Pitchers Hitting Batters and What To Do


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Pitchers have control over the ball 99.9999% of the time. They know where it is going. I personally like when pitchers tag guys. Whether it be for watching a HR too long, or some old game that was 17-2 retaliation or a welcome to the big league shot.

Every time it happens though, the commentators say baseball needs to so something about this.

Let us look at the Dodgers game tonight and the Rays/Sox game last night.

Does anyone have a problem with this? I think it is great and adds contact to a non contact sport.

The main question/controversy is the head shots obviously

What say you?
when someone dies from a ball to their dome/grill it will change, would hate to be that guy

i know its never happened in the majors, but thats what it will take. like the 1st base coach who died and now they wear helmets. hell, they have even discussed pitchers wearing helmets more and more with the happ issue and mccarthy. mccarthy is now having seizures out to dinner from his line drive.

but i still support kids not wearing helmets on bikes, i never wore one, and now all of these kids wear them, there is a law, and even the dorky parents ride around with the kids at 1mph with them on. that drives me crazy.
No problem at all with pitchers throwing at guys but when they buzz a guys head it's crossing the line. Even more of a line has to be throwing at the opposing pitchers head. I'm not sure I've ever seen that happen before tonight, there has to be some sort of unwritten rule about that kinda thing. Kennedy nearly took Puigs nose off and then followed that up by hitting Grienke right in the back of the head.

Agreed, someday someone is going to die from one of those fastballs.
more chance someone dies from these shattered maple bats than a fastball inside
when someone dies from a ball to their dome/grill it will change, would hate to be that guy

i know its never happened in the majors, but thats what it will take. like the 1st base coach who died and now they wear helmets. hell, they have even discussed pitchers wearing helmets more and more with the happ issue and mccarthy. mccarthy is now having seizures out to dinner from his line drive.

but i still support kids not wearing helmets on bikes, i never wore one, and now all of these kids wear them, there is a law, and even the dorky parents ride around with the kids at 1mph with them on. that drives me crazy.

Look up Ray Chapman
to think pitchers have control of 99.999% of where they are going to throw is a bit ridiculous...if this were true then we would never walk anyone or miss up and give up bombs...when throwing at someone you have to remember that isnt something that these guys go out and practice, its a once in awhile thing where half the time they are ordered to hit someone...did he throw at Grienke last night on purpose, I would say so...if so it was an extremely selfish thing for him to do in a tight game with a divisional rival...it would be hard to argue before that instant the D'backs were in the drivers seat in this game and he awoke a sleeping dog in the Dodgers...again all Kennedy showed me was his baseball IQ is much lower than I though it was...there is a time and a place to retaliate, protect, or just say fuck em I dont like em and hit someone but this wasn't the time...I agreed with throwing at Puig but not at his head...Most guys with a background in making a living in baseball agree with not throwing at someone's head but the world makes ditch diggers too and not everyone agree's with the unwritten rules...Puig had it coming becuase he is hitting everything but the fuckin kitchen sink, sometimes the best way to get a guy that is swinging it like him out of his current rythm (especially a young rookie) is to drill his ass...I'm interested to see how he responds tonight, it will tell us a good deal about how far this kid can really go.
Look up Ray Chapman

never heard of it, though not surprised. still think it will have to happen in these times with more media crazed world we live in the way society is today, only way you will see a change. then again, sometimes it truly is a mistake and just part of the game. i think throwing a hard round object at anyone near 100 mph at defenseless person not knowing its for sure coming is an act of a coward. love the brawls and all and i get why its done to a point, but its childish at best and almost criminal.
to think pitchers have control of 99.999% of where they are going to throw is a bit ridiculous...if this were true then we would never walk anyone or miss up and give up bombs...when throwing at someone you have to remember that isnt something that these guys go out and practice, its a once in awhile thing where half the time they are ordered to hit someone...did he throw at Grienke last night on purpose, I would say so...if so it was an extremely selfish thing for him to do in a tight game with a divisional rival...it would be hard to argue before that instant the D'backs were in the drivers seat in this game and he awoke a sleeping dog in the Dodgers...again all Kennedy showed me was his baseball IQ is much lower than I though it was...there is a time and a place to retaliate, protect, or just say fuck em I dont like em and hit someone but this wasn't the time...I agreed with throwing at Puig but not at his head...Most guys with a background in making a living in baseball agree with not throwing at someone's head but the world makes ditch diggers too and not everyone agree's with the unwritten rules...Puig had it coming becuase he is hitting everything but the fuckin kitchen sink, sometimes the best way to get a guy that is swinging it like him out of his current rythm (especially a young rookie) is to drill his ass...I'm interested to see how he responds tonight, it will tell us a good deal about how far this kid can really go.

99.9999 is a strech, but for the most part pitchers can put it anywhere....especially when the nip someone
The person that deserves respect from last nights game is Greinke. He got retribution for Puig on Montero by putting one right between the numbers on his back (where a pitcher should always hit a batter if its on purpose). Then he took Kennedy's shot like a man and was just going to wear it. If I'm the commissioner I don't even suspend Greinke but I still think he will get a light suspension.
If these players had to go at it one on one NHL style I don't think they'd be beaning each other as much.
Protecting your teammates is required. Throwing at head is dead wrong/dangerous...just throw a slider at the waist. Fights/tempers happen and as long as you have 'cool heads' on each team ( they both did) it works itself out. Cant sissyfie the whole damn world as hard as everyone tries to.

Its like Clemenza said in The Godfather when Michael was preparing to kill Sollozzo and Captain McCluskey and Clemenza knew a war was coming:

"These things gotta happen every five years or so, helps to get rid of the bad blood....."