

Pretty much a regular
Races won from starting pos 1: 5 [of 41]
Races won from starting pos 2: 3
Races won from starting pos 3: 6
Races won from starting pos 4: 1
Races won from starting pos 6: 2
Races won from starting pos 7: 1
Races won from starting pos 9: 2
Races won from starting pos 10: 1
Races won from starting pos 11: 2
Races won from starting pos 12: 1
Races won from starting pos 13: 4
Races won from starting pos 14: 2
Races won from starting pos 15: 3
Races won from starting pos 17: 1
Races won from starting pos 18: 1
Races won from starting pos 19: 2
Races won from starting pos 20: 1
Races won from starting pos 21: 1
Races won from starting pos 28: 1
Races won from starting pos 29: 1
Races won from the top 5: 14 of 41
Races won from the top 10: 20 of 41
Been traveling this weekend and it probably cost me a W. I usually bet Newman. Didn't see any of the race, but read Newman stayed out late when Logano blew a tire. Oh well.
Also had Blaney yesterday for 5.
So lost a total of $111.8 this weekend.