Pistons question

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
So it's been almost 18 hours since the Pistons were eliminated from the playoffs and though I'm no Pistons fan I have to wonder, exactly why hasn't Flip Saunders been fired yet?

First of all, if I was Joe D. (as opposed to Joe P.), I'd have fired Saunders immediately after Game Five. I'm not kidding. I would have fired him and coached the rest of the series myself, you couldn't have done any worse and you would have sent the message that giving up easy layups to the only guy on the floor who can score is not now, and has never been, the Pistons' way.

But, you know, some people are more forgiving of ineptitude than your friend Joe. I can only assume it's the very reason why the president is still in office.

Still, the series is now over, the Pistons were not only outplayed, but out-coached by the Cavs. And the Cavs could possibly have the worst coaching in all of the NBA.

So how long do you wait before you fire Flip?
I'll throw in another question. If you were someone that thought Mike Brown should have been fired after this season, even after all of this, do you still think he should be fired?

If you thought he was a good coach before, obviously this isn't gonna sway you, so that's fine. But, if you were one of the ones like me that thinks he's poison, do you still think he should be fired, realistically? Meaning, would it be worth starting over again, and worth alienating fans that obviously support him at this point?

Ponder that one for a sec. I say no, I've changed my mind. Keep him on, and just let Lebron coach the damn offense and let Mike Brown think he's coaching the defense. Hard to do any better really, not a deep coaching pool these days.
You know, it's weird, my knee-jerk reaction is that the guy is such an awful coach that of course I'd fire him.

However, with superstars one of the big things about getting them to thrive is getting them a coach they can coexist with. And seeing as how the only thing that separates Mike Brown from a LeBron fan in the second row is that he doesn't wear a replica jersey to the game and he has better seats, it may be worth keeping him simply not to rock the boat.

Additionaly, they're not a very talented team. So while they aren't coached well, if they were to bring in some more talent, as you said, maybe all the guy really needs to do is unlock the gym.

However, I still think that the Cavs could have run a 'Coach a Cavs playoff game' contest, whereby seven lucky fans were selected, at random, to each coach one game of the Cavs/Pistons series and that the end result would have been no different.
As far as coaching in game 5, I only criticize Flip for not doubling on Lebron on the final possession. But, we don't know for certain if that was Flip's call or the team's call. Some coaches give their players freedom (especially the experienced players). I know D'Antoni in PHX trusts his players to make certain defensive moves. The rotations and doubles are often determined by the players in his system. I don't know if this was Flip's call or not. Either way, it was the wrong move.
FLip has notoriously been a bad playoff coach, he is an offensive-minded coach first and defense has always played 2nd fiddle. There is no excuse for way the Pistons played defense in the 4th and OT periods in game 5.

The other questions that now need to be answered for this pistons team is what happens to Big shot Billups? Rasheed is nearing the end of his career and him being constantly T'd up is getting old, what do they do with him?

My guess is they will split up the core and try building around Tay and Rip, Webber will be gone (as a sixer fan I am so glad that pos did not get a chance at a ring) and they will try adding a FA or two.

Wonder if Dumars wishes he had taken someone different then Darko in the 2003 draft.
Wonder if Dumars wishes he had taken someone different then Darko in the 2003 draft.

The problem with the pistons is they got so damn cocky. And not just the players - the whole organization. Dumars to this day says they didnt need Wade or Carmelo or Bosh. Oh really? Thats like saying you dont need a free Porsche because you have a nice Civic...

The coach was cocky (or just plain stupid) in not constantly double teaming Lebron. How the hell do you let one person score 30 straight points at the end of a game and 2 OTs? When you get outcoached by the idiot on the Cleveland sideline, you know youve got problems.

And the players got cocky. They had this sense of entitlement where they thought they could just turn it on whenever the hell they wanted to. Guess they were wrong there. In all honesty, they shoulda been swept 6-0 in this series.

'Big Shot' (and I use that term very loosely after these last 2 playoffs) Billups cost himself a shitload of money and probably has no other option but to return to the Pistons. Sheeds gone. And he was what made this Pistons team go. Without him circa de 2003 or 04 or whenever they won it (when he was hungry and gave a shit) this team does not have what it takes.

