Pitch Clock

Pitch Clock is GREAT.

But, let's add 5 seconds or so.

This is a wicked pace.

I'd say 20 seconds innings 1-7 and 25 in the 8th and 9th.
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Owners won't be happy with the residuals though when beer and all other concessions are cut off 20-30 sooner than normal. That will add up.
They couldn’t fuck this sport up any more if they tried.

This is an abomination.
Gotta be a middle ground

3.5-4 hour games were out of control.

The batters are half the problem as well.

I like it, with tweaks. This is definitely a bit too fast imo.
Let me get this straight…you’ve created a rule that will drive away some of your highly reduced fan base…

AND that won’t draw more people to the sport.

Because who if they didn’t love baseball before is thinking to themselves…wow, this pace of play has made me want to tune in.

Baseball is like a ballet…you either appreciate it or you don’t. Manfred is a terrorist to this once amazing sport.
Let me get this straight…you’ve created a rule that will drive away some of your highly reduced fan base…

AND that won’t draw more people to the sport.

Because who if they didn’t love baseball before is thinking to themselves…wow, this pace of play has made me want to tune in.

Baseball is like a ballet…you either appreciate it or you don’t. Manfred is a terrorist to this once amazing sport.
So many elements though to why people don't watch baseball...

I could write a novel.

I won't.

We know one of the big ones (besides the long ass games).

Marketing. Marketing. Marketing.

Back to pitch clock. SOMETHING had to be done. Batters are as bad, if not worse than the pitchers.

This definitely needs tweaking. I don't think this will be bad, IF, they get to a nice middle ground at some point.
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So many elements though to why people don't watch baseball...

I could write a novel.

I won't.

We know one of the big ones (besides the long ass games).

Marketing. Marketing. Marketing.

Back to pitch clock. SOMETHING had to be done. Batters are as bad, if not worse than the pitchers.

This definitely needs tweaking. I don't think this will be bad, IF, they get to a nice middle ground at some point.
Yeah it's gotten ridiculous with all the head games these guys try to play, running clocks are typically a good thing. Granted I'm a soccer fan.

Can sometimes go over a minute between pitches in the same at bat with all the bullshit. I love the sport but am always open to changing it for the better (unlike most rule changes and I'll never be on board with robot umps calling balls and strikes)
Yeah it's gotten ridiculous with all the head games these guys try to play, running clocks are typically a good thing. Granted I'm a soccer fan.

Can sometimes go over a minute between pitches in the same at bat with all the bullshit. I love the sport but am always open to changing it for the better (unlike most rule changes and I'll never be on board with robot umps calling balls and strikes)
Agree on robot umps
Agree on robot umps

There’s really no need for robot umps. By and large, MLB has the best officiating in the major sports. The dudes behind the plate get it right way, way, way more often than they get it wrong. The measures they’ve taken with grading them and helping them understand the strike zone seems to have paid off immensely.

As far as the pitch clock (and batter clock) there were actually a few good proposals in the comments on the original tweet you posted. The one I liked best was to have a “time pool” for each team where seconds would be deducted as the game went on for infractions as opposed to a strike or ball being called. Once that time pool has been drained, any further infractions would be a ball or a strike depending on the perpetrator.

Also, someone brought up a good point that it took just as long, if not longer, for the ump to call the strike for the time violation as opposed to if Manny just got another couple of seconds…and if the goal is to reduce the time, that isn’t helping at all.
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Let me get this straight…you’ve created a rule that will drive away some of your highly reduced fan base…

AND that won’t draw more people to the sport.

Because who if they didn’t love baseball before is thinking to themselves…wow, this pace of play has made me want to tune in.

Baseball is like a ballet…you either appreciate it or you don’t. Manfred is a terrorist to this once amazing sport.
This to me is it. You’re not gonna get any new fans. It’s dumb.
This to me is it. You’re not gonna get any new fans. It’s dumb.
There's another side to it though

They're losing long time fans for various reasons, the clock is a positive step. Might not be perfect yet but it's at least a solid concept that can be tweaked. Standing pat is never good regardless the business. Eliminating the shift is the dumbest of a bunch of dumb moves they've done lately, close 2nd is the ghost runner in extras.

Shortening the game helps in several ways, to me I see it most when people have to leave by the 7th inning so that the kids can go to sleep on a Tuesday night. School here starts around August 1st and most of April/May are school months too.

