Pittsburgh 76, Syracuse 61


Pretty much a regular
Good thing clowncar threw in the towel on the season.

Playing another Pitt game under with this kind of result may have did him in.
Perfect storm of a match up .. cuse gonna throw every down with pace against tight man coverage from corners who cannot cover while the orange don't even pretend to play defense.

Grats to the rules makers for ruining the sport of football.

You are going to continue to see football rating drop in the future .. it will hit nfl hardest ... nfl fans will trickle down to college but eventually just drop football altogether.

The sport is nearly unwatchable now. Have to wait for perfect match ups like mich/tosu, bama/lsu ... and after watching lsu the other night, I am not sure that can even be counted on anymore.

ah well .. college football had a good run ...now it is a sport administered by vaginas, played by pussies, coached by dumb cunts and watched by those longing for the good old days or millennial snowflakes who have been so emasculated they are dropping sports for interior decorating.
MTSU 77 FAU 56

It is a game ... but that game is not football. At the end of regulation in yesterdays MTSU basketball game, they had 61 pts and their opponent had 61 pts. Yup, that is right ... the regulation football game had more pts than their regulation basketball game.

Navy 75 SMU 31

it is the Option. What does that tell you? They have been running this offense for how long? It tells you that these vaginas playing defense don't even bother trying anymore. Their heart has been taken away from them. They are not football warriors anymore.... they are just low IQ social justice warriors.

new mexico 56 wyoming 35

See above.

Sport is an Amy Schumer joke.
colo st's offense has went from total shit to just flat out dominating all in one season. crazy.
It's amazing to think in that first game CSU could only throw a 7 yard pass 5 yards. They are an extreme example of how different teams can become over just 3 months.
Don't forget SDSU giving up 63. Amazing. But can't we make money off this betting Overs??

Can we? I don't have the season numbers in front of me but I am not sure that is the case. It could be but I don't have the up to date season numbers on overs vs unders cashing.
VK -Thought of your lot yesterday whenever the Pitt/Syracuse , Miss St/Ole Miss , or Navy scores flashed across the screen. Of course, I was watching none of them. I was watching Illini/NW on little screen and UM/tOSU on big screen followed by Minn/Wisky and USA/Idaho.
Hey, if you are really all done, my best wishes and a big thank you for all the knowledge you have imparted. Hope you drop in once in a while
new mexico 56 wyoming 35

See above.

Davie's halftime interview was hilarious. Basically, he said that in the past Wyo had used a scheme (which he described) that was successful in stopping his option offense, and this year they decided to use a scheme (which he also described) that made it easy for them to rack up 428 (or was it 448?) rushing yards in the 1H.
Change how you bet. Adapt. Sport has evolved. Gl.

I am not sure what you mean. If one is not creating a proper line or total then they obviously need to address that or stop betting the games until they solve it. Agree there.

But there really isn't anything to adapt to from a betting perspective other than perhaps not value betting as much. The volatility makes the value of a half point a little bit less than in prior years. The higher the lined total, the less value each half pt in the lined spread is worth. In any event for those of us that create our own line and number ... unless there is an error to how you are approaching it there isn't much to adapt to other than maybe increasing variance needed to invest, since the value of each half pt has decreased.
I want to remind everyone that one coach was running the HUNH all the way back in '99. 1899. It was John Heisman. But a lot of games are a joke, and it's gotten to the point that when I see a 61-46 score at the bottom of the screen, I assume it's a football score until I realize that Georgia Tech and Oregon St (or whoever) are playing their instate rivals this week. Only then does it occur to me that it is a basketball score.

Some of the rules need to change to give the defense a chance, but we've been through this before.
I am not sure what you mean. If one is not creating a proper line or total then they obviously need to address that or stop betting the games until they solve it. Agree there.

But there really isn't anything to adapt to from a betting perspective other than perhaps not value betting as much. The volatility makes the value of a half point a little bit less than in prior years. The higher the lined total, the less value each half pt in the lined spread is worth. In any event for those of us that create our own line and number ... unless there is an error to how you are approaching it there isn't much to adapt to other than maybe increasing variance needed to invest, since the value of each half pt has decreased.

We are just two different kinds of bettors vk. Moot point in debating.