At this point they have a terrible coach, a GM thats living off of 3 good moves about 6 years ago, a 'clutch' point guard who cant make a 'clutch' shot anymore, a shooting guard who cant guard anyone and cant get his own shot if hes not running off 3 screens, a small forward whos a very good role player on a very good team but overmatched and overextended on a mediocre team, a huge hole in the middle and no power forward.

Detroits done.
At this point they have a terrible coach said:
Could not have said it better myself, the only point I tend to disagree with is Billups still can make that clutch shot. If I am coach/gm and need to send someone to the foul line to tie game up he is my choice. Dead on with the assessment of Detroit just thinking they can turn it on anytime they want, maybe a few years ago but not anymore. I think that starts from the top of the organization and trickles down, it will be an interesting offseason for the pistons.
The problem with the pistons is they got so damn cocky. And not just the players - the whole organization. Dumars to this day says they didnt need Wade or Carmelo or Bosh. Oh really? Thats like saying you dont need a free Porsche because you have a nice Civic...

The coach was cocky (or just plain stupid) in not constantly double teaming Lebron. How the hell do you let one person score 30 straight points at the end of a game and 2 OTs? When you get outcoached by the idiot on the Cleveland sideline, you know youve got problems.

And the players got cocky. They had this sense of entitlement where they thought they could just turn it on whenever the hell they wanted to. Guess they were wrong there. In all honesty, they shoulda been swept 6-0 in this series.

'Big Shot' (and I use that term very loosely after these last 2 playoffs) Billups cost himself a shitload of money and probably has no other option but to return to the Pistons. Sheeds gone. And he was what made this Pistons team go. Without him circa de 2003 or 04 or whenever they won it (when he was hungry and gave a shit) this team does not have what it takes.

At this point they have a terrible coach, a GM thats living off of 3 good moves about 6 years ago, a 'clutch' point guard who cant make a 'clutch' shot anymore, a shooting guard who cant guard anyone and cant get his own shot if hes not running off 3 screens, a small forward whos a very good role player on a very good team but overmatched and overextended on a mediocre team, a huge hole in the middle and no power forward.

Detroits done.
All true but then you have to remember that they play in the East. This whole team was a facade and fooled everyone into thinking they were good. In a weak ass conference they'll still be decent or at the top next year. I mean seriously, Cleveland would have been out in the 1st round in the West if they even made the playoffs at all. Hell, the Rockets could have made the Finals out of the East.
Hell, the Rockets could have made the Finals out of the East.

It's so funny you say this, because just yesterday I was saying to someone how much I wish the Nuggets could have drawn a team like Cleveland in the first round instead of the Spurs.
Hell, the Rockets could have made the Finals out of the East.

It's so funny you say this, because just yesterday I was saying to someone how much I wish the Nuggets could have drawn a team like Cleveland in the first round instead of the Spurs.
Yeah, same goes, the Nuggs would have made a deep run too if they were in the East.
Throw the Clippers Nuggets Lakers and GS in the East and anyone of them would win the conference. The East is a joke and it looks like it will be staying that way for at least a few more years.
even as bad as the east is, id take a few teams cores over the pistons assuming sheed is gone and billups continues his downward trend (he totally peaked in 04-05)

bulls, wizards, raptors and cavs are all only gonna get better

and then the magic, heat and sixers (yeah i said it) are all debateably in better position than the pistons over the long haul

pistons have serious issues right now
I may be in the minority, but I think Sheed stays.

Though, if he were to go, how about to Toronto? That might make some things interesting.
theyre sayin the knicks

He'll work well in the Apple. I'll welcome him with open arms. Sure, he's a headcase, but it's not like the Knicks don't have a history with that. And he's an effort guy, that's what the team always needs.

Sheed and Nate on the same team. Talk about a powder keg waiting to go off.
Players support of Flip has been very mild since the exit. I know the main focus is to resign Chauncey and there are rumors of Marion or Randolph coming around. I honestly don't know what will happen to Sheed. I personally love Sheed and hope he stays but he has to chill and he seems to never learn. I know he is passionate but goddman does he need a T every time he is passionate?
I think he actually earns perhaps 60% of the Ts he gets...

even Timmy got chucked this year. Sometimes the zebras just pick a big cat to hate...

What Sheed needs to learn is that he can't react the way he did at the end of game 6. Ever. it's not fair, but it's what he needs to do because of the perception that the refs have of him.