That example above though, the KState/LSU thing to end the game, that's a problem that to me says 20/8 pitcher to batter ratio isn't quite right but it's not too far off imo.
There's another side to it though

They're losing long time fans for various reasons, the clock is a positive step. Might not be perfect yet but it's at least a solid concept that can be tweaked. Standing pat is never good regardless the business. Eliminating the shift is the dumbest of a bunch of dumb moves they've done lately, close 2nd is the ghost runner in extras.

Shortening the game helps in several ways, to me I see it most when people have to leave by the 7th inning so that the kids can go to sleep on a Tuesday night. School here starts around August 1st and most of April/May are school months too.

That example above though, the KState/LSU thing to end the game, that's a problem that to me says 20/8 pitcher to batter ratio isn't quite right but it's not too far off imo.
The shift rule is ridiculous.

Learn how to hit!!

Cannot believe they kept the extra innings runner. Ridic.

As far as games. I cannot remember which playoff game it was, but the score was 2-1 in like the 8th and we were well past 3 hours.


That's the issue.
I'm not asking for a Greg Maddux less than 90 mins game.

We need a good middle ground.

I've probably told her his before, but cracks me up... 2010 we had a party bus down to Comerica for Tigers and White Sox. Game gets rained out. They let us use the bus for 6 hours anyways (this was a rowdy night). They also let us keep it plus the suite we had ordered for the makeup game 3 months later. The make-up game was at 1pm on a Tuesday. This fricking game ended at 2:50. I'm not joking. Of course you have a certain amount of time to get out of the suite after. It's not long. I had ordered a handle of Citron thinking we had all sorts of time. Fair enough, we piled through some poorly made lemon drops very quickly at the end (3 of us).
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Wasn't their a pitcher for the Tigers who was called the bird or something like that? His games didn't last long despite his weirdness.
I'm not asking for a Greg Maddux less than 90 mins game.

We need a good middle ground.

I've probably told her his before, but cracks me up... 2010 we had a party bus down to Comerica for Tigers and White Sox. Game gets rained out. They let us use the bus for 6 hours anyways (this was a rowdy night). They also let us keep it plus the suite we had ordered for the makeup game 3 months later. The make-up game was at 1pm on a Tuesday. This fricking game ended at 2:50. I'm not joking. Of course you have a certain amount of time to get out of the suite after. It's not long. I had ordered a handle of Citron thinking we had all sorts of time. Fair enough, we piled through some poorly made lemon drops very quickly at the end (3 of us).
Bus for 6 hours would be insane...poles and disco balls?

Works both ways which you saw...buddy did a rooftop at Wrigley for an 11am game, all you can drink with the tickets. On a Friday, rained all day, first pitch finally at 8pm lol

Went to StL once and they actually sell beer til the end of the 7th (old Busch Stadium, not sure if they still do) and Cards put up at least a 10 spot in the bottom of the 7th. Of course we're double fisting starting in the 6th to make sure we have enough to get to the end of the game,..it turned into an unnecessary night at the River Queen or whatever it was called and a lot of lost money. Bet we did at least 4 double fist trips each in the 7th.
Can't remember the name but there was a Cubs pitcher who would eat black licorice between every inning then brush his teeth in the dugout fountain before going back out. The superstitions are so bizarre
The shift rule is ridiculous.

Learn how to hit!!

Cannot believe they kept the extra innings runner. Ridic.

As far as games. I cannot remember which playoff game it was, but the score was 2-1 in like the 8th and we were well past 3 hours.


That's the issue.

Was this game before the 3 batter rule for relievers? Also, the score isn’t necessarily indicative of the game itself…meaning 2-1 could have seen each team leave double digit guys on base during the first 7 innings, which would take a lot of time.
Bus for 6 hours would be insane...poles and disco balls?

Works both ways which you saw...buddy did a rooftop at Wrigley for an 11am game, all you can drink with the tickets. On a Friday, rained all day, first pitch finally at 8pm lol

Went to StL once and they actually sell beer til the end of the 7th (old Busch Stadium, not sure if they still do) and Cards put up at least a 10 spot in the bottom of the 7th. Of course we're double fisting starting in the 6th to make sure we have enough to get to the end of the game,..it turned into an unnecessary night at the River Queen or whatever it was called and a lot of lost money. Bet we did at least 4 double fist trips each in the 7th.
We still went to Detroit that night. Twas a fuzzy time. We just had to be back to our starting point by the end of the 6 hours.

