitcher and good reason to think superior bats. Oakland outfield problems. Home team in kill mode. Have Yank, have Pitt, I like winners but value is not a dirty word and limiting yourself to one class of games is inefficient.
I feel its a coin flip because these starters are doing exactly what I thought they would.. You are going to have the 6-7-8-9 with both teams relievers..Tell me how that is not a coin flip? Gaudin at 70 pitches after 3 innings, Jennings hitting 7 right now in the 4th
See there was no particular reason to expect Jennings to have a bad game but the flipside was not true.
Go back and look at Jennings's starts and tell me why he is supposed to struggle here. Reasons ahead of the game to expect it. Do not see any.
I certainly wasn't expecting 7ip-1h-0er like he posted last yr at Coors vs the A's. The truth of the matter is that at home he hasn't touched the 7th inning this yr. Has given up 1,0,3,4er before todays game. He isn't unhittable and your right I didn't expect him to give up 3 in the first inning, I was thinking 5-6ip w/ 3er. To say this:

"Problem is I believe you simply do not weigh in things as meaningful that possibly you should."

I have 1 thing to say here, I went over 99% of everything in this game and that is why I am not on it, I even said in thread last night I want no part of it. At first glance I thought Gaudin should be favored and I took your points in the overnight discussion into consideration about Gaudin but the linemakers made a good line here and thats it.

I am not on this game and I wish you the best of luck today :shake:
Astros just don't hit anyone hard though.

I really think Gaudin is underpriced here but with two early games I lean more strongly too and Pitt later at night, this game looks like it won't make my cut either.

If it comes down to bullpens then you have to flip a coin and I am not doing that with my money tomorrow

I don't mean to beat a deadhorse but thats from the overnight discussion thread in response to what you said about Gaudin.
Ok at least winning the first half bet even with unearned Oakland run in the first and passed ball run in the 5th. What on earth is going in the Cubs game? seattle with 2 hits leading 4-3 vs Cubs 9 hits. If I had that game might produce a nervous disorder.