Play coach- tell me if am right or wrong?

Sammy Meatballs

Sammy Meatballs? Never Heard of Her
Tonights game between Carolina and GIANTS was an interesting game--

I won on Giants game and also took Giants Moneyline at +300 when they were down 8.

When Carolina went up 8, I knew from my notes that JOHN FOX is a counter puncher, if the other team is not moving the ball he will not move the ball either. If he feels his D is stopping the opponent he will try to run the clock out in the 3rd qtr-

FOX said at halftime only 30 minutes left to get homefield advantage---

Carolina scores a TOUCHDOWN off the Williams run. They are up 7 and kick the extra point up by 8 at this point with 12 mins to play-

My question is at this point FOX wants homefield advantage, realizes his team is playing well. My question is at that point you have to go for 2 and make it a 9 point lead and a 2 possession game.

Here is why-- If they miss its a 7 point lead, a Giants TD and they will kick the extra point and tie the game.

FOX's team again did little with the ball on offense in the 4th qtr in FOX fashion. They allow the Giants to start moving the ball. However what happens is they allow ELI Manning to quite easily march the ball for a TD to tie the game. Now it appears you can say okay they will stop the 2 point conversion and WIN-

Not quite my friends- ELI had time to stand in the pocket and hit a SLANT route to HIXON? Are you kidding me? Is that some kind of joke when a 3rd stringer who did nothing all game burns your corner on a weak slant for the 2 point convert?

Point being if you are not going to D up and stop them or be aggressive, then why kick the single making it a 8 point game, when you have to know your own personnel. You have Kevin Gamble who is very bad and has horrific ball skills. PANTHERS are not good at stopping any short passes. You have to know the advantage is GIANTS on the 2 point convert. That was the easiest convert I have seen all year. I mean HIXON ran a slant and was wide open on the DB--

Going for 2 if succesfful up 9 likely win the game and have home field-

IF you miss the 2, game is tied and you lose in OT because FOX is more concerned about running the clock out than putting teams away-

Tell me if I am right? I think going for 2 has to be done at that point.

When you have a free shot to put away the CHAMPS and take home field advantage away, you take it, what happened is really simple, Carolina had the game but did not grab it, so COUGHLIN said okay Screw u FOX and just snatched it from FOX and said we are winning FOX because YOU ARE ALLOWING US TO WIN.

It is that simple allow a team to win, and they will win it--

Anyone agree that FOX should have went for 2 making it a 9 point game?
Also is it me or was John Fox pretty dumb to not move the ball closer for that last second field goal. He moves the ball to the 33 and his brain turns off I think--

I mean buddy throw a pass to Steve SMITH on a isolation route to make the fgoal easier. Instead he is stubborn and once he reaches the 33 his rule is take no chances take the shot at the 50 yarder in swirling winds.

This is why Carolina futures are useless and pathetic bets, because FOX wont allow them to win consecutive games in playoffs because he wont take the wins and is too conservative and sets games up to win or lose on last second fgoals.

I thank FOX tonight as I was convinced that Fox and Delhomme is not much better than REID and MCNABB- they just find ways to lose on the road--

I think Giants will control the NFC, and thier biggest competition may be Dallas or perhaps ATLANTA- Carolina wont pose much threat due to FOX and also their piss pass defense.
Speaking of COACHES- They just added another bowl game next week--

The Dallas Philly game is a new bowl game-

The Cierra Wireless CLUELESS Bowl -- stands for wade phillips vs REID--

watching that should kill some brain cells and many walls will have dents in them from remotes being thrown at walls
Depends on the percent that the coach feels his team can convert on the 2-pt try and what percent he thinks the opponent can convert the 2-pt try.

In this case , i think he was right in that i believe both teams rate to convert it less than 50% of the time against their defensive opponents. So in that scenario you are better off letting them fail vs letting yourself fail.

There is also the issue of job security that is always in the back of coaches minds. They HATE to get second guessed , as you know sammy. So they will usually do the safe thing that no one will question them about after the game.

I would have kicked but if you feel your offense has a high enough success rate in relation to you ropponents defense and in relation to your opponents offense vs your defense if they score , then it would be right to go for it.
That is true Kyle, the problem was that they basically stood there and watched as MANNING had time to take a nap, wake up and throw that slant to HIXON---

Passes are complete on converts, but a weak slant? Come on that is weak, no scramble, nothing, no pressure--

I think the mindset has to be they should never score the TD on us, because if they score the Td, you have to figure they will get the 2 points on you. WIth that in mind you win the game with your offense giong for 2-

Only fools wait-- FOX however seems to believe that Chris gamble is a good corner?
News to me the HOOK pattern is wide open vs Carolina always, you run and stop and Carolina backs off, Matt RYAN trashed Carolina throwing hooks to roddy white-
because if they score the Td, you have to figure they will get the 2 points on you.

it is not easy scoring two tds in back to back plays... that's what you need to be able to do when you score a td and then are asked to score again in 2 pt conversion fashion.

with that said, why would Fox risk going for two and screwing up and then giving the Giants an EASY tie with an extra point after a td... it would be wiser to make em' earn the tie with a two point conversion.
Blitz because you have your Offense on the field, you go for the win right there to be up 9-

If you get scored on anyways that is a bad sign, so then the team is deflated after they score the Td and just let them walk in for the convert--

Playing like that is playing to LOSE- FOX LOST did he not?