There was a couple year span where we did multiple Tigers and Lions party busses (relatively cheap tbh). Good lord, the stories.
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Was this game before the 3 batter rule for relievers? Also, the score isn’t necessarily indicative of the game itself…meaning 2-1 could have seen each team leave double digit guys on base during the first 7 innings, which would take a lot of time.
Last season was the game.

I'll try and remember which one. I watched the whole thing. This wasn't a case of not moving runners in.
Last season was the game.

I'll try and remember which one. I watched the whole thing. This wasn't a case of not moving runners in.

Understood. Was just saying that the score doesn’t necessarily indicate how long a game should take…but 2-1 w/o a lot of men left on base should never take 3 hours plus.
Also, they aren’t shaving an hour off of games with these rules, not even 20-30 minutes most likely so it’s really just pointless. Shaving 10-15 minutes off of a game doesn’t seem as if it’s important enough to make these wild rule changes.

And again, it takes the umpire just as much, if not more time to call the violations than it would have if the batter took 2-3 more seconds.
Last season was the game.

I'll try and remember which one. I watched the whole thing. This wasn't a case of not moving runners in.

Was it the Dodgers/Padres game by chance? That was 2-1 and took 3:44 to play.

LA left 7 men on base, SD left 10 on base. The pitch counts were 156 for LA with 88 strikes and 147 for SD also with 88 strikes. That’s A LOT of pitches, and apparently an awful lot of balls.
Understood. Was just saying that the score doesn’t necessarily indicate how long a game should take…but 2-1 w/o a lot of men left on base should never take 3 hours plus.

I was lamenting that during the game.
Was it the Dodgers/Padres game by chance? That was 2-1 and took 3:44 to play.

LA left 7 men on base, SD left 10 on base. The pitch counts were 156 for LA with 88 strikes and 147 for SD also with 88 strikes. That’s A LOT of pitches, and apparently an awful lot of balls.

Again, it wasn't one with a bunch of runners stranded etc.

I'll try and look later.

I was lamenting that during the game.

But now having found the box score, if that’s the game, it took that long due to lots of pitches, a decent amount of guys left on base, and a whole bunch of pitching changes. It was also a playoff game so commercials were probably off the charts as well.

Again, it wasn't one with a bunch of runners stranded etc.

I'll try and look later.

The only other game I see that it may be was a 2-0 game between Cards and Phillies. It took 3:16.

Or maybe Astros/Phillies in the World Series that finished 3-2 and took 3:57 minutes?

No other games were that low scoring (close to 2-1) taking over 3 hours

Was just coming to post this and then had a thought about it after reading article about the game. They have 15 seconds with nobody on and 20 seconds with a runner on to make a pitch…what exactly is the point of the “batter clock” then? Who cares if the guy is in the box or not, the pitcher can just throw the pitch and whatever happens, happens. You penalize the batter by allowing the pitcher to simply make a pitch when he may not be ready (that’s on the batter) utilizing the pitch clock. It seems a bit overkill and senseless to have a clock on the batter as well…only need one on the pitcher and let it play out.
Ok I'm old but thinking of Randy Jones with the Pads back in the day. Won a Cy Young I think. Sinkerball. Get the ball back from catcher and he was ready to throw again. Pads weren't worth a penny when he played so usually low scoring. Remember going to his games and them being over in under 2 hours. Amazing compared to today.
The games are faster paced at while the players are adjusting to it, it's taking some of the enjoyment away from watching the games.
Queue the morons: I WANT MY GAMES 4 hours with as many in between pitch delays of nothingness as possible!!!!
Was watching Mariners Dodgers last night, and saw a situation where the pitcher got into his wind up, prior to the batter being in the "ready to hit" position. The ump awarded a ball. Might be interesting to see if batters try and create a game within the game and fake out pitchers being ready, and leaving it to the discretion of the ump to call what he sees.

Overall, I can't see how anyone in their right mind would be upset with the pitch clock, and even more- the full on crack down of the idiocy the batters would go through in between each pitch. The game is far more enjoyable under these conditions, at this pace. Good riddance.