If he went for the 2 and gets it, game over right there-- Up 9 --

When teh giants score the Td its over right there, so the 2 is irrelevant- I mean if Giants attempted that 2 point convert 1000 times I say they get it 999 out of 1000 with the way Carolina played that-

Carolina are losers, good teams win in that spot, but a good coach would go for 2 right there, it sends a message to the team that they want to win--
Blitz because you have your Offense on the field, you go for the win right there to be up 9-

how can you attempt to "go for the win" when you're already up and winning?

I mean if Giants attempted that 2 point convert 1000 times I say they get it 999 out of 1000 with the way Carolina played that-

you do know you are saying the Giants can score a td 999 times out of 1000 in that situation, right?
Blitz i am talking about the convert-- WHen you let the Giants score the Td to make it within 2 its over, phsycologically they say fuck we had them and now they are going to tie it and beat us IN OT-

Everyone knew that? If I was so sure and I was taking Giants left right and centre on LIVE BETTING- I was 100% positive if Giants score a Td, the convert was automatic-

Consider this look at OT, after the ward run, you would think Carolina plays TOUGH D and forces GIANTS for the game winning fgoal? NO they dont they just let ward score on the long run from the 25--

It is what it is, if they win the game they would have won by 8--

THe 8 point lead is bad beacuse they play D and say okay we can let them score, cause they need the 2 pointer--

IF they were up 7 they would have played better and tighter--

BUt if they were up 9 the game would have been over.
absolutely disagree; you force the other team to be successful in 2 aspects get the TD and get the 2 point conversion; how many times have we seen teams do the first and not the second; SECONDLY if you are successful you also change the way the Giants function (need to score quickly because they need 2 scores); by kicking the extra point they dont know what to do
tell me if am right or wrong?

You are wrong.

THe 8 point lead is bad beacuse they play D and say okay we can let them score, cause they need the 2 pointer--

IF they were up 7 they would have played better and tighter--

And this faulty logic is why you are wrong.
I agree. When a team is up 7, about to kick an XP to go up 8 I ALWAYS wonder why they just don't go for 2...

It's poor coaching in some cases, especially last night...
makes no sense anytime, let alone on the road with home field on the line...

why would you potentially give away a free point if you failed and didnt need to?

whats harder... 2 pt, or EPA... easy call
I agree. When a team is up 7, about to kick an XP to go up 8 I ALWAYS wonder why they just don't go for 2...

It's poor coaching in some cases, especially last night...

Cap you are thinking outside the box which is good--

I think a factor is that if the Giants were in that spot you can kick the extra point but Carolina was the UNDERDOG and when you are the UNDERDOG you cannot expect to play things all conservative and win--

Look at FOX he basically handed HOME FIELD to COUGHLIN- I think at the 4 minute they should have stopped the game, everyone gathered at midfield- They should have had a special CEREMONY where FOX hands the HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE trophy to COUGHLIN-

That is what FOX did, he played it conservative, anyone can disagree, but when you want to beat the CHAMP you willl never do it playing conservative, you have to out think them and outsmart them--

The most dangerous enemy is an UNPREDICTABLE enemy, of course GIANTS won, I knew they would win and hammered them on LIVE betting. They knew every single play FOX called, I called 11 plays in a row from the Carolina offense correct. FOX is a scared coach, and is a D coordinator- Take away SMITH from tihs team and they win 6 games-

When you are the DOG you better not expect to win like FOX won. DId he honestly expect to hold a 8 point lead and give the defending champs 3 possessions within the last 12 and expect to stop them every single time?

Yeah He did, he is FOX and he has the rule that once up a TD in the 2nd half, ball does not go in the air unless its 3rd down.:36_11_6:
You play to win the game: That is 100% right--

Also remember its a FREE chance, becaues if you miss you are still up 7 points--

Even if they score on you late, you have the ball with last shot to win the game---

Good teams would say yeah we will score late anyway. Fox's team drove down, but once FOX sees the 35 yard line of the opponent I believe he has a rule no more passing, all runs and he says ok kicker you should be able to hit a chip shot 51 yarder into swirling winds right?
FOX is such a joke, all he needed was to call one pass play, something safe to make it a 43 yarder and they would win the game-

He gets allergic to making things easy though--- and ensures that his kicker will have to kick a tough field goal to win the